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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Using free software for really important notes is not exactly recommended... This is not normal behaviour - have you searched for any keywords included in those notes? Deleted notes would go straight to Trash on any device.
  2. Hi. You'll find that installing the Legacy app gives you full access to download your notes to ENEX or HTML files, but Evernote has NEVER included notebook data with exports, so exporting all your notes into one file would result in restoring them to one notebook. The recommended method has always been one notebook, one file. V10 still allows you to do that too - see any desktop app and go to the notebooks page. Each note book can be exported individually. There are many automation tools on the market from which you could create your own single-key process. I have 60,000 notes and something over 300 notebooks and regularly export the content to ENEX - in 12+ years of use I'm never needed to restore data, but you can never be too careful...
  3. Is that a ScanSnap or an Evernote error?
  4. These Forums are mainly user 2 user but subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or via the feedback option in most clients).
  5. As an ex Support person (not for Evernote!) I have to say that quoting your original ticket number in a follow-up is always better than generating a new one each time you raise a query; it saves a lot of internal clerical messing around to connect old records that just wastes time. Plus in this case it seems like you've been getting a stock response to each ticket about something that's been back-burnered until they get around to looking at the exports system again. I flagged it up for the Forum Admins - maybe they can give some more background...
  6. Sorry - didn't realise it was a downgrade. Have you raised it with Support*? I tend not to export anything other than individual files or bulk ENEX. I'm happy to use the Evernote apps to search, edit and view files, and I'd be worried about multiple versions of notes being created if there was a permanent external copy, plus a lot of alternative apps claim to import ENEX if there's ever a need to jump ship... *again recently...
  7. It's not a bug. You are the one choosing where to put your HTML output, which could be on a local drive or somewhere in the cloud. The files are saved in folders, and while the name of the folder is something assigned by Evernote, its location address is somewhere you chose at random. Don't know of any clever ways to design an all-purpose link code, but I'd imagine it's difficult, otherwise it would have been done by now. Fixing this is like banging your head into a wall. It hurts, and the way to fix it is to stop banging, not try to get someone to design softer brick walls...
  8. I thought we were talking about printing a note to PDF here? So naturally the links that are in the note reference the file's position externally, which is not available to the copy note it's being called from. Same sort of reason applies, though I would expect the linked PDF file to be in a separate folder from the note HTML. Whether the export is smart enough to link the attached note at the correct address I don't know. The link might be fixable in that case though. We don't have any background here as to why the note(s) + PDF(s) are being exported - I suggested sharing a note above, or maybe use Postach.io to publish a group of notes as an independent blog? Either way you'd have the native note link working for any attached files. I think you have to subscribe to get it, but there's a password protection option if you're dealing with private information. You get multiple blogs for free though if that's enough. And unless you publish the URL the content isn't apparently readily searchable. Edit: Oops. Just read the title of this piece - got misled by the last few posts OK - I think we need a bit more detail - why are notes being exported here, plus the usual device / os / EN version ...?? PS - have a look at FastPencil which aims to accept various inputs and (apparently) comes recommended... FastPencil - Web - English - Evernote App Center
  9. Maybe share the note if you're trying to pass the content to someone else...?
  10. Just to be clear - we're mainly other users around here; but if you have a lucky streak going I'd suggest you keep it quiet - otherwise a LOT of people are going to want you to report their bugs too...
  11. True, but I have a special disdain for someone who understands all the angles but starts off a piece with a scare headline to suck people in, then puts the arguments reasonably coherently and eventually admits they have no more information than anyone else. I'm not particularly protecting "journalistic integrity" - but the headlines get me to read it too, and they're usually on top of something I wasted several minutes of my life wading through!
  12. Just took some pics on my Android and looked on the laptop at Google Photos (where they wind up) - saw this: ...and when I checked it had ALL the content of that picture, including some text you don't see here that was vertically placed in a black-on-black logo! That link just calls Lens to deliver the content, but it was scary good and very fast...
