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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi - it means you're in a 100-200 million user queue as the update is rolled out. Jumping the queue is easy - download and install the new version directly from Evernote.com.
  2. Hi. What version of Widows are you using? Are you a new user or is this a recent update? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
  3. Hi. There is actually a Beta Linux app, but you'd have to apply to the beta programme to eventually download it. See Evernote for Linux for more. Meantime your options would be either to set up your notes as templates via the Evernote system, or to create a 'template' notebook containing blank versions of your notes from which you could copy or create duplicates as necessary. Use templates
  4. If you don't think the new package is worth it, then it's entirely your right to go elsehwere. Good luck with that.
  5. Also no, I'm afraid - I use a text-expander to keypress the current date / time in this format 20230625 1742 with one keystroke. I'll routinely head my notes with the date most relevant to the content - of an event, a received email or some such. Where I have a timeline of events or documents to cover in one note, I'll use a table with the latest entry at the top. Can you give us any more information on why changing the updated date is so important to you? (You should probably beware that we'll likely suggest a dozen different ways of achieving the same thing - at least until / unless Evernote offers an alternative.)
  6. Well Microsoft stopped supporting win 7 some time ago, and Evernote won't support legacy so you may never know! It's possible that excess traffic caused a problem, but you've already been through the standard 'fixes'. I'd give it a day or so and try again. I do have a win 10 laptop that still runs legacy, so AFAIK no official steps have been taken to limit things. At least you can (presumably) still use the Web version?
  7. Windows is far from miraculous - those files were valid PDF files, but as @PinkElephant pointed out, without the correct file type suffix, Windows is unable to recognise or open them. If it's feasible you can rename attached files within Evernote, but if you have a lot of files in this state it would be worth contacting Support - all file types should be maintained correctly while attached to notes!
  8. So apart from new owners, and calendars / tasks / real-time editing / AI editing / faster syncs / new settings / better print options / spreadsheet previews and conflict fixes, nothing much has happened? (Not looking to create an argument, but it is very wrong to say nothing has changed!)
  9. Hi. Apart from the fact that items 12 & 13 were updated (at the time of your image), 9 minutes and 1 minute ago, while the others were days ago, I have no clue. What version of Evernote for Android do you use? I'm not sure, but I assume, that when sharing the recording you're sharing to the server, which then syncs the new notes to any other devices connected to your account. Are you able to check the notes there by signing in to Evernote.com in a browser? Comms between the Android and the server will depend on the strength and speed of your network connection, so could these fails be happening in locations where the signal is weak? The size of the files my also be a factor - are the fails longer / larger than the successful shares? I regularly share items from my mobile and tablet with Evernote and rarely have any problems - clearly your experience is different, but the only 'fix' available for 'phones is to uninstall Evernote / restart the phone / reinstall - any unsynced notes then on the phone would be lost. You should definitely report this to Support (we're mainly other users here) - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for subscribers - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or the feedback option from most apps) for free users. As you have a mobile, support is via app settings>support>issue ticket.
  10. ...PS - where are your payments coming from exactly ? Your bank, or the Apple shop? It's also worth contacting them to stop any further payments - but obviously they probably can't refund anything that has already been paid,
  11. No problem - the Support link is just hard to get through sometimes so I didn't lead with that - but try selecting 'billing and payments' from the drop down when you log into https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. You should then be able to carry on with your query... I logged in here with my 'spare' test account and got that far...
  12. I would be pretty sure the account you're logged into is not the one they're charging you for - did you find any payment details in your account information? That's where you can add or edit your payment details with Evernote. If you try signing in to the Evernote.com web page and insert your email address, there's a 'forgot password' option you could try - if you have more than one email address, try all of them! If you can find another account, that's where the payment details will be - and if it's a subscription account you'll be able to get past the gatekeeper software at Support and ask for refunds...
  13. I'm a bit hazy on when, but I agree - I really didn't like the first iterations of v10. It was too slow, too limited and too different; but after a hundred or so updates (I think we had three in the last month!) it is at least usable. Some details are still up in the air - the 'are you sure?' warnings on links, the 100 selection limit and so on, but like you I'm using v10 as the daily driver with very few actual complaints. I do see the occasional blue circle though.
  14. Considering that this issue seems only to have affected you, I don't think either applies; and I'm pretty sure that Evernote is not working on any fixes unless they have more Support requests we don't know about. We're mainly other users here - I'd suggest you contact Evernote to get some direct feedback. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or via the feedback option where it is available).
  15. You may be using an older version of Evernote. Have you updated to 10.58.8? If not, download the installer from Evernote.com
  16. This app is no longer supported. If you're now subscribing to personal or professional please do raise your issues with Evernote Support.
  17. Not sure what we're arguing about here - tasks that aren't explicitly assigned to a specific note have a default note location, with an option to change that location. Either way you can 'go to note' from the task. Tags don't work within a note, but searching there for a keyword from the task itself will jump you there, and further content can then be added or read using the task as a heading. To 'tag' that task individually isn't possible, but getting to it requires a couple of keypresses and/ or a search. Using Evernote's features has only one rule anyway - do things whicheverway you prefer. If you want to add tags to tasks, create individual notes for all the tasks for a particular project and link them together with a ToC note or one common tag.
  18. Hi. Sounds like you and your boss are overwriting each other's changes somehow. I'd suggest both you and he make sure you're on the latest version of Evernote on all devices, and that whoever 'owns' the note looks back in Note History to restore the full version. Then if the other person opens the note and allows some time (several minutes) for it to update if necessary, you should both be on the same page. Full disclosure - we're all mainly other users here in the Forums. I'd assume you have one or more subscribers there, so should have access to Evernote Support. If you still have issues I'd suggest contacting support - they can see the server-side version of your accounts and probably do a lot more than we can to fix the situation!
  19. I can only repeat the warning that - as other users - we're frequently offering these days: legacy's days are numbered and the meter is running down. Evernote are already making special concessions to allow legacy users to sync their data alongside v10 users, and one MacOS update has already limited the features of that legacy client. More OS, browser and Evernote updates will gradually leave all legacy clients orphaned and unusable. v10 must be approaching 100 updates since it was launched, and is now vastly better than the very basic original. Better to accept that now and attempt to argue for more improvements from within, than to stick to the dubious comfort of the old app and simply wait for it to crash. Entirely your choice of course, and there's always the option to find an alternative provider and leave.
  20. I'm lucky enough not to have to think in years anyway - my priorities are something like the Eisenhower Matrix; there's 'urgent and important' (NOW) ''urgent / not important' (Soon) neither urgent nor important (maybe) I'll process them in order, prioritising each category as I go. Some things have been in my 'maybe' notebook for years... Individual items are 'parent' summary ToC notes linking to notebooks with progress details. With a few extra folders I guess you could convert this outline to something like the described process, but I find the simplicity of putting tasks in folders and getting through them in order is efficient enough for me.
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