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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. So today my system started up and... OK - I just went through startup and opened three or four apps ready for the day, but there's nothing going on that I can't get back to in 10 minutes, and all updates are important; I'll make time for this one. A few minutes later - Hmmn. Pretty certain that I saw that same text with 10.38.1 and 10.38.2. Looks like more bug fixes (good) but nothing major (annoying). And I just looped through the last 15 minutes of my day for this. Wouldn't it be nice if the first notice had some sort of priority flag? 🔥High - 'do this now' important bug fixes and major feature upgrades; ✨Medium - new features you may have been waiting for 🛌 Low - run-of-the-mill bug fixes that could be left to some free time? It might avoid the "well, that was a waste of time" feeling I have at the moment...
  2. A generic Google search for "android text to speech" got me 1.5BN hits, so there should be some choices out there... try this one for starters - https://fossbytes.com/best-text-to-speech-apps-android/
  3. 1) If you're a subscriber you can report your issue to Support to see whether it can be fixed. 2) If you're unhappy with the result you can ask Support for a refund if they can't help
  4. Hi. Evernote doesn't have a text reader as such, because there are a good number of independent apps as well as Android and OS features that will do the job. You'll need to search with the OS version of your phone to get a suitable app.
  5. Hi. Note History will show you the content of your note going back to its creation. You should be able to find a copy with a viable version of the PDF file within the past few days or weeks. (This feature is inly available for subscribers.) Use note history to view older versions of a note
  6. Hmmn. Well I ran a test on my own account 10.38.1 on a Dell desktop, and of the random tags I tested, all the notes showing in the note count by the tag showed up in the search window when I clicked the tag. It is possible to delete the database file and rebuild it if you want to take the time - Go to File > Sign Out [name] from the menu bar. Select the "Remove my Evernote data from this device" option Click Sign out. Restart your computer. Sign back in to Evernote (NB it will take a little while to rebuild local information)
  7. Nope - still no cigar; the thumbnail process works as designed - Evernote just didn't think at the time to add specific options to it, but it still works (mostly...). Opaque glass wouldn't work very well, even as a light source. Anyway regardless of the appositeness (appositity?) of the metaphor, image options are not an ...option. With thumbnails WYSIWYG applies - unless you want to try the new and very easy note / single image workaround that's now described above. Evernote may, or may not decide to do something about this in the future. We'll be the second to know when they do!
  8. OK I'm literal minded. How, exactly, do you 'go first' with the Web and then access a note in the desktop app? And why? If you can see it in the web app, why not edit it there? I don't have any problems (AFAIK) accessing notes from tags, but I am aware it's not a real-time process - sometimes tagged notes take a while to appear in one app if created or edited in another. If you're experiencing real pain from the process, I'd suggest raising it with Support.
  9. You're looking for certainty in an uncertain world - who can tell what might (or might not) be available in 2, 5, 10 years' time? I've been an IT user since before Windows existed (nearly 40 years!) and Evernote is not my first note-taking app. I've been through Lotus Notes / Borland Sidekick / Lotus Agenda and several others I can't now remember - each time taking my history from one app through to the next. AFAIK none of them now exist, although Lotus and Borland were pretty large companies at the time. I've been with Evernote for 12 years so far. They currently have a user base that's not quite as large as the population of the US, but it's close; hence any new companies in the same market being very keen to tap into the pool of users for their own benefit. You'll always find a way to 'rescue' (if that's necessary) most of your data from Evernote into a new app - though it may involve some work on your part to recreate a tagging system, insert a folder structure, or otherwise make best use of any new features. There's no way to guarantee against the possibility you'll have more work to do, and no-one can offer you any absolute reassurance!
  10. I think there are several hidden benefits to subscribing too... The company will find it easier to stay in business next year - I like this product I want it to hang around! Contributing towards the cost of maintaining and improving the network I use - so it stays in good(ish) shape Access to help by mail and chat The right to expect reasonable care and support from a service I pay for Peace of mind in that subscriber limits are set high enough that only exceptional usage is likely to cause an issue. - I can worry about what I'm doing instead of how I'm doing it... ('Plus' excepted from the above, because it's no longer a supported package.) I'm a Professional now too - it was about time...
  11. Hi. Evernote exports to its own format: ENEX files. These can be read and imported by other similar apps. It's possible also to export Evernote notes to HTML so that -effectively- you get a little website with an index of notes and notebooks; but it's not necessary for Evernote to specifically provide an export format that can be used by other providers. That would be impractical anyway, because some have a completely different format and structure from Evernote, and the details of that structure might change at the whim of the other company. There's no agreed 'standard' that they can comply with. Check out other note-taking software though, and you'll find that most of them offer 'import from Evernote' options. Clearly they want to poach as much business as possible for their (much smaller and newer) companies.
  12. Please search the Forums before posting - this is a known issue, already raised and answered.
  13. Hi. Not sure what you're reporting or asking here. Should the app hang mid-activity, it's possibly because you have too much else going on and Evernote can't find the necessary resources to complete. Killing any active processes will (usually) allow you to reload. This is nature's way of telling you that multi-tasking isn't always a good thing... I had similar experiences with a 4-year old Dell laptop which never seemed able to run Evernote v10 reliably. I've now moved up to an all singing/ all dancing new desktop with a faster processor and memory and an SSD and Evernote is fabulous again... Not defending the company here - the app should work on any level of hardware; I'd suggest you (and anyone else in the same situation) should report your situation to Support (we're not them) so that maybe they'll get the hint.
  14. Can you not "share" your photo with Evernote from the roll? (Caveat: Android user here!)
  15. Hi. This has been asked and answered: please search for your topic before posting...
  16. I think the logic is rubbish - my house has windows made from boring conventional glass that companies have never seen fit to improve in 40 years. Where's the autoshading / power generation / video interface that is obviously required...
  17. As suggested, either duplicate a 'template' note to include tags, or add the tags to your existing template in the text body as as tag1,tag2,tag3 etc; then copy and paste the whole string into the tag field as on. It'll be split into separate tags.
  18. Just in case - (these Forums are mainly user 2 user) subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or the feedback option in the mobile client).
  19. Hmmn. A free user could upgrade, even if only temporarily; but if you change from Plus, you'll lose the chance to go back since that's no longer a supported level. Best option I think is to report this to Support who can at least look at the server to see what might be going wrong. Meantime, just to check that this is not a 'display' issue where the information is still present, just not being shown to you - have you checked your account in a browser via Evernote.com? It may also be worthwhile To rebuild your local data file: # Go to File > Sign Out [name] from the menu bar. # Select the "Remove my Evernote data from this device" option # Click Sign out. # Restart your computer. # Sign back in to Evernote (NB it will take a little while to rebuild local information) Or to uninstall / restart the device / reinstall the app. Good luck - and let us know how you get on!
  20. There's an Android clipper? I thought Share was the way to go with mobiles...
  21. Hi. This is definitely not normal or expected behaviour. You would be able to access Note History (if you're a subscriber) to restore previous versions of a note; and you can certainly create a copy of an existing note before you start to edit it, to make sure that future 'losses' are avoided - but why this is happening I cannot say. Are you updating large notes? Could you make a new note to add new information rather than edit an existing text?
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