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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Edge is now Chrome based, and - apparently - the default browser on your system. You can change that...
  2. Please see the 9 pages of 'no' above. But there are work-arounds...
  3. I actually find that it gives me the opportunity to post random thoughts - like a Mind Map - as separate notes and then move the links around in my ToC as I work out which order is most appropriate for clear communications. It's not harder than in-note links, and it is a good deal safer than jumping backwards and forwards in a long document which could be altered or disappear completely with an attack of fat fingers. At least if I mess up I'll only lose a paragraph or two... But whatever works for you...
  4. There is a (free) thing called NAPS2 (Not Another PDF Scanner 2) which has a great GUI interface - drag and drop any number of multi-page PDF files onto it, and all the pages will be shown as individual thumbnails. Say you have files with 2,3 and 5 pages - you'll see all 10 thumbnails and will be able to re-order any one or combination, and then go on to print the selection. Don't know if that will help your situation - just a suggestion.
  5. Hi. Me too, except for Windows 11. Mine is fine; what box are you talking about???
  6. Hi. There are a number of applications for both mobile and desktop that will do this for you without setting up something complicated in Evernote. To use a note you could either attach a spreadsheet, which would open in Excel on any device where that app is also installed, and then make changes to the file and re-save it back to Evernote. You may or may not wish to take advantage of the fact that on mobiles you'll save a new additional version of that file into the note - you won't automatically replace the previous file. Disadvantage here also: leaving a file open on a mobile risks loses content if the connection drops or the battery is low. Or you could just link to Excel and open the file in cloud storage from there. But whilst I love the app, I wouldn't recommend using Evernote for this.
  7. For the record "Legacy" is any of the old pre-v10 Evernote versions. Autohotkey is kind've a sledgehammer if you're just looking to run a few keystrokes - any text expander (Phrase Express, Textexpander) should work - do a web search for a list. I think you'd still need human keypresses - even AHK isn't going to easily find a blank space in an Evernote note to paste into and copy from...
  8. Hi. Evernote's systems may have changed, but since Legacy is now deprecated on all systems it's most unlikely that the app itself has been updated. Using v10 I have a similar issue in that if I copy the App Link and paste it outside Evernote I get the URL, not the note title. However if I paste it in a note I get the title. The code used for the link itself may have been updated. My fix is to paste the link into its own note (though you could use any note with the same result...) and then copy and paste that entry text (including the link) to the required external destination. It requires an extra operation, but it does work.
  9. Whilst it's good to encourage a user to experiment with Evernote, there are a lot of very generic general comments here, which tends to raise dark suspicions about bots and spammers. Please note that any more "go for it" comments are likely to be deleted with extreme prejudice... Edit: -and without notice.
  10. Ah, then you're looking for Infranodus... https://youtu.be/7oB-cE-tRjo
  11. ...what they said: I use Freemind and Scrapple as mind mapping applications, and both of those can be attached to Evernote notes as either attachments or JPG inline images. I can also attach links to and from both apps with Evernote. Why the urgency for Evernote to reinvent this particular wheel? Edit: Sorry for the typo - that should be Scapple, not Scrapple - "a mush of pork scraps and trimmings combined with cornmeal and wheat flour and spices which is formed into a semi-solid congealed loaf, and slices of the scrapple are then pan-fried before serving". (Wikipedia)
  12. I'd suggest a Feature Request thread so folks can vote, but I'd really REALLY rather you didn't! 🤭
  13. Hi. You presumably have ONE account, but are accessing it on two devices - your PC and your mobile. Provided you always access Evernote from the same connection on those two devices you should never have a problem. Except that people do tend to change devices, and connect from different IP addresses, so Evernote gets the impression that a new device has been activated. In that case you trigger the warnings and have a couple of chances to connect on a recognised device, go to your account online and cancel the access for everything else. You'll then be able to sign in from your 'new' device. If that fails, then you have two choices. To wait until your device resets are renewed, or to buy access to make the problem disappear. IMHO storing important documents in a free app is not a good idea - you have no financial or contractual relationship with the provider, and no grounds on which to demand reconnection. You may be able to take advantage of one of Evernote's special offers to get a reduced cost subscription for a year, or you may have the option to pay monthly in which case a couple of instalments should help you sort the matter out. But I'm afraid if you're locked out, you are locked out until the limit resets. This Forum by the way is mainly supported by other users, and Evernote do not "collect your data" for any form of profit. If you've been using the service for years. they're necessarily reserving a few gigabytes of cloud storage for your notes and backups, and have been syncing with your devices each time you connect to make sure your data is up to date. They've been doing that for free, apparently for some years; and being a business operation, and not a charity, they need to limit how much of their storage and bandwidth these accounts soak up. I quoted some help links below - good luck with your access. Evernote system limits | Understanding the device limit | How does Evernote use my personal information and data?
  14. Ctrl+help doesn't provide an expanded menu system any more. There is a 'troubleshooting' option under the standard help menu which includes Reload and Forced Reload choices. Unless you're asked to do so by a Support agent, I really wouldn't play with any of the other options there...
  15. I don't think the company would object if you found a logo online and used your local t-shirt printer to produce a couple for personal use...
  16. Darnit - apologies I was apparently looking at a different help sheet! If you no longer have access to your account's email address Click here to open a support ticket. Select 'Continue as guest'. In the explanation box, write out your current and any previous email addresses. Do NOT include passwords. Indicate whether you've ever had a paid subscription to Evernote. If you have, attach a payment receipt for that subscription. You may have this in you email or in your iTunes, PayPal, or Google Play account. If you used a gift code to upgrade your account, please let us know the code as we may be able to use it to verify your account. Enter your username if you know it. Enter your current email address. Submit your ticket. Or: What @PinkElephant said...
  17. OK - check the bottom of that link for the section headed: "If you no longer have access to your account's email address"...
  18. According to posts elsewhere in the Forums, that may already be in progress, but the delivery date is unknown.
  19. Hi. Are you able to use a VPN? If not, then you need to talk to Evernote Support (which we're not).
  20. Hi. This may help... Evernote + Google Calendar Overview
  21. Hmmn. Can you explain in more detail where and how you are trying to add a new line? What actually happens when you try?
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