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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. You seem to have joined the forums a few months ago mainly to complain about how little you are able to use the app. If you prefer to use third-party software, please go ahead - but spamming here is just going to annoy other users. Please don't. Genuine requests for features or help, or work-arounds to help fix things -that don't involve using third-party products- are welcome.
  2. Actually, I think it is (kind've) possible on a mobile device - you'd have to get your list of notes and then move them (or copy them) to their own notebook. That notebook can be made available offline. On a laptop should should already have offline access to everything anyway... more here: Access notes offline
  3. Hmmn. I'd thought that you might have applied some non-standard style that was being auto-corrected by the system; but a ticket will do the job. Good luck!
  4. Hmmn - the equivalent in Windows would be Ctrl+H which gives me a Find & Replace pop-up I didn't know I had! Thanks!
  5. Not sure if this is related, but I have a couple of notes with tables containing images and files where I created two versions of that note - let's use my favourite example "Amazon". There's one note with the a screen grab of the order details for my 'nuclear disintegrator ray gun' plus the email acknowledgement. And, let's say I made another separate note containing the scanned delivery details. If I search by order number I find both notes and want to combine them. Both contain 2x4 tables with images and files in one cell and dates / comments in the other. If I Ctrl-C copy one table and paste it into the other note, I get a red error 'copy failed' and while the destination note has the new table in place, plus the dates and comments, any files or images are shown as rotating circles. I've had one of those running for 5 days now and the images still haven't appeared. Oddly - I made copies of both notes and merged them, and that worked fine - except the two tables refuse to join up. There's an annoying empty line between them that can't be deleted. So in this case - merge good / copy bad. Since that experience I've had a couple more duplications where I exported any attachments before copying the table across, then re-added the attachments. That works too...
  6. Hi. I agree that you need to advise Evernote this is happening, but can you clarify: what exactly do you mean by "custom styles"?
  7. Hi. You're doing the right thing. In any modern app getting things fixed is a two-way street. Evernote won't know things are going wrong unless they get specific feedback from users. This Forum doesn't exactly count - it's mainly supported by other users like me, and while Evernote staffers will read comments (days or weeks after they're made), they (mostly) don't respond on individual issues. Individual feedback also means Evernote can view Activity Logs to see what's going on with their code. Basically more reports mean faster fixes. Sadly I'm not seeing the same things here - Windows 11 and 10.58.3 (I just updated manually, so I don't feel inclined to do it again for a .5 version). Evernote has its ongoing... indiosyncrasies... but it's not "unusable" by any means.
  8. Hi. It's not possible for notes or notebooks to simply disappear - and even if your notebook had been deleted in some way, the notes should still have been stored in the Trash notebook so you could restore them if necessary. We're mainly all other users here, so no special access to your account - if you're a subscriber I'd suggest you raise this with Evernote Support who will be able to investigate more than we can. It would be helpful to us and to them if you can answer some questions... What's your device, OS and Evernote version? Have there been any recent changes to that device - updates / operating systems / new apps installed? When, and on what device was this new notebook created? You have access to your account through at least two separate devices - have you checked another device to make sure this notebook has disappeared? Have you done a general search of your account for a keyword in one of the missing notes to see if the notebook got moved somehow?
  9. There's some weirdness around opening notes - I have Backupery, Filterize and Postach.io which all provide services connected to my account, and are now hiccuping over the RTE process of converting notes (allegedly) the first time they are opened. I'd suggest you bounce your logs off Support and get them to look into it - but please let us know how you get on; I'm going to chase my tickets on the other three issues!
  10. I'm currently using 🔸as a marker prefix for some note titles, and a search for just the icon "🔸" gets me 270 hits, including a few notes which list icons, apparently including this one. If I search "🔸 intitle:🔸" however I get 266 hits, which is correct. As well as the orange diamond I found a small number of icons that work well for me - YMMV ◙ ⭕ 🔸 🔹 💠 🔶 ◒ 🔵● ○ 🔴🔵🟢⚪⚫🟡🟣🟠🟤 There is a little evil black triangle with a question mark that pops up on occasion, but most of these seem to hold up well in searches, lists, tags and notes.
  11. Hmmn. Similar setup here on Win 11 and I don't see why you'd be having problems - my database is twice as big and if I hit 'new note' I get a new note immediately. Have you tried the classic "switch it all off and then switch it all on again"? If you have some time you could also try uninstalling and reinstalling Evernote - I did this recently and was back up and running within an hour or so, but don't start the process unless you have no immediate need to be somewhere else - i can take a while. If you do all the above and it's still an issue, I'd suggest a support ticket - send them a copy of your logs too. (See the Help menu)
  12. Hi. I get "untitled" sometimes with new notes, but given a little time that usually fixes itself. I don't think it's so much of a 'botch' as a delay. How are you geting these XLSX and PDF files into Evernote? Import Folder / email / dragndrop / Attach ? If you're concerned about possible file loss I'd suggest you keep the originals in an Archive folder for 24 hours and make sure they are available in the note. If you find they are all present and correct, you could drop the extra step.
  13. I flagged the ticket number for the admins, but as has been said above - we're just other users here, no special access, and Support will take as long as they need to respond. Hopefully you'll hear more soon!
  14. Hi. I don't know whether Scannable will be updated - the existing app camera feature seems to have most of the Evernote-related capabilities. I'm an Android user so for a third-party option I use Adobe Scan or MS Office Lens both of which have perspective correction and will save to PDF.
  15. Hi. Not sure how long 'later' is going to be, but that's a fairly common response from any secure site if someone tries unsuccessfully to access it multiple times. This is a (mainly) user-supported Forum, so you really need to contact Support to get some assistance. If you're not sure what your password is now, don't keep trying to guess it, otherwise you'll extend the lockout. At this stage I don't know whether the 'forgot password' link at Evernote.com would be available, but it's worth a try if you're desperate. If you post your ticket number here, we can flag it for an Admin to push it through for you, but the Support teams are busy at the moment - their response will take as long as it takes. Meantime you can at least use the alternate account to make new notes...
  16. This is what the app says... General Updated End Users License Agreement New Spreadsheet Preview setting under Preferences/Notes Advanced Setting : Hardware Acceleration Disable under Preferences/Application Low hard drive space detection and warning dialog New printing functionality Fixed Note duplication with attachments Note counts AI Cleanup fixes Real Time Editing fixes Sync/data-loss fixes with power state changes (sleep, hibernate, logout, etc.)
  17. Hi. Device? OS? Evernote version?
  18. Hi. Who did you pay your subscription to? Have you had an email quoting a ticket number?
  19. Hi. Usual reason is you logged in with incorrect details and accidentally created a new blank account. Log out, try again! (Carefully)
  20. Hi. Usual reason is you logged in with incorrect details and accidentally created a new blank account. Log out, try again! (Carefully)
  21. ... So that was interesting... I run Windows 11 and Evernote 10.58.3 Professional on a Del XPS with 32GB memory. Normally it runs Evernote pretty well. Today I wanted to open a Gmail that I had redirected and got Which was a surprise - I've never seen this message before. I checked the note size - 8MB - and waited. Then we went to Tried relaunch, and we got into a bit of a panic - or at least I did; the app did relaunch, went back to the same display, then relaunched again, and again... Not clear why - my resources weren't overloaded (and, as recently established I have plenty of free disk space) I quit Evernote and relaunched and got