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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Your comment mentions a graphic and some "accompanying text" - JPG files are purely image files so you get a single picture and the file name. No additional content at all. There's no option to include more text separate from the image, so I was wondering why you'd mention it separately....
  2. ?? It's alive and working for me in the latest version. The whole purpose of providing a note link in the first place is to make the note accessible from an external source. If the link doesn't open the note in the app, it should still open the web version. I can only assume Support misunderstood the question, or were talking about something else!
  3. Hi. What sort of file was this? I assume it wasn't a jpg file including an image with a caption... ?
  4. Hmmn. I've not seen that error before either... what device, OS and browser are you using?
  5. If you're keeping essential personal or professional data in a 'free' account, I hope you keep backups.
  6. Are you scanning to a searchable PDF, or allowing Evernote to OCR the document for the index? If the document is OCR'd locally it would be searchable quickly (but probably not instantly because the index still has to be updated and synced to all linked devices). If Evernote is doing the OCR you may have to add a few hours to the delay, because that's done on the server. For interest I have a current search anomaly ticket running with Support - I'm on Win 11 and Evernote 10.46 and I've been unable to locate a specific tag - my Legacy, v10 and Web instances of the app all seem to have different numbers for my search term. I'll report back when I get a result... meantime I'd recommend you raise it with Support too!
  7. Hi. I run Evernote 10.46 on Windows 11 and I have zero ENB files on my system. A web search says the only Evernote related link would be Evernote 2.0 which is very old, unsupported, and I'd be surprised if you could find the original application anywhere... What device, OS and Evernote version do you have?
  8. Hi. You probably got your login details wrong. Log out of the app and log in again ensuring that you use the correct user details. All your notes are stored on Evernote's servers and a full index will be downloaded to your phone.
  9. I moved this to the general feature requests area because I'm not sure whether there are any other clients that can't play audio easily and because if any other audio-related requests get posted maybe they should all be rolled up into one 'improve audio features' request. I'm happy to move it again if necessary... Also: just to note that unless this suggestion gets major voting support, it's going to be very low on the priorities list. There are some requests out there with several hundred votes that haven't been addressed yet... Vote at the top left if you want this feature!
  10. The Linux app has never been available as a public download. The private beta forum should be available to you if you're participating in the trials - post a request there to (maybe) get a download link.
  11. I can only suggest you raise a support ticket - we're mainly users here, so no access to backend processes. We can only offer suggestions based on personal experience. You seem to have carried out all the usual steps to try to identify a local glitch, and -despite the no name PC- your system seems pretty up to date. You may have a slow or weak internet connection through a local firewall, but I'm otherwise out of suggestions. I use the same Evernote version with (currently) zero lag times on around 60,000 notes; so you should be able to have the same experience. 🤔
  12. Hi. A quick search for Audio Player gets 4.5M hits... I don't see that Evernote will be in a hurry to reinvent the audio equivalent of a wheel. AFAIK Evernote uses the default audio player for whatever device it's opened on. Plus: for speed and bandwidth reasons only a few file types like PNG and PDF are playable (ie visible) inline - many of them show as icons and need to be downloaded in full to be viewed, edited... or played. If you'd like me to I can move this suggestion to a Feature Request forum so you can try to acquire some votes from other users as to the popularity of the idea, but it seems like a pretty niche request to me. The only work-around I can suggest is to maybe search for and convert your audio files into MP3, and/or to use a third-party audio recorder that produces MP3 files you can attach to a note and play directly.
  13. Hi. Please confirm your device, OS and Evernote version and contact Support for payment issues (we are not them) - contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for more - if you have problems with that, use 'account' from the drop-down options as an issue type, sign in a 'guest' or use the help/ feedback link from any app. (See also https://twitter.com/evernotehelps) As regards the Google issue - Sign in to Evernote with Google says... You may also be able to use the 'forgot password' option at Evernote.com to confirm your user details.
