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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I think you'll find that tags at least can be saved wih a template exported as an ENEX file abd saved to your local desktop. Doubleclick the file to generate a new note. I think that 'should' also apply to some formatting as well, but YMMV,
  2. Hmmn. That post has now mysteriously disappeared <evil grin> since it wasn't a cry for help or any form of relevant comment or assistance to this discussion.
  3. Hi. Are you a Teams (Evernote business) user? If not, what device, OS and Evernote version are you using? Have you tried copy/ pasting the content into another note / a word processor to print from there?
  4. Hi. I agree that page isn't working, but the parent page at https://translate.evernote.com includes a 'contact us' link you could try - we're mainly other users here and I didn't even know that URL existed until just now...
  5. Whilst @Dave Edwards' video is no doubt informative, I hope it includes a suggestion that 'prompts' or questions to AI should always be polite and respectful - I for one want to get along famously with our new cyrbernetic overlords when they do take over. The Law of Unintended Consequences suggests that mistakes might be a bit dangerous... https://www.vice.com/en/article/4a33gj/ai-controlled-drone-goes-rogue-kills-human-operator-in-usaf-simulated-test (Note the word 'simulated' there... Skynet isn't in charge - yet.)
  6. Hi. You're correct in all cases except that this isn't a particular issue or a problem. Several options exist to move windows around - the easiest being the Win key plus an arrow key. You can feed this issue back to Evernote directly in most versions by using the in-app link, and if Evernote receive enough feedback to realise that this issue affects a significant number of their 200M+ users they might do something about it. Alternatively you could post this suggestion in the Feature Request forums to see how many other users might vote it up.
  7. Hmmn. Wish there was an emoji for I hear you, but don't necessarily agree / understand this well enough to argue. I'm going with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for the time being...
  8. So you're sayin' - bad example? I guess in the situation I outlined I would've tried a conventional search first. And as I caveated: Evernote haven't offered any comments about AI security / training yet. The last official release on that did hint that the company had sensible concerns about security, but we have yet to hear whether or how they'll implement them. I use ChatGPT quite a lot now but I have switched off the Chat History feature so my queries can't be used for training and get deleted every 6 hours.
  9. Hi. Have you contacted Support on this issue? Individual reports help the team identify where and how problems arise and help design a fix. Activity logs can provide valuable information - and the number of reports being received can increase the priority assigned to the fix. If the company aren't aware of an issue or don't get many queries on it, they may assume it's mot important.
  10. Yeah they seem real bored... We apologize for the inconvenience, but chat support is currently unavailable due to the high volume of support requests. Please feel free to submit an email ticket or reach out at discussion.evernote.com. Thank you for understanding.
  11. ...smaller note sizes, lower monthly upload limits, no email access and a two-device limit?
  12. I'd be happy to have something like ChatGPT trained on my own database so that I could raise prompts like "show me notes that relate to the Omega project launch" and refine results with "exclude anything to do with accounting" - as long as said results aren't being fact-checked by a third party, or used to train the AI in any way related to my data.
  13. Hi - are you saying this is one PDF? Or, as suggested above, one note with many PDFs?
  14. Hi. No. You can change email addresses from one account to another. If that doesn't deal with the billing issues, contact support to get it straightened out. To merge accounts, simply share the notebooks from one account with the other and copy them into the new account's structure. Swap the email addresses between two separate Evernote accounts
  15. Hi. If you contact Evernote they'll tell you that they don't know anything about your payment - better start with iTunes to make sure it went through. And power your system off / back on again to reset the app - you may find the update has gone through by now. If you have any problems with Evernote - contact Support. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  16. Hi. What device / Windows version / Evernote version were you using at the time? What level user are you (basic/personal/professional)? Were you connected vie a mobile / work / home network? Wifi or wired?.
  17. Hmmn. But what happens (as in my case) if I have two devices on v10 and two on Legacy. My phone is running an old Android version that won't support EN10 and my (win10 64bit 8MB) laptop has a nervous breakdown every time it even thinks about EN10 so it's running 6.25 still. @Scott T. did say the RTE app would convert notes back for compatibility when necessary, but if I create in either Legacy device the notes are (presumably) left in Legacy format; and what happens if I open an EN10 RTE note opened initially on my desktop but then edited in Legacy. Basically I'm asking: once the note is converted to RTE format - is it permanently maintained that way? Or can it be 'downgraded' again if edited in legacy? ...And am I getting too deep in the weeds on this? (Asking for a friend)
  18. Yeah - but "every gridding tool" isn't doing half of what else Evernote is doing and only has a fraction of the load on their servers. I used to be involved with an account that 'only' had 250,000 users and our head of software used to take a walk around the local docks (as in shipping harbour) to work up his nerve 'think carefully through' any updates/ upgrades we were just about to release before pushing the big red button. With 200M+ users you might want to be very very cautious with changes... Anyway: I use tags too, but usually to -tag:<name> them in and out, and (occasionally filter). There was a search that helped with reminders, though I don't know whether it would help with this use case - have a look at reminderOrder:*
  19. Hi. Second question first: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/449-product-feedbackfeature-requests/ Regarding the rest - can you explain with more detail why you want to sort by tag? What's the process here? You're right that it's not available directly in the new version.
  20. I'm seeing lots of comments (and threads!) about RTE and the need to convert notes from Legacy format to the new RTE format as each one is opened - has anyone checked whether this is a one-time deal? If a note has been opened, converted and edited once, does it open faster next time? Or does the app convert the format back to legacy-style compatibility and 'lose' it's RTE conversion? I haven't been keeping track of note opening speeds vs re-opening so far, but I'll try to look out for (and report) any anomalies. As before - if you're having issues, please report them - feedback/ twitter for Basic users, Support tickets for subscribers. Evernote will be tracking what issues cause most concern, and having actual reports means they can request more details / activity logs if they need help to figure out the best way to move this forward. Support is a two-way street: it's not enough to say 'this is wrong - fix it!' - it's like getting medical attention for a injury. You often need to show a medic exactly what's wrong so they know how to fix you!
  21. Hi. It would also be helpful to us to see an example link/ screenshot - are you linking to the Evernote note, the XLSX file or where? When you click on your link what do you see as the results?
  22. If you are a subscriber (or willing to become one for a month) you could consider this option - Use note history to view older versions of a note
  23. You should be able to open the local folder and create a shortcut to the file from there - I used to create a shortcut on the desktop and drag and drop that into a note; these days I just copy the full filename and path and create a file:/// link
  24. What kind of integration are you looking for? I link to dropbox files with their URL.
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