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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. It seems like Evernote - being aimed at 'paperless' operations - doesn't have much (i.e. anything) in the way of page layout tools. Best option if you need printed output is the browser option as above, or use a word processor and attach the file to a note. Do your layout and pagination from there.
  2. Hi. You can disconnect devices from your browser. See Understanding the device limit for more...
  3. Hi. You haven't described what you are doing, so we can't tell you if its wrong... It might help if you mention what browser and device you're using.
  4. Hi. When you print from the web you're using the browser's print features, not Evernote. The missing spaces quirk may be something Evernote will (or has) fixed, but the chances are that you won't see an update to fix this locally anytime soon. The way to deal with this would be to use a word processing package that saves its output to PDF to avoid the need for any conversion. Make your notes in the package and attach the file to your note. Edit and/ or Print out for production, copy/ paste the content into a note to feed the find button.
  5. Hi. Most folks just add the extension and get on with things. You seem to have installed, reinstalled, tried other browsers and checked your virus protection and still run into problems. Going back to first principles, what exactly happens when you clip a web page? When you sync the app, do you see the clipped page as a note?
  6. ...As above - if you can work out what format plays on your mobile device, convert the attachment to that format and try again...
  7. Using Windows 11 here, plus Chrome and Clipper, and no problems that I can see...
  8. Hi. Unless you want to be buried in reminders and always clicking 'done', it would seem better to have one reminder for today with a list (by times) for tasks due in the morning at least - maybe all day. You could pin that note to your home page, and process through the list. Sadly Evernote doesn't (yet) have a repeating option - but again if you pinned your list for one day, it could still be there for the next... just re-set the reminder when you complete the current day's tasks. Since many users won't have your intensive schedule it's impossible for Evernote to give you an off the self solution. If you can't find an acceptable work-around, the only option would be to look for another app.
  9. It doesn't matter what version you have installed, your notes should still sync to the server, and then to your Mac. The older version just won't be able to show the new features. Check that your note are syncing to the server by signing in to Evernote.com via a browser. Is it possible that you have two separate accounts here? As to updating the Mac - what version of MacOS does it run? I would have thought that if your current version could update, it should already have done so. Edit: And please don't post the same query twice. I killed your other post.
  10. I voted this up on the basis that it would also be good to have this option for us peasants still using non-Apple devices...
  11. Yup. Evernote's help pages for Siri confirm that "The new Evernote for iOS does not support using Siri" which seems pretty dumb. It's possible they're working on an upgrade to offer that feature, but they don't usually share...😐 "
  12. I'm with @PinkElephant - several things have moved around in the new version, and if we have everything restored to where it used to be - that'll be the old version back again. Plus everyone whose muscle memory had adapted to the 'new' way to do things will have to adapt back. Again. Evernote used to have the option to click on the notebook name, or click the arrow just to the right of it - this doesn't seem like much of a departure, and I already got used to it. Sorry if this is an irritation for you, but you'll get used to it... eventually...
  13. When did this last work for you? If it was recently, I'd suggest re-installing the app: sign out of Evernote / uninstall app / power device off and on again / reinstall / retry. If that fails, reach out to Support - they may know things we users don't...
  14. I'd suggest anyone having problems with this contact Support - make them aware that you think there's an issue...
  15. Hi. You do have a notebook called "maritime essay", but what you have here are a collection of 6 notes within that notebook each containing the information that you have saved. Notebooks are containers for notes, and cannot contain anything else but notes. Notes are containers for text, images, clipped web pages etc. etc. You might do better to have a separate notebook for 'work in progress' or some such and another for 'research material' and to move the essay note to the WIP notebook so it has its own container. You would also do well to explore the icons to the right immediately above your notes, which control the sort order, and various different views of your collection of notes. Evernote has a slew of information on notes and notebooks here... Tips for organizing notes, notebooks, and tags ...which may be helpful.
  16. Evernote has been working fine for most people for 10 months since the last post here. What tests / work-arounds have you tried?
  17. I'd suggest you simply list your products by manufacturer, model, price, and efficiency in a spreadsheet, then sort the list by each of those headings so that you have four lists. Let your customers decide which element is most important to them and choose accordingly. You could insert those lists into Evernote so that they are sharable with others...
  18. Hi. Legacy is no longer supported, so whatever is causing this is not going to be fixed unless you can identify what triggers this intermittent fault and change your process to avoid it. To avoid a painstaking and possibly unhelpful analysis of every aspect of the process, you could simply use another app to record the meeting to an audio file and attach that file to your note when you complete your own actions. Check that you're not exceeding the maximum note size or monthly upload limits for your account type - you need to be a full subscriber to ensure that you'll be able to upload some potentially large notes.
  19. So have you tried any of the work-arounds mentioned here? Reported this to Support? (We're not them.) EDIT - and please don't post the same issue twice I merged your other post here.
  20. Hi. If you're using the installed app, try Ctrl+/ Does that list have everything you need?
  21. ...And confusingly mine is working too! - Both current web notes and new Evernote for Windows notes add a URL without any problem. Maybe the first time I tried a URL copied from outside Evernote...?
  22. The app store (I would imagine) works at its own pace. The latest version will be available at Evernote.com if you check there...
  23. I do a fair amount of scanning, and rely on the third party app Filterize to sort out a lot of my scans when they're being added as new notes. Using Filterize I can check for title words, keyword content, and even variables like document (not created) date. Filterize can add title words, apply tags and assign notebooks based on my requirements. https://filterize.net/
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