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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. If you're asking whether Evernote owns Postach.io, they do not. Postach.io is a separate third-party developer who have (I think) set up a link to Evernote's API that allows them to link a feed from one or more chosen notebooks to separate blogs/ websites to update the content. The developer has no access to any other parts of your Evernote account than your chosen notebook(s), and updating is purely automatic. Just to add to @agsteele's comment - I believe you can set up a small number of notebooks as separate 'blog/ sites' within the free access. Subscribers can extend this, and get access to additional features such as password protection of sites.
  2. UPDATE: 20221203 2011 On further testing it seems I'm unable to 'share' web pages to the Evernote app - I just get 'clip failed' after a long wait - and I can't add any of Evernote's widgets to my home page. I can select a widget and see it move to the home page, but it refuses to fix itself there. If I look away and then back at the page it has gone. Other app widgets are fine. In many ways I like the new app; but as it seems 'read only' it's going to limit the use...
  3. As @PinkElephant - I use windows and there are a ton of free apps that will help you find differences and duplicates. I assume you'd need to work on name only though - the two folders will probably not use the same coding as they're in a different OS. You may also need to connect to your phone by wire rather than wifi for speed and accuracy.
  4. Er, hi - we're mainly just users floating around up here, but if you read the previous entries in this thread there are several suggestions for one-click activation. ...Or you could go back to the older version - Install an older version of Evernote – Evernote Help & Learning
  5. As noted above I have a Samsung Galaxy S7 -Android 8- which runs Evernote 8.13 perfectly and a new shiny Galaxy Tab 7 (Android 12) which is pretty good with Evernote 10.44 but will not allow me to add new notes (no empty note/ window appears to add text). I had a look through Android settings for anything that might affect the display, but found nothing... 🤔
  6. UPDATE: 20221203 1014 I had a nice long email from Support which assured me that the devs are working on the Android performance issue, plus a suggestion that a restart might jog the tablet into working properly. So I restarted and was 'surprised' to find that when it rebooted Evernote was no longer installed! Went back to the Play store and reinstalled it again, and had Evernote's standard email warning that the account had detected a new log in, so it seems to be working OK. -But I still can’t create a new note. I tried both text and sketch notes. A new text note does nothing – I can click the +New button and choose from Note/ Task but if I choose Note or Sketch there’s no sign on screen that anything else happens. If I choose ‘attach’ I get to choose a file… but then the screen reverts to Home or to my Notes view and again – nothing more happens. There’s no sign that a new note has been created, and nothing syncs to my web account. I can add a task! Yay! I tried MS Edge again on the tablet and logged into Evernote Web in about a minute (this time) and I can add new notes in the browser version without any problems. My tablet currently has pots of free storage and memory. It's on my home wi-fi with (Ookla tablet says) a 56Mbps download and 18Mbps upload available. My desktop is also running, but has no active traffic on the network at this time. Evernote 8.13 is running happily on my phone (an old Galaxy S7) so I can add notes that way too if I need to. I just (effectively) did a restart and a clean install on the tablet. My ticket is still open, so I'll feeback more if and when it happens!
  7. Hi. You've used "netw" in two searches, and not (AFAICS) in the others, which means (I think) that you're not comparing like with like. Plus v7.14 is now Evernote Legacy - the latest version in v10, and there are different versions on the web, mobiles (depending on OS) and as installed apps. Legacy is not supported and you'll not be getting any fixes to perceived issues. Can you explain the contraction? Are you looking for anything containing the word 'Network'? One of your larger searches includes several word options based on that root. And - search doesn't have ESP. If you get anomalous results that's often because the data is not managed effectively. What about excluding unwanted results with "-<keyword>" or finding the largest return and tagging the notes that you actually need with <keyword(s)> so they're easily findable again? Having a big database just means you spend a lot of time managing the content so it's easily and correctly parsed by searches. And a successful search (IMHO) is often one where you start out with a huge list of hits and exclude unwanted information with "-" (minus) on locations / keywords / dates... anything to narrow down the focus.
