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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. It'll keep happening on your system until you give us enough information to try and work out why it happens. See my previous post for questions. Please also report the issue to Evernote Support (which is not us). These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  2. Also: if you can export the note or print it or view it via a desktop browser - do you see the correct content? It's always possible to create a new note and copy / clip the old version across.
  3. Evernote isn't going to randomly leap in and delete files - the access is only so you can add, edit or delete via Evernote, as well as directly. You're right though - it's a little more convenient to create and access files via the Evernote link, but -apart from a prettier link icon- you just get the normal access. As usual, no-one knows what (if anything) Evernote might do to enhance it further. It's not compulsory to use it, so if you don't see the need, don't bother.
  4. Hmmn. Then I'd suggest you reach out to Support because I've no more suggestions... If you're up for another reinstall, you could try using something like Appcleaner to completely remove Evernote and all its traces before a reinstall, but that really is all I got.
  5. This is a feature suggestion thread, not a request forum. Evernote take up those requests that they can fulfil - within budgets of time and cost - and which will benefit users to the extent of (in their view) generating more business. The existing process of choosing an image (I guess) is because Many users won't make a specific choice of image for every note, so they need an automatic assignment of one image from the note. Since many will be clips of web pages, it's possible that some images will be low-res icons which would not contribute to the purpose of a thumbnail. It's also possible that users will have included very large image files which would also not be useful if shrunk down too small - and which would very considerably bulk out the database if thumbnails are kept as separate files - as they'd have to be to keep the overhead of repeatedly shrinking the originals down (which would also slow things down!) So Evernote chose a process which avoids icons and large images but still selects the smallest (probably) significant image in the note. They haven't yet found a need to change that, and won't (usually) comment on why, when or whether they might do something differently. We'll just have to wait...
  6. What you asked is more or less what I did already, but here you go - A copied link gets me... another link Copied HTML gets me the full content of the HTML with the link part highlighted in blue as a link When I created plain text and Ctrl+K'd the link window open, then pasted the link, I got a text link. All as expected for me...
  7. Hi. If you can see these links in the app, have you tried restarting Evernote (ie: sign out / sign back in), restarting your system (power off / power on) and /or uninstalling / reinstalling the app?
  8. Actually, the code you're using is 2 years old, maximum. Your phone's operating system? Probably less than that. The fact you can almost use a phone as a desktop is a minor miracle. Have you reported this to Support?
  9. Unless you're very special, updates / upgrades are currently every few weeks. What's your experience?
  10. These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  11. Hi. Clipper is a browser add-in. What browser do you use, and what Clipper version do you have? Have you restarted your system / removed and re-started the add-in?
  12. Hi. You're reviving a years-old account. You need to contact Support to reset the password.
  13. You're responding to a several-months-old post which confirms that Support sorted out the issue, presumably to the satisfaction of the user. Complaints at this late stage would be both pointless and ridiculous.
  14. Hi. No reason that I know for PDFs not to be visible in Legacy unless some detail of how the files were added to the note in v10 means they're not readable to the older version. Can you save the attachments to your desktop and delete them from the v10 note, then open the note in Legacy at attach from there? Or create a new note in Legacy and attach the files again?
  15. Yup - as @Boot17 - you can only use a template on a new note. Existing notes are not 're-arranged' if you apply a template. And in this, as many other features, free users get the full range of options - just less headroom with note size and upload limits. An external service "Filterize" can process new or changed Evernote notes to add or edit titles / tags / notebook assignments and they do mention a templates option which might help - but you'd have to research how that works...
  16. Hi. Evernote don't usually pre-announce features because they may hit roadblocks or other priorities that prevent them launching on time. If you're already a subscriber, you won't see any difference in the PDF handling if you upgrade to Professional. All levels of membership get the same access, there are just differences in note size and upload limits. Legacy is still around in the short term, so you could continue to deal with PDFs via that route for a few months... more flexibility "should" be on the way as v10 continues to be upgraded, but there are no guarantees on when or whether that will be delivered.
  17. Hi. Please contact Support (which we're not) for help to reset your user details and change the email address.
  18. @HannahP - Sorry, I missed out the 'Evernote' in front of Free accounts. For information: Filterize did have a free level, though they have a new payment structure now so I'm not sure if it's still available. Filterize does (kinda) what it says in the name, in that it filters new or edited notes as they sync to your account. I have some emails forwarded directly to my Evernote account, as well as my own clips and copies and imported files. Filterize now sorts all of these for me into the correct notebook(s) and tags them appropriately. It also keeps some dashboard tables of contents updated with any new entries like my ToC's for tasks due 'today or earlier', 'next week' and 'future'. It's like having an assistant to help keep your notes up to date. It does lots, including setting a lock on notes if you require it.
  19. Still confused here - and I'm using v6.25, not v10. I tracked down the original web link here... And copy / pasted to a note... (via Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V from the browser page) - which got me exactly what it says in the address bar. Which I also Ctrl-K'd into my own link (you'll have to take my word as to the content) - and synced the final result. Also Simplified and Removed Formating in that note. Nothing changed. So it doesn't appear that v6.25 has changed...
  20. Just for the record, and in case anyone is in any doubt - Filterize is now continuing with new investors, so their note locking services are still (and will continue to be) available. Also for various specialised tasks like presenting @HannahP let's not forget that free accounts are freely (pun intended) available - work and personal details can be kept completely separate in different accounts, and it's even feasible that presentations could have their own completely separate account(s). Not a complete answer I know, but if you have a concern I'm sure there's more than one way to cover it.
  21. As PE said - no phone support; you might have problems matching with time zones for the chat option, but that seems like your best bet...
  22. Hi. What's your membership level now, and what are you being told to upgrade to?
  23. Hi. Evernote free is... free; I have no experience of the tablet you mention; why not just try them out?
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