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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. There is a specific feature request section of the forum where other users can vote in support of your suggestion, the implication being that - very much subject to budget and Evernote's other priorities - they'll deal with requests in order of support levels. However I've also been using Evernote since the 2008's and I only got to 59k notes so far. I think the number of users worried by this limit is probably into low double digits... I can move your post there if you agree - I'll gladly support it, even though it appears I have a couple of years' leeway. There's no 'pay more to get more' scheme that I'm aware of, other than (obvs) you could use another account - with another email address - to archive some of your notes, or you could start completely afresh and just refer back to the current account as the archive. (Minor items like login email details can be swopped around if necessary). Or you might consider a Teams account where limits are higher - and per user - although that also involves a lot of extra admin that I would really not recommend. Notes can be combined rather easily - not recommended for active documents, but those relating to an older project or a specific old contact could be useful condensed into a single long document or even exported to ENEX to be filed elsewhere. If you ever need to consult the information it can easily be reinstated - if your then total of notes allows. I'm not sure how the note limit deals with local (unsynced) notebooks - this is not supported by v10 but Legacy used to (and still does) offer that option. You might like to install legacy on a desktop and allow Evernote to create the necessary local database (if you have the storage space) to test whether you can add more notes there. Local notebooks might be a way you could 'archive' some part of your synced account to get additional headroom. The notes would still be available on your desktop, but nowhere else. Hope some of that helps - please let us know which direction you eventually take! (If anyone else knows how the notebook limit deals with unsynced notebooks please feel free to correct me!)
  2. Glad you resolved it anyway... if you get a repeat, I'd suggest a Support ticket - they can look at your system logs (with your permission) and maybe work out what's happening...
  3. Hi. Usually a sign that you've exceeded the note size or upload limits for that account. Could be related to the ongoing maintenance that Evernote is running - try again, and maybe try another smaller file too?
  4. Hi. This question has been asked and answered many times in the forum. Please search before starting a new thread. Briefly, there is currently no way to create or to manage in-note links, and long notes are always a risk - one error could corrupt or lose the whole note. In a group of several shorter notes, the same error would affect one note, but leave the rest unaffected. The easy way to create a group of notes is to start a new note instead of a new section. Group them all together with a unique tag or title. (Create a template note to do this most efficiently) When you finish your session, search for that tag or title and select all notes in the search listing. Right click the selection and choose "copy internal links". Start a new note and paste the list of links into it. Re-arrange the list in any way and jump to any item to edit. Add new sections in the same way.
  5. Hmmn. That's probably a Windows issue - v10 must show as the default app for opening evernote: links. Fixable (probably) with a little scripting, (to switch default apps) but still a nuisance. Hadn't thought about that...
  6. Sorry - that was inconclusive: I can clip that and similar images from the web into a note, and copy/ paste those images into another note without any apparent errors... so can't replicate your issue. You'll need to raise it with support. Please let us know what they find!
  7. Hmmn. Not a major problem - took a minute or two to save a 2MB note. Maybe connection speed is an issue? Chrome Version 107.0.1418.26 (Official build) (64-bit) Clipper Version:
  8. Your local EXB file is a left over from Evernote Legacy. I have both Legacy and v10 installed on my desktop, and open Legacy from time to time to keep my copy up to date as a local backup. Your v10 database is at C:/users/<youraccount>/appdata/roaming /evernote - I have around 400,000 files there totalling 30GB which approximately matches my EXB size. Evernote (AFAIK) haven't published anything official on user access to those files, other than they're the cache for your sessions and bad things will happen if they're compromised in any way.
  9. Hi. Other than by taking a screenshot, AFAIK there's no 'export tasks' feature yet. Tasks in notes can be printed or exported with the note.
  10. Hi. If you're talking about local (unsynced) notebooks, they are no longer supported in v10 - Convert local notebooks You should have been offered an opportunity to convert them to synced notebooks in the update but if you did not follow that through you may have to install the Legacy version of Evernote to get those notes back. If you're referring to 'offline' notebooks, see Access notes offline – Evernote Help & Learning for more
  11. I think you are using Evernote's very basic drawing features as well as can be expected - I use several 'add-in' services to extend Evernote's functionality, and if GoodNotes features provide somethuing you need, I'd say you could and should use them.