  8. OK I've now joined the ranks of the Android Lag. If everyone in the same situation submits a Support ticket (if you can) and helps out with re-installs/ logs etc. maybe we can get to the bottom of it. Mention this page / my ticket number if you can. PLEASE don't report this more than once - if you have a ticket running already, or had one in the past, just re-open that issue. Swamping the team won't get us the help we need here!! - And just for the record I have a fast internet connection, and (so far) a new tablet with all the available go faster stripes and nothing much running apart from Evernote and Gmail... So what happened was.... Having recently acquired a new Android 12 tablet with a large 12" screen* I've been able to test out the performance of the latest (?) Evernote for Android app 10.44.1 (1127497) and the web app via Microsoft Edge Mobile (Chrome). Initially the load time was shockingly long - I was able to see the app windows outline fairly quickly, but there was no content; I just had white boxes. I went on to try the web app as an option and got as far as the rotating loading screen which I left open for over an hour - the green progress bar moved about 1" - only a fraction of the way across the screen in that time. I went back to other tasks and left the Evernote web page running in the background, checking in from time to time to see how far it got. After FOUR+ HOURS the web page had loaded, and now seems to be working fairly normally. I went back to the installed app after about 24 hours and it too had installed and seems to be working. But that initial several hours or so after installation and before working seems to ruin the experience for new users. I'd strongly recommend that you try to find some way around it, or otherwise manage user expectation with published and/ or onscreen notices! PS I just tried to add this note to my Android app and although I have a '+New' button and can select 'Note' afterward, there's no further reaction on screen. I can add new tasks but (apparently) have no way to add notes... See Support request #3608828 *Christmas came early! (The reference to 'Android 12' is the OS, not the screen size)
  9. ...And an app which runs (mostly) with the same UI under several different operating systems, on a huge range of devices and includes new features like calendars, tasks and (apparently) collaboration... I can't imagine what those people have been doing with their time!
  10. I don't know whether the 'skilled Legacy team' have any expertise in Electron based Android applications, but I'd imagine it takes specialised expertise in both web and mobile networking to determine the most effective architecture, and in Electron to know what options are available. Plus, fixing sync delays affects all clients, not just Android, and a different process benefitting one client might not be best for another. I have no clue as to the actual operations they are looking at, but I do wonder whether the overall sync issues are actually what is affecting this most recent user...
  11. ...If duplicate works, create copy of donor note, delete non-PDF content and merge with another note or use copy as basis for new comments?
  12. Reported to Admin - don't know if they can assist... it may take a few days to get a reaction.
  13. Hi. I assume Evernote is using a service via your device OS to allow the log-in, and it's that service which governs when things are authorised or closed. Whether it has features which allow third-party apps (like Evernote) to set conditions on those actions, is entirely another question, and one that Evernote might not be able to answer. I'd suggest your best action would be to ask Evernote Support (which we're not) if they have any ideas, as well as contacting your own mobile providers to see whether there are any Android services that might help...
  14. Hi. Evernote v10 has a different database management process and structure than the legacy versions. Backupery will work on Legacy, but not v10.
  15. Well the intention seems pretty clear... Support don't seem to have a fix for you - although from what they're saying, they consider note duplications and slow syncs to be part of the overall syncing review that Evernote were already supposed to be working on. I haven't heard anyone else complain about notes failing to save - which is kind've the opposite of duplication. I'd suggest you respond to that email and point out that your app is unusable if it fails to save more than a line or three at a time, and that duplication is not the issue you have. If you can also post the ticket number(s) for your support query we can flag them for a Forum admin to take a look if you'd like...
  16. Hmmn. There's a bit of a learning curve, but you might be interested in other ways of visualising your notes - there's an aoo which can emulate a tag cloud based on the frequency of some keywords... have a look at https://youtu.be/7oB-cE-tRjo EDIT #app
  17. Thanks for the compliments, but we're (mostly) not Evernote here. Nearly all posts in the Forums tend to be from other users (including mine). If you want to feed back to the company, use the links in most apps or contact Support.
  18. Hi. Perhaps I'm being dim, but if you listed your tasks at one per note and then searched for those due on a specific date, wouldn't that give you something similar?
  19. It may be good practice, but I don't know of any software that follows that step - all you ever get is something to the effect of 'this features requires access to...' - there's no "because..." And please note 'access to' doesn't mean full and unrestricted - 'access to Gallery' forinstance just means "I need to save and display pictures if you take any". Access to Calendar and Contacts just means "if you ever ask me to send a meeting to others, I will be able to do so..."
  20. Thanks! - I don't know what changed, but I tried this several times a few minutes ago and nothing worked... and now it's doing exactly as you show. Happy man now - thankyou!!
  21. Have you checked Evernote Web to see whether the server copy is a better one, per @PinkElephant? EDIT - sorry; just read previous posts and I see that you have. I think we're out of ideas - I can only suggest you report this to Support and see what they say!
  22. Hmmn (again) - that's interesting - have you tried the good old switch-it-off-and-back-on-again? Specifically: sign out of Evernote and back in; if that doesn't work try restarting your device; and if that fails - a full uninstall / restart / reinstall...
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