  14. I'm with @Dave-in-Decatur in that I dislike the overly nannyfied "are you sure?" ... "are you absolutely certain you want to do this?" type of warning that can't be nullified by a "don't show this again" checkbox, but while operating totally without a safety net may speed up an experienced users' processing, that level of control could be disastrous in less safe hands - and given that a lot of folks in the forums can't seem to log into their own account without help (present company excepted...) we'd be handling a lot more shouty complaints about lost and corrupted data without some reasonable level of checks and balances. I'm happy for Evernote to take their time and get everything sorted out within their comfort zone while we report areas where that "don't show" checkbox should be applied. It'll even itself out sooner or later.
  15. Yeah - that's what I thought, and what I thought the OP was interested in. But like I said, there are any number of online resources (and probably apps) that will convert a dumb PDF to an searchable (ie OCR'd) file. I tend to use the free NAPS2 if I need to.
  16. I could well have been wrong - the situation has changed and I haven't used OCR in a free account for years. I'll bow to your expertise I OCR my own stuff before attaching it in Evernote, so don't know whether a dumb PDF would be OCR'd into searchable within Evernote - I'll check next time I open my v10 account. I don't think it is though, because that means the company leaning in to touch my file and I don't think they would do that...
  17. Hmmn. It's always been the case that desktops can bulk export notes and notebooks, mobiles and the web cannot. There's less reason now though that the web version doesn't have this feature, and it's not mentioned in the help pages - Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML I'm not on my v10 computer so can't verify, but I'd suggest you try this on a desktop.
  18. Actually I think the situation for Evernote OCR'd PDFs is the same as for Basic users. The text 'layer' is just that - an Evernote-level overlay that makes the PDF searchable. It used to be possible to download the text file separately from the PDF images if necessary, but AFAIK that is no longer possible. I'm pretty sure Evernote does not give you a downloadable searchable PDF because that would involved physically altering the attached file. There are lots of websites and services that will convert a dumb PDF to a searchable PDF, but I'm afraid Evernote is not one of them...
  19. ...On the general subject of Evernote listening and/ or taking notice, may I mention Version 10 - the company went away and worked for a few years investigating how to realise a number of customers' frequently expressed greatest wishes including (in no particular order...) Same functions on all devices including Web Same fonts on all devices Text styles Calendars Task lists Dashboards Pinned notes Boolean Search Repeating reminders Emojis They're offering all that and (effectively) 365/ 24 infinite online storage and retrieval to 200+ MILLION users. Making any kind of a 'quick' change to any of that is inadvisable - it makes a lot of sense that they schedule specific suggested updates in a year so that they can avoid the need to rewrite that part of the code repeatedly as new and different suggestions get posted. Just sayin'
  20. Many of us would be better off contacting Support directly then, because Evernote don't (usually) comment in this mainly user-supported Forum. Plus - regardless of how other crowd-sourced software projects are supported, Evernote has limited resources and their own priorities - there's ample evidence they want and use suggestions from the forums, but this is not a democracy. Evernote do what they think best - our choice whether or not to use it. (And how often have you seen MS, Adobe or any other big provider listing what they're going to be working on next year? - That's commercially valuable information to their competitors.)
  21. Random suggestion - and [maybe} possible work-around - I tend to work in side list a lot and need a way to identify a note from the title rather than the summary or thumbnail; lately I've been using emoji's in titles and tags to flag particular topics or threads. If you use something like 📙 Emojipedia — 😃 Home of Emoji Meanings 💁👌🎍😍 you'll find a lot of options...
  22. ...and just to check - what device(s) and Evernote version are you using when the screen freezes...
  23. Also FWIW, Legacy is still available, and on Desktop it doesn't have any limitations on selections or moving. (Although if tagging or moving a LOT of notes, leave lots of time for the sync catch the server up...)
  24. If the Evernote account you used was your own, you can switch off Google sign-on and use your email address and password - but I imagine your address will have changed, and you maybe never got around to assigning an Evernote password. Here's some additional information about Google sign-ons - Sign in to Evernote with Google - but I think you'll have to contact Support if you need to change your details. There is a 'lost password' option on Evernote.com - but that will send a reset to your email address... You should be able to connect with Support via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - use the 'guest' sign in option...
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