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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. You'll also have to be very lucky. The company has never shared that sort of information.
  2. Neither of my installed apps have that feature, but the web version does. Don't see that the button they used occupies a disproportionatly large chunk of screen estate. How about some screen shots so we can see it in different setups? -And as I said Evernote is asking for feedback. If you don't like the setup, make sure you tell them so.
  3. If you're still getting the issue after a clean reinstall, go back to Support under your existing ticket number.
  4. Which bit of "you can continue editing while Evernote reconnects" did you have a problem with? Have you lost any notes or the content of any note because of his? I agree it's annoying that the display was jumping with each appearance and disappearance of that message, but I've not seen it for a while now and things seem to have settled down...
  5. If you're a subscriber you should have access to Note History which will include all versions of any note you can still see that Evernote has received from any connected devices. If that doesn't include the lost data, then for some reason it looks like the changes didn't make it as far as Evernote. You could still raise this with Support (not us - mainly other users here...) who may be able to help.
  6. Well, if you can see this feature that has been rolled out to a limited number 'selected users' so far, you are invited (I believe) to give your feedback on the implementation once it completes its activity. Feel free to express whatever reservations you have direct to Evernote - it will have more effect than chatting here when (presumably) most of us can't see anything yet.
  7. ...Er, I don't necessarily agree; it depends obviously what you're tagging and why you're going to be searching in the future, but as a long term user I mainly depend on Evernote's advanced search options to find stuff. Any technical post on any topic is going to be riddled with specialist (and easily findable) terms about that topic. Anything to do with commercial transactions is going to have customer numbers and purchase numbers linking transactions (and series' of transactions) together. The people and companies I deal with all have unique identifiers - <name> and <company> with differentiate the Sam Smith who works for Amazon from that nice lady down the block who walks neighborhood dogs. Even meetings have built-in unique IDs - my 20230523 1100 meeting is easily identified, and different from the 20230523 1400 meeting later - and in any event it's easy to turn up all meetings on that date and choose from a short list. I mainly tag as part of a maintenance task when I find that a search which should turn up a very short list of hits accidentally generates a screenful. I'll tag one group or another just to make it easier next time. Or might change some titles / add some dates or otherwise 'curate' the heck out of my list. I should caveat that my standard title is: Date (yyyymmdd) of the event or activity that's creating this note. (All notes have a creation date, but that doesn't allow for me being lazy and only documenting activity a week later, or wanting to create a note about a future event.) Type - random keyword for what this note is about: receipt / webinar / phone call Principal - as in 'principal character'; who is this from, or what company is holiding this event Keywords - more about what's going on here: "budget meeting" / celebration meal whatever... But everyone can use whatever works for them.
  8. If you're a subscriber I'd suggest contacting Support; if not there are other Mac users around here who might have sone suggestions...
  9. We must be using differemt products. Collaboration is handy - with your partner, kids or colleagues - and that's about the only thing that I might see as being vaguely business. Evernote's other stuff from tasks to calendars is surely only what any busy individual could need...
  10. Hi. It's helpful to know what device, windows version (W7,8,10,11?) and Evernote version you're using, and how exactly the update was processed - it's my understanding that we get a left-margin notice that an update can be installed on next restart. Plus were these notes created on the same device, and have you signed into the web version via Evernote.com to check what notes are available there?
  11. Hi. Can you explain exactly how and where you are scanning? We might be able to suggest some alternatives like using the Import Folder which does not generate that dialogue.
  12. It is still possible to export notes from any desktop application to ENEX, HTML or PDF. This is a mainly user supported forum by the way, so 'we' haven't done anything. If you can specify your device, OS and Evernote version maybe we can help?
  13. If you start v10 and then sign out, you should have the chance to opt out of keeping your database on that device. Select that option, complete your sign-out, and you will minimise the v10 footprint on that device until you decide to use it again.
  14. As @Dave-in-Decatur said, Electron - the company that helps Evernote code works in different operating systems - recently withdrew support for Windows 7 and 8 for all their corporate clients. It wasn't an Evernote decision but obviously it has an effect on all users of those old Windows systems. I don't know whether Evernote Web will continue to work, but that may be an option for the time being...
  15. Legacy and v10.x have different databases, as you obviously realised; there is a 'quick' way to update your laptop Legacy installation, but I've not tried it where v10 is also installed - you may find the app becomes unstable. If that happens, you'd have to start over downloading from the Server so nothing is lost, but some time. Here's what I suggest you could do: Copy the databases folder on your desktop to a usb drive. Sign out of Evernote on the laptop and take it offline. Locate the same folder on the laptop hard drive. Rename it to Databases.old. Upload the thunb drive copy in its place. Restart the laptop and sign back in. With a little luck Evernote won't notice the transplant and you can continue from there. If anything does go wrong you have two layers of protection. Delete the thumb drive copy folder from your laptop and un-rename the original folder Uninstall Evernote Legacy completely and start over... Hope that helps...
