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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. Confirmed - with or without VPN, Wikipedia won't allow Clipper to load in Edge. If you have an issue with this, I'd say contact Support - Evernote and Wikipedia might have to come to some arrangement. In the meantime other forms of page grabbing do exist...
  2. Hi. If you can subscribe - even for a month or two - that would get you out of the limitation immediately and give you access to Support... although they'll probably just tell you to update your version. If you have another email address, you could start another account and use that as a temporary store untile things even out - but exceeding the limit isn't something you can work around. The usage stats aren't very clear but if you exceeded the very basic free limit it's possible that you went a couple of times over, and the system is still catching up...
  3. Hi. This usually happens when users inadvertently create a new account by logging in with slightly different details. Try logging out and back in again, and use the 'forgotten password' option at Evernote.com if you have any issues. Also you posted this query in another thread and I deleted it because duplicate posts are against forum rules.
  4. Hi. Why can't you use a third-party calendar with Evernote? Calendar entries can be copied into notes, and note links easily allow moving from one app to another. It's not exacty a secret... Evernote + Google Calendar Overview We're mostly other users here, so no inside information - and Evernote doesn't usually share. They are still developing the calendar features, but if you must have the integration now, you'll need to find it elsewhere.
  5. Hi. Evernote normally follows the system settings for its default language. If you're volunteering to help out I'd suggest you contact Evernote Support - we're mostly all other users around here...
  6. Hi. Have you signed in via Evernote.com to confirm that your notes are still there? If they are, and you want to get your installation back you could also download the latest version and reinstall the local instance. In 15 years or so of hanging around the forums here no one has ever had the app self-destruct before...
  7. AFAIK you'd have to talk to iTunes to find out what they'd do, or contact Evernote about payment issues to get their advice.
  8. My 'other' old laptop had issues even running Windows, but it's got Evernote Linux Beta running sweetly now!
  9. Let us know please - the fact that there are only a few comments about this suggests it's not a bug, but Support will be able to look into it.
  10. It may depend more on your devices - I'm very happily running 60,000+ notes in 300+ notebooks on a recent Windows 11 desktop and a new Android tablet. I have an older laptop that freezes when I open the installed app. The desktop has lots of memory and SSDs, the laptop... doesn't.
  11. Have you contacted Support? If this is a new installation you might be seeing the initial set-up activity as Evernote creates its own indexes and support files, but if it continues I can understand you'd want to find something that isn;t so processor intensive.
  12. At the moment my Outlook and Edge processes are running "very high" because they're sorting something out. Software does that. It's only a problem if it's always high.
  13. ? Evernote for Android will scan documents for you. Adobe and Microsoft also have 'scanner' products.
  14. Check in your version of Windows. "Audio" does mean 'sound' - so yeah, Evernote is going to record whatever your system can 'hear' by way of the default sound input device. If you want to attach an electronic file to Evernote, you'd have to download the MP3 (or whatever) file that is the source, and then attach it to your note.
  15. Or maybe an index of Experts offering video tutorials? Hmmn...
  16. Seems like the intention of the guidelines was to say that comments have to be relevant to the forum thread - as in: an ongoing discussion about Clipper, someone who's asking about how to save information into Evernote, or something similar. If you're an Expert, or you have permission from Staff, you can then say "call me, I know about this stuff" (and yes, someone else is actively doing that in the Forums). The way the item is worded though seems to suggest that if you start a thread with your own promotion, what you're saying is (obviously) relevant to the topic, so you're good to go. Personally I think this is a discussion forum where you can rant all you want or ask for help, but posting out and out promotions should definitely be banned. I'll defer this one to the Admins. No disrespect to @Dave Edwards - he does good video; but I don't want to have to work my way through a selection of billboards to get to the actual tech questions (and rants!).
  17. I'll put in my regular plug for Filterize here* - it's a 3rd party subscription app that can process new files as they sync with your online account. I use it to assign my scans and clips to different notebooks with approproate tags. There used to be a free level which - if it still exists - could be enough for your purposes. Just set up rules based in simple tests like "if 'Amazon' is in the note title, move this note to that Notebook". Level up your productivity | Filterize *No connections - just a subscriber
  18. PS - If you want some direct feedback from Evernote / Spoons by the way - I'd suggest usaing Feedback or contacting Support; we're mainly other users here, so absolutely zero 'inside' information...
  19. The last major merger I was involved with had me travelling from the UK to Germany for 6 months as part of a new team developing the hybrid IT system. None of that was possible until the financial and legal sides were sorted out somewhere well above our pay grade, and none of the work affected our users directly - we didn't brief them on the developments and as long as they continued to receive the usual level of service (AFAIK) they continued to be happy. Evernote have a long history of not commenting unless and until they have something to say, and 'Spoons have issued one encouraging statement (that I've seen) but probably won't share any detailed plans even when they're available, because that's just asking for their (much younger, much smaller and therefore much more agile) competitors to jump in and release similar features to steal -or at least share- any available publicity and poach some users. Evernote just released another update to v10, and there are continuing blog posts which would seem to indicate nothing much has changed. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but my attitude is simply to wait and watch - if things go badly I'll worry about taking action.
  20. Hmmn. Might need to know your device, OS and Evernote version for additional background, but I have a couple of files I use regularly - they're table of content / "parent" and "child" notes that live on my Win 11 desktop. (I use the parent version as a kind of executive summary for single projects or activities, and if the project branches off some sub-tasks I can add a child note.) Anyhoo if I doubleclick on the desktop enex file (or use File > Import) it gets imported to my default notebook as below - Doubleclick (or F>I) one of these - Get this... Maybe try the File > Import route and see wht happens?
  21. Hi. We're mostly other users here, so you might want to contact Evernote Support directly for confirmation, but this sounds more like a Windows profile issue than an Evernote glitch. It's so long since I installed an Evernote client on my Windows computers that I don't remember whether this is still accurate, but I'd suggest your fix would be to log out of a nd uninstall Evernote in one profile (uncheck "Keep data when leaving“) and then make sure it's gone from the other profile too. Uninstall again if necessary. Restart your device, then download and install the latest Evernote version from Evernote.com, running the installer as Administrator, and choosing 'for all users' if you get that option. It will take a little while for the database to be rebuilt from the server. but you should then have access from any profile.
  22. Oops - I killed the post as spam. Sorry about that...
  23. Hi. Don't see that we have anything more to worry about than we did 6 months ago - 'Spoons only confirmed the deal this month, and (having been part of a couple of notable takeovers in my career) I'd expect both companies to be continuing with their former plans on autopilot for some weeks or months while the merge in detail takes place. Until a new management is confirmed and a plan has been formalised there's nothing to announce, and personally I'd find a series of "nothing to see here"... "Everything's fine"... "We're doing great..." announcements to be more worrying than lots of activity behind the scenes...
  24. Hi. If a number of users ask for this (or a similar) feature it might be worth Evernote's time to re-engineer the coding, but it would require an unknown number of hours of coding and testing before Evernote could release this as a feature - so guesstimating some thousands of dollars of investment and - given that Evernote will already have a running 12 months of support and development work planned out - a year or more before they started working on it. Hence the usual response to questions like this: Evernote will have noted the suggestion, and may do something with it - but you need to find a work-around or use a different app, because it (probably) won't happen anytime soon...
  25. Hi. Have you checked out the new v10 Evernote Android widgets that provide shortcuts to notes and tasks? No API rquired...
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