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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. The shortest long side thing was (I'm fairly sure) genuine - but of course there's the small issue of v10 since, so heaven knows how they work things out now. Maybe someone who is annoyed by this could report it to Support and try to find out how thumbnails are selected? In other News - I just dumped your two pics into Evernote Windows to have a play, and before I do anything, this is my view... which all goes to show 😉
  2. Woo - haven't been called out in ages... Yup. Like Pink, I'm a user (have been for 12+ years) and -currently- a Professional subscriber. I was given a Moderator badge a while ago, possibly because I dive in here a lot, but it mainly means I kill the occasional spam post when they sneak in here with their casual (and irrelevant) links. I've also moved posts around - mostly from wrong account type to the correct one. My IT background is in communications and training - hence I tend to have an opinion on everything. My work view is that tasks are there to be done. If one app won't do the job for me, I'll find another one that works; worst case I'll manually do the thing by hand. I don't care about the method - deadlines come first. I only adopted v10 a few months ago because 1) it had most of the bugs shaken out of it and 2) I got a new desktop with lots of bells and whistles that allow me to run the installed app better than my Legacy experience on two previous laptops. Legacy is still around here though, because I use that app to generate a daily account backup. With the (I assume) highly-protected and frequently backed up server copy and the Note History feature, it shouldn't really be necessary, but I figure it's my data so I selfishly want my own personal copy.
  3. - Provided the computer is running Windows 10 or a recent Mac or iOS version....
  4. Hi. I'm impressed how you tested out the update but managed to retain access to Legacy. If you genuinely have an issue, please let us know what device and Evernote version you have - we may be able to suggest some work-arounds. I understand that v10 iOS is much better than it was, though there's always room for improvement. If there's a viable alternative, then obviously you should consider using it.
  5. Not sure what wording you're referring to, but the context (as I understand it) is that you're using a FREE service which limits your access to TWO devices - although you can swop which devices around a little. The way around which limitation is either patience or paying - you get two swops a month, or as a subscriber you wouldn't need to worry about it. Whichever way this works out for you personally, it seems to me sensible for Evernote - who are not a charity - to impose some serious limits on free access to their services, otherwise there's no point to actually paying a membership / subscription fee.
  6. Hmmn. At last I had a try at tasks on the Browser client - seems exactly the same as on the desktop; plus I see no dates unless I want a reminder. Can you post a screenshot of how the window showing a date looks to you?
  7. Hi. Have you tried Get community support | Firefox Help (mozilla.org)? This is more about the browser than it is about Evernote... although when you say "use it as a link inside Evernote", just pasting "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" won't create a link. How are you setting that up?
  8. Hi. I'd suggest you talk to Support since several devices are involved - as you may know we're (mainly) other users here, without any access 'under the hood'. The normal advice - if this affected only one - would be to uninstall / remove the database / restart & reinstall.
  9. On desktop, if you search for tag: (no modifier) it'll give you a number up to 1,000 max. If you have more than 1,000 you could maybe try that in Legacy?
  10. IMHO the Tasks note is a place to quickly dump my random thoughts about things to do. When I need to add details or actually deal with the issue, I can move it to a new (or an existing) note to continue. Doesn't seem like there's anything lacking in the process here.... ??
  11. For anyone on Windows 10 or 11 - look into Power Automate which allows you to streamline repetitive tasks. I just started with it, but it looks like it could automate a lot of routine processing from the UI...
  12. Hi. Please search the forums for the several other existing threads that deal with this issue.
  13. Hi. There's no way to export from a mobile device, but this may help... Understanding the device limit
  14. Hi. Not sure you can complain too loudly about a service you didn't pay for and seem to have barely used... and in any event your content will be safe once you can get back to it. Free contracts are subject to a number of restrictions including a maximum number of connected devices, so the chances are that you have exceeded that magic number with your new phone. You'll also need to use the 'forgot password' link at Evernote.com (sign in via a browser) and disconnect any other devices you find connected to your account. There are some standard help screens here - Understanding the device limit
  15. I think you'd have to file > quit Evernote to 'fix' the externall note window size. If I'm working with one or more specific notes in their own window I just minimise the notes to the taskbar or click on the source material so it moves to the top and then alt / tab back to the note when I need it... this seems more a Windows issue than an Evernote one...
  16. Hmmn. Wasn't on v10 when I wrote that - now back; have you checked your preferences? Gear icon, top left of the sidebar / Preferences > Tasks > Reminders
  17. So I've been at this for 10 years or so, during which course I digitised a (small) library and have not been stingy with the clipping and emailing and file attaching... and I'm still not at 60,000 notes, much less 100,000. I'm just envious I guess... But I also guess that Pink has it about right. If you're genuinely looking down the barrel of 100K notes then some curation is probably advised plus one or more possible additional account(s) with some of your notes being archived to free storage. Teams I'd say would be a last resport - there's no minimum membership (AFAIK) and some of the queries I've seen suggest that individuals have set up their own Teams access before now - but there are effectively two accounts involved, a personal account for the individual, and a business account for the 'team' and you get to be your own Admin, authorising your own access to different notebooks. Sounds like too much of a hassle to me! If you do have a lot of notes you could always try checking with Support to see whether they feel like re-examining the current limits ☺️
  18. Hi. You can customise global shortcuts here > https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500002999041
  19. Hi. If you cancelled you would have gone to https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action and set your account to 'free' and removed the payment details. All users have the ability to immediately change their account status, affecting what happens to it when any current payments run out.
  20. The web is a whole other can of worms due to the different sizes of image and page and display and zoom and browser... Evernote (I'm sure it's said somewhere up here) chose one metric: the image with the smallest long side would be the thumbnail. It saves having some AI routine agonising over whether to show an image of Andy Warhol or a can of soup in a note about his art. It's simple - and if you're prepared to delve into image management, pretty hackable - just make your thumbnail smaller than anything else! -And you can bet if someone said 'let the user decide' there'd be complaints about "why do I have to make this decision each time I save a clip". Sometimes there really is no pleasing people...
  21. As already noted - not everyone suffers, so there may be some self help steps you can take; plus there are suggested workarounds; and you can raise this with Support who can feed back to the Marketing department... But even some much more expensive apps that I use send me 'helpful' offers from time to time, so just because you pay doesn't mean you can be excused some nagging. And - like some of the other comments here - I've been guilty of reading the odd special offer and deciding to try an app out for a year. The problem with this approach is it works, su companies keep on doing it.
  22. In 10 years or so Evernote has only once or twice commented in the forums on any topic, on the sensible basis that they have long term plans that they don't want to share with their competition. Evernote doesn't have collapsible lists at the moment, and its unlikely to have them in the next few months (they don't appear on any 'coming soon' lists) so if you absolutely need the feature, go find it somewhere else. Personally I use Evernote + Workflowy which does infinite lists just fine, and I can link from there to Evernote and back again or copy paste my list into Evernote. If Evernote does add collapsing lists I can move my content across, as others have done with Tasks more recently. Until then Evernote almost certainly isn't in the business of making predictions. (Trying to help you out here, because last time I said that they actuall published something - so you never know...)
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