  16. Sadly those three platforms (plus Android) include probably another 100 or so variations depending on OS; and ironically Evernote had no involvement in the decisions which removed easy PDF access from MacOS (that was an Apple update excluding some functionality) or the Win7/8 issues - Electron took their own decision there for all its clients. And combining all the different features in one universal app was 1) a user request and 2) a massive cost-saver; you'd need something like 5 times the coding capacity to deal with all the options, so even more expense for us to complain about. Don't get me wrong - everything around me is costing more because of the pandemic / war / 'brexit' / global warming / <insert existential crisis here...> and I'm not pleased to see Evernote joining the trend. But I have confidence in the management team and I use the product extesively as part of my daily flow. I'll give them another year to see what happens! (And for the record, I started costing this out alongside internet charges / phone subscriptions / Amazon Prime... even at the new levels I don't think their prices are unreasonable.)
  17. Well - I agree with you on a couple of points; I recently posted a support ticket on this - - and got Which wasn't much more than kicking the tyres and putting out fires, but slightly more professional. ...and I could care less about AI, which is marginally useful at best. On the rest of your comments, we'll just have to differ: I find the app to be reliable and quick, I'm very happy to give what seems to be a highly competent management team some time to get their feet under the Evernote table and boost the company from there. I think they're being realistic about costs and features, and I see no reason why they'd want to change the currently announced charging structure this year at least, while they wait to see how their streamlined new organisation performs. On your last point about security by the way I used to manage a security team within customer support at a national ISP. The one thing you never do is to give away free information about how you structure your network; it's much more effective to allow the black hats to fumble around in the dark trying to find a way in. If customers have any doubts about the security protections, they're very welcome to go find someone else in whom they have more confidence.
  18. Hi. Microsoft no longer support Windows 7, why would you expect that other software providers could be different? W7 and W8 no longer receive security updates from the company, so you're using an insecure system. Electron, which is the 'wrapper' process that allows Evernote's code to run on different operating systems, has removed support for these old systems; which is why Evernote no longer works with W7/8. Nothing to do with Evernote updates, removing functionality, or imposing new charges. Everything to do with a need to stay at least within shouting distance of a current OS. If you're a subscriber you can raise your concerns with Support, but I doubt there's anything anyone can do. You may still have access to Evernote Web in the meantime...
  19. If you are running Evernote Legacy, a copy of your database is stored on your local hard drive by default. If you use windows, search your hard drive for a file ending .EXB, or look at Tools>Options from the Evernote menu bar. You should be able to see where Evernote stores its databases. As long as you remain signed into Evernote you should be able to view and edit your notes anywhere, on or offline.
  20. Hmmn. Not from Evernote. A few third-party sites like filehippo.com offer previous versions of most software, though with Evernote's changes to database format you install anything other than the current release absolutely at your own risk. If you're a subscriber it's far better to contact Support and get their help rather than experimenting on your own...
  21. Hi. Evernote doesn't sync between devices, but from each one to and from the central server. Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues EDIT: you seem to have had two posts on this. I deleted the other one.
  22. Hi. Seems like your version of Windows will no longer receive security updates as of January this year. And Evernote suggests Windows 10 is required for its operation. You could try a reinstall using Revo Uninstaller to delete Evernote and all its current data prior to a restart / reinstall, but your best bet short term is probably to use the web version. Beware if you're a BAsic user, the web version counts as a separate device, so you might have to disable an existing device to use it. Understanding the device limit
  23. Hi. These Forums are mainly user 2 user but subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or via the feedback option where it is available). If you can tell us your Windows and Evernote versions maybe we can suggest a fix. If this happened after an update, then maybe a restart or uninstall / reinstall will fix your issue?
  24. Before anyone gets offended, I'm not replying to anyone in particular here, just observing the situation... I'm kinda relying on some basics Bending Spoons built a business with more users than Evernote and eventually were able to purchase a certain note-taking app. It would seem that they're not totally talentless and stupid. They will have done their due diligence to justify the purchase and presumably now have a plan for how the next 12-24 months are going to go. They've decided on their starting conditions, which we all now know and dislike - but having put in considerable work and some detailed planning to get this far, they're going to want to let the situation develop for several months to see how their budgeting goes and how many users jump ship -vs- how many new users come on board. It's a two-way street - lots of users (me included) are going to be watching how well - or otherwise - this goes. Given the amount of work that's gone into geting this far, expecting someone to lean in and release a new cheap product at this stage to help 'ease' people into subscribing is like an astronaut chasing across the car park shouting "wait for me!" at a SpaceX launch. The rocket isn't going to 180 for anyone. If things go wrong, there will be changes; but not now, not without lots of feedback and investigation. Actually the best way to protest the increase is to end your subscription as soon as possible and go to the opposition. Hitting the company in the budget will get some attention. Telling some (apparently) pretty smart people that they have this all wrong... won't.
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