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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Not sure how up to date this is, but there's a help page for Siri here - Use Siri with Evernote
  2. While this is another price increase this year, I looked at the new prices alongside things like my Amazon Prime and Adobe photography subscriptions; the cost of a YouTube family membership - and Evernote is at or below the same level as all of these, and of more value (to me) than a lot of them. Asking for an intermediate price to 'encourage' people to start subscribing is like asking Amazon to offer a "free delivery only on Mondays" option at 20% of the price of the full package. And adding a new level of intermediate subscription increases costs for the company which reflect of everyone from full subscribers to shareholders. I don't know about them, but as a full subscriber I don't currently feel inclined to contribute towards the cost of giving others a better deal than mine!
  3. It's not unreasonable to take a while to investigate an unusual issue - have you reminded them via the ticket that you're still waiting for a resolution? Apart from that I see no magical way to resurrect missing notes unless you have a backup copy somewhere. Back up and restore your data in Evernote for Windows
  4. The Forums here are mainly supported by other users like me. We don't have any special access to Evernote. You can raise a support ticket if you are a subscriber, or contact via Twitter if not - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  5. Hi. Evernote recently changed the way that note contents are coded, and while Penultimate is listed as having an integration it has not (AFAIK) been updated or upgraded in some long time. You may be better off looking for another handwriting compatible app if that's what you need.
  6. In this case it appears the rule "it's not us, it's you" appliies. That search for me generates 31 notes, all but 3 of which were changed in the last 24 hours. The exceptions were created 10 years ago and never altered until today - which I'll admit is weird, but in this context not a major problem.
  7. ...not sure how you get there from raised prices. It hardly seems fair to blame the new owners - who've been in control for nearly 20 whole weeks now - with all the sins of the past. Bugs not being fixed prior to 2 years ago is/ was a Legacy issue, and while the new package brought a slew of brand-new shiny issues, the team have been cycling through new versions rather quickly every couple of weeks to get from 10.0 to (AFAIK) 10.57 in around 60 updates so far. I'd think actual bugs are being resolved as fast as possible. If you're still finding them, I'd suggest re-filing (or re-opening) the support request, and persevering -as patiently as possible- with the support team. I used to run something similar with around a quarter-million users, and there are (at least) three tiers of support: Frontline - least experienced agents to very quickly weed out the queries from users who just don't know how computers / the internet / this app works. They probably have lists or scripts for everything they're allowed to deal with. Escalating to - Second Line - user has been taken through restarting / reinstalling / any other process that might be relevant and the 1st line agent still can't fix the issue. These guys are more experienced and more techy and have more time to look into things. Escalating to - Devs - security issues / OS changes / anything requiring new research or development work On a much smaller user base we had thousands of queries per day, and the vast bulk were deal with by 1st line support. I've found in my dealings with Evernote support that when you're worried about having lost important data, it's rather easy to miss something that on any normal day you would have caught in seconds. A neutral third party taking you through a process step-by-step can make you realise that - oh, maybe I didn't do that in the right order. Of all the tickets I've raised, I'd say about 50% were 'proper' issues and the rest were me being dumb (or at least impatient). At least you'll have a year to see how the new team shape up before deciding whether or not to bail! I'm (unfortunately) part of the May group and the first to be sucked in at the new rates...
  8. Hmmn. Well - as before. Weird stuff happens; as long as you got your account back in good order, I'd count it as a win!
  9. Sounds like the best protection would be a backup to spreadsheet unless you already have it in an external file. As you've heard any AI involvement at all should be optional, and you'd still have the protection of Note History if anything was changed.
  10. LOL guessing you were never a 'glass half full' kind've person... check out the Glassdoor reviews. The company seems healthy, happy and successful. And they didn't spend a chunk of change on their new acquisition just to run it into the ground. Things will get fixed - and I'd rather have all hands fixing it than someone coming back here to try and reassure people and wasting even more time getting slammed for something that may not even be in Evernote's hands to fix!
  11. Mine's old enough to call me by a nickname - 'Grumpy' - can't think why...
  12. Oddly I've been (mostly) trouble-free for the past few days. Best advice is the usual "contact Support or feed it back" - a mounting pile of similar user issues will get someone's attention.
  13. Hi. AFAIK security updates and technical support for Windows 7 ended on 14 January 2020, so I think you may be a little bit of an edge case - and will be even more so if you go back to the equally deprecated and unsupported Evernote Legacy. It's not unknown for updates to go wrong, so my first suggestion would be to completely remove Evernote from your system using Revo Uninstaller and retry downloading and installing the update from Evernote.com. If you had any unsynced notes on your system, you will lose these with the uninstall, but if Evernote won't load I don't know of a way to back them up first. Legacy should be available from online sources if you need it, but I'd suggest you try to avoid going there if you're already used to v10. All the new features like tasks and RTE will not work in the older version.
