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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Sounds like a browser issue rather than Evernote - have you tried the same operation in a different browser, or check Firefox for their tips on how to speed up the browser? Clearing browser caches and history and starting a new profile may help...
  2. Hi. Device, OS, Evernote version?
  3. Hi. They're notebooks, not folders. You can group them in Stacks or view all notes in all notebooks via the 'All Notes' view which lives up to the name. You've not given us a clue what actual device you're using so more specific suggestions aren't really possible... but see: Organize with notebooks
  4. I'm not (yet) using this myself, but CloudHQ seem to have done a lot of the setup work on this - https://www.cloudhq.net/synch_wizard - including the possibility of a Gmail > Evenote link...
  5. I can confirm that duplicate multiple notes is possible in Evernote Windows 6.21.1
  6. I wouldn't have thought that the developers would have immediately thought: "duplicate multiple notes - that's what we need to allow..." I can genuinely say that in (around) 12 years of using Evernote that's something I have NEVER done. Is there a specific reason you'd need to do this?
  7. Hi. Not sure what version of Evernote you were using, but I'm on the last public version before 10 and there has never been a way to organise an image on a page. Best I can do is either to use a table and put images and text in different cells, or attach a Word document or a PDF that does have some layout features. v10 has the widest range of options yet...
  8. Hi. If all else fails, put the shortcut into the Windows START folder (from a web search)
  9. Hi. Not... exactly? Create a 1x1 table change the table color. Enjoy. (Or not.) Otherwise - No.
  10. Hi. Contact Support (which is not us) - you won't 'lose' your account whatever happens, but you might lose access for a while. Your existing data will be perfectly safe until you resolve the password issue.
  11. Hi. There is not, and never has been, a way to choose (or 'fix') thumbnails. AFAIK the thumbnails file will update in due time, but it's not immediate. There is (as noted above) a long outstanding request to choose the image shown. There are work-arounds.
  12. Hi. Did you ever think that maybe you could be doing something wrong? Each device connects directly with Evernote's server to download a copy of the 'current' note, and to upload any changes when you finish working on it. If you don't allow enough time for changes to be sent to the server on one device, or for those changes to be downloaded by another, then you get duplicate notes. Either stick to one device or make sure your notes are downloaded / uploaded and you'll be fine...
  13. Check with Apple to make sure there was no problem with your payment method. Make sure you're using the correct user details to log in - you may have created a new 'free' account by mistake...
  14. Hi. Are you saying that sorting by name creates duplicates? Or just that (which seems more likely) you have a lot of notes that seem to be duplicates but with minor differences? Because I wouldn't be worried about sorting your notes, I'd be worried about getting rid of the duplicates. The thing is, they're not duplicates. Because of a bad connection, or maybe that you were editing the note on two devices quickly switching from one to the other, Evernote's server is aware that it has two slightly different notes, both apparently the latest versions of notes you were editing. The server is not qualified to decide which is correct, so it saves both so that you can make the decision. So you may have a lot of notes all containing slightly different contact details, dates, or document drafts - and if you look at that information twice, you might see two different versions. Better to find all the duplicates now, take an executive decision which one is the 'original', and delete the others. Then you can sort to your heart's content - and get more accurate data>
  15. If the OP agrees, I can move this discussion to the Feature Request forum so others can vote and contribute their views, and Evernote can maybe revisit making navigation in the left panel easier for those with more than a minimal number of searches / notebooks / tags?
  16. Speaking as someone with around 380 notebooks (and counting), I'm shocked; s-h-o-c-k-e-d I tell you, to hear that there is such a thing as 'too many' notebooks. The current limit is still 1,000 (I think), but while there may be practical limits less than that... if you like notebooks, I'd say Go For It! By also using Stacks, you can create your own index - just sort all notebooks beginning with 'A' into a stack "A" and do the same for the rest through to "Z". Or choose 'work' vs 'personal' or any other specific categories you might have in mind. (Stack contents being collapsible lists of notebooks.) My notebooks are simply named for the person, company or project that best describes what the content is about - "|Amazon" forinstance includes all of my distressingly frequent orders, receipts, and any related correspondence for that particular megacorp; the names then run down to "|ZonerPhotoStudio" to cover notes about the tips and tricks of working with that app. The perceptive amongst you will have noticed the "|" in front of the name - that's so I can move notes between notebooks by typing "|Am" to prompt Evernote into showing me the correct notebook (it takes surprisingly few letters) and avoids any confusion with the zillion times that the word 'amazon' appears in many more documents than refer to an actual transaction with them. Obviously it depends on your naming convention, your preferences and other concerns, but I'm sure there are ways around most frustrations with the long list of 'just' names. A little over-cynical there I think - anyway: if you don't ask...
  17. Hi. I doubt there are many developers on this user forum. We're unlikely to have any useful suggestions...
  18. Hi. Your notes should all be stored on Evernote's server, not your phone. To check, sign in via Evernote.com in a desktop browser. If your notes are present, go ahead and reinstall Evernote on the phone.
  19. If you're using the web version from a desktop device, try clicking on the tag in the left window or on the Tag page and use the delete key?
  20. When I load that page in Brave (Chrome) I get a special Evernote logo to download the PDF directly into Evernote and Clipper works fine. Maybe check whether there are updates available for Firefox, and use a different browser for clipping for the moment?
  21. Hi. Linux (AFAIK) is still in Beta, and all the other apps are 2 years out of Beta so I'd be interested to know where you got the link from and why you're using it?
  22. Nope, just another user; and since you're posting in a forum with 5 pages of requests and 282 votes I got the point that it's popular. Lessee - assuming there are another 10 forums out there with a similar number of requests, that would mean in total, roughly 2 in every 100 thousand current users has expressed an interest in it so far. It's also not the most requested feature by a long way. It's perfectly fine to make the request - I was just taking issue with the 'too basic not to have' comment. There is, to be fair some protection on mobiles against accidental change, and some third party apps like Filterize will 'lock' a note against change - but they have probably been mentioned here already.
  23. Hi. That link is no longer available and may not have been the correct one anyway - don't copy from the URL in your Browser.. use the 'Share' link from the note to grab the public URL. The big green button is an invitation and an option, not a command. If someone has an Evernote account, they could add your note to their account easily that way. Others might prefer to print it or to save it in another application. If you're dealing with a big audience it's probably a good idea to explain the options in advance. Another option for this might be a third party freemium called Postach.io which will convert an Evernote note into a blog post where you have more control over layout and design.
  24. Hi. Have you asked the person who shared them with you to unshare or delete them from their Evernote?
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