  13. Well, no-one should be telling you that you "can't" use Legacy, because it's still there and will be for probably another year at least. Granted it's not supported (except by the considerable experience and frequently doubtful humour of the Forums) and OS updates will likely cause it to fray around the edges at some stage, depending on which one(s) you use. But a year later there have been nearly 50 updates to the new v10, and I'm finding it easy to use on a daily basis. I do still use Legacy Windows from time to time, mainly for backups; and I'm stuck with Android in legacy until I upgrade the phone's OS. Have you tried the latest v10.48? Again depending on the OS, YMMV; but you really should bow to the inevitable at some stage. If you get stuck, feel free to post here - we don't judge (not out loud, anyway) and may be able to suggest ways around most roadblocks. You may know that Evernote have just joined an Italian IT group which should accelerate development and open some new doors - you could be missing out if you leave now! -Though to be fair it could also turn out to be a disaster for some users - who knows? But like they say for the lotteries in the UK "you have to be in it to win it".
  14. OK - moved. I also voted, since while I won't need an extension for a while yet, I don't see the need for this limit to remain fixed. It was set years ago as (I assume) an artbitrary figure, purely because everything needs to have a limit somewhere. Experience has proven though that large notes are not a good idea; they take longer to sync / fill up mobile capacity quicker / take longer to save / offer long periods and multiple chances to 'fat finger' and error or get caught out by a network glitch / automatically offer the chance to lose e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g in one huge package / and are difficult to navigate through. Lots and lots of smaller notes by comparison are easier and much quicker to find and file. And if users lose one paragraph of some long tract, it's much easier to correct!
  15. I'd think that both sides saw advantages here - BS (and there's a hidden joke for UK speakers in there somewhere) reputedly have 500M users and lots of mobile / image handling expertise. EN have 250M users and only recently (last 4 years or so) started their Electron involvement. There are going to be overlaps in users, and in expertise, but I think there's a lot of mutual benefit in there in adding features and expanding markets. Both sides would be crazy not to go forward constructively. (Back to the Twitter comparisons though - with great opportunity comes an equally huge chance to permanently fudge things up!)
  16. We have some options too... but again subscribers have until the end of their current contract as a buffer, plus a downgrade to Free as a continuing look-up. I can't see existing users (paid or free) ever losing access to their content, though maybe adding or editing would be subscription only. Pointless to speculate though - we'll only know when there's a formal announcement. Meantime there'll be lots of panic headlines from journos selling their content and third parties looking for new customers. Somewhere along the way there might be some interesting new deals to be had too...
  17. Hmmn. None that I'm aware of. I use Google Lens (or Docs) too. The only other option I can think of would be to create a searchable PDF from an image which (I think) then has selectable text - but it depends on the image content.
  18. <Sigh> - there seems to be general panic across several forums. I thought I'd change my profile pic accordingly...
  19. In light of the news that Evernote has joined Bending Spoons, I thought my profile pic needed to be changed...

  20. I've deleted two of the other duplicate posts, and I see I also replied to one of the others... Please don't do that again - it just makes more work and confusion for us users managing the forums. One issue, one post please! I sympathise with the frustration, but it's a lot more productive to find a fix or a work-around rather than just posting here! Try Support for starters...
  21. There's no 'forcing' other than by circumstance. Evernote gave everyone due notice that they aren't supporting legacy apps, and if they need to ensure the new app has specific accesses and their actions overwrite legacy code, that's just evolution in action. MacOS's latest update seems to be causing some issue with Legacy too, and no doubt iOS, Windows and Android will update their respective OS's, possibly causing conflicts - as will Chrome, Firefox et.al. We know Legacy has a very limited shelf life. Have to embrace v10 or move on...
  22. Hi. The best way to get a guaranteed web URL is to 'share' a note or notebook. It's possible to do so by email address or by 'shareable URL' which will generate a web page with various levels of possible access which you can assign.
  23. You're not too far wrong in your overall analysis, though check out Electron who are the platform in question - they have a lot of clients, some of which run really quickly. The Italian buy-out (merger?) that you noted may actually help with that, bcause they - I think - have some cross-platform apps, and therefore -maybe- some good Electron coders who can help speed things up. The whole app was completely rewritten a couple of years ago to run within EJS to avoid the overhead of needing separate teams of iOS / MacOS / Windows / Linux / Android coders to keep the various versions of the apps up to date. Your device set up seems similar to mine - W11 desktop 32MB Ram and SSD / standard HD storage. But Evernote 10.48 works well for me... Maybe a chat with Support could help - be patient with the initial 'reboot / reinstall' mantra from the footsoldiers and try for 2nd line help!
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