  14. ? I just Airplaned my tablet and created a new note - warnings were "you're offline" and "the note will sync when you reconnect". Edited some content and tapped the check mark at the top right. Edited note went into my default notes with the big green 'not synced' flag. Reconnected the tablet - and about 2 seconds later (after my VPN got over the shock) the note was on my desktop and the sync flash had gone from the tablet. Seems to work seamlessly for me. Possibilities are: that the OP did not 'close' the note correctly / Evernote was closed and/ or the device turned off before sync / something else went wrong. Without much more detail it's impossible to say.
  15. If you lost data and are a subscriber - contact Support. That's not us; the Forum is mostly user-supported.
  16. It's not 'clearly' about anything. 99% of the time spent fixing an issue is finding out what actually causes it. Coding is easy. The hard part is working out why the data being sent to output either isn't coded correctly to produce the required file or print, and whether that's caused by internal or external issues like the output source, some translation through iOS, or changes in PDF formats. The more users who report the issue and are willing to share activity logs, the easier it is for the techs to trace down the problem. Heckling the team about delays is as helpful as "are we there yet?" from the back seat of a car...
  17. I'm also getting random blank notes. If I click on a note that hasn't been opened recently it can take a few seconds before the body of the note appears in the window. From time to time a newly-opened note stays blank however long I wait. I'll try to check the next instance in other devices to confirm that I do still have the content.
  18. I'm firmly of the belief that the only thing which drives a nail is hitting it in the head with something heavy. If you need to spend much time organising when and how you do the hitting, rather than just swinging a hammer, you're not fixing as many nails as you could with more hitting, less organising. Having said which I know nothing about your individual situation or system abd everyone works differently. Just sayin'...
  19. I'd think you can get a fair idea by creating a test note and asking ChatGPT to summarise it. Say something like: "I'm going to provide you with a long document. Please summarise it for me"... and hit enter, then copy/ paste the document and hit enter again. The result, IME, can be variable - used that way the app speaks perfect english, and that does not shorten sentences very well! I can usually shorten the output by another 30% I understand there are more feature - tasks, delegations and such; but we'll have to wait to see precisely what it can do. My takeawyas here would be: work on a copy note you don't have ro use the extension it's not destructive - you can reverse changes, and there's always Note History. As always I'm busy with some darn alligators - don't currently have time to worry whether we're going to drain the swamp...
  20. I talked about user numbers in one of the price-related threads around here, but I got it wrong. According to the recent blog post Bending Spoons have 500 Million current users, and in their case I think this means actual fee-payers, rather than some subscribers and a mass of casual free users. That's already more than twice Evernote's size in users, and while a lot may also be Evernote users or subscribers, they still have enormous scope to cross-sell to their own existing customers as well as attracting new users. They are known mainly as mobile specialists so I would think that anyone bemoaning Evernote's current performance on mobile devices will get some pleasant surprises down the line. While armchair quarterbacking what the company should do is great fun, I'm experienced enough to know that this is a complex situation and I have a totally insignificant amount of necessary data - far too little to forecast which way things will develop. The company has done well for itself though - even without our help so far - and Glassdoor seems to report very good feelings from those who work there, both about their own environment and their overall prospects. As ever I'm happy to go along for the ride, and I am not going to worry about what 'might' happen in the next 5 years. I have more pressing problems right now that I need to concentrate on. I'll worry about the company failing if and when it shows serious signs of doing so. Like any professional user I have an escape hatch ready should things go south, but I hope never to have to use it!
  21. Hmmn. I winged about long delays when trying to delete some notes a couple of hours ago - wonder if that was related? You can always check on the status site - https://status.evernote.com/ (although it says nothing currently...)
  22. I got my update to 10.57 his morning - Evernote opened to a new version on startup. I run a Windows11 64bit 32GB desktop which is usually quite fast. Randomly wanted to delete 82 old unrequired autoforwarded emails in one batch (found a mistake -mine- in the Outlook rule that got them here in the first place). I thought I killed the app. L - o - o - o - n - g pause before any action (5 minutes+) with the desktop saying "delete 1 of 82 notes..." Then suddenly it started to count up and ran through the process normally. So I tried with 2 notes. Same deal - except this time it took 3 minutes and I got a red "failed to delete notes" at the end. Use the three-dots menu to Move to Trash? - No effect. Tried the delete button - instant action: Note in Trash. So it appears I can take out notes one-by-one but not in batch. Not an issue since <delete> is instant. To save multiple tickets I'll report this properly once I've used the app for a day or two to see whether I find more anomalies.
  23. I don't believe it's an automated return-of-email type service. Someone has to (or at least used to) consider each application individually. When did you apply?
  24. Just to round off here... Backupery has completed! 61,380 notes from 0900 11 May to 1830 19 May - just over 200 hours or 5 seconds per note. Of course some of those notes will have been edited / added / deleted during that time... EDIT or maybe 11 seconds per note. I think I dislocated my maths. Total folder size is 34.5GB.
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