  12. I wondered if part of the problem was that the file didn't have a PNG or JPG extension; but if it does, and a normal image file on your desktop can't be 'rendered' in another note, I'm not sure what is happening. You're at the 'talk to support' stage now I think. Just as a final idea - can you add one of the images that are causing you this issue to your next post? Maybe if we see the image file... Remember though this is a public forum with no security to speak of, so don't give away any personal or commercial information!
  13. You're quoting a 9-year old work-around. Even in Legacy things moved on from there. What version are you using, and what are you trying to do?
  14. Hmmn. Thanks for that. I see that Make (allegedly) can monitor an app and trigger actions based on various tests. Evernote is in the list, but you have to question whether this is Evernote Legacy or v10, and to what extent Make is able to influence (forinstance) the movement of notes, or the creation of Notebooks. On a quick look it seems interesting, but I don't know whether it can work with the new Evernote version. Have you contacted Make Support? Seems like they'd be the people to ask for more on this... (and no, I don't know why some items have 'ACID' as a tag...)
  15. No one is suggesting that you should do so, but since the apps keep separate databases both connected with the server (unless you opt out of v10 offline working) and a change in one app has to sync out and back again to appear in the other, having both open at the same time seems a step too far IMHO. I'd have a session on one and hold over jobs to be done on the other until I can close the first app and open the second...
  16. Hi again. Didn't say you were actively editing on two devices, just that Evernote was active on two devices and maybe - just maybe - the slow sync process from one to the other meant your editing got interrupted. - If you were saying by the way that Support reply to Forum posts, you are wrong; they might comment on general outages but rarely if ever will they respond to a single-user issue. Sync by the way is being actively upgraded as we speak, and now I think of it there's a warning around about users being unable to log in for brief periods because of server maintenance - maybe the ongoing work affected your syncs too. Apologies if my previous reply was overly condescending, but we don't get any indication of user competence when reading a post so it's usually best to start basic.
  17. Hi. You presumably had the note open on more than one device, and took some time editing one version - during which period your other device updated the 'old' version of the note back to the server, which then replaced your current editing when the device you were using received the sync. So: largely a self-inflicted issue. It can be avoided by not using two devices, or by doing any active editing in a third party word processor and copy/ pasting the end result into the updated note. - And by the way this is (mainly) a user-supported forum; if you have any technical issues, please contact Support.
  18. Hi. Did you copy and paste them directly into note B? What happens if you copy and paste to your desktop, then copy from the image there and re-paste to note B?
  19. One option in this regard is a Table of Contents - sort the notes listed in a ToC into any order and it acts as a 'home page' for that notebook.
  20. I'd still suggest you look into Postach.io as a possible option - my (rather neglected) site is here: Cliffe Actual which is simply a notebook in my (now) v10 database. Postach.io supports tags, in-and between- note HTML links, and markdown.
  21. If you open a link in an external note and want it to open in Legacy, you'd need to close down v10. And in any event since Legacy and v10 are effectively different entities that just happen to share the same device, with syncing going from Legacy <> Server <> v10, I wouldn't willingly have both open at the same time anyway. Sometimes you just have to pick one and get on with it...
  22. From the feedback I've seen it would certainly be popular - whether the additional work involved is cost effective is for Evernote to decide...
  23. Hmmn. Do your students feed back to you, or is the information flow just one way? And I'm confused that clearly the shared data is available on the web, though the 'join' button no longer works; individual notes can also still be shared by URL, and in v10 it's possible for subscribers to share out tasks and (I think) monitor their state. We're (mainly) just other users here, so it may be worth your having a conversation with Support to see what options are open to you. Meantime there's a third party freemium solution Postach.io which will convert a specific notebook into a public blog. Any changes you make to notes in that notebook will be visible at the next sync - it might be an easier way to share information out from a free account. If security is required, the subscription version of Postach.io includes password entry to blog pages. Meantime (if you didn't already know of him) there's a guy who might have some more ideas here... Educational Technology Guy: Evernote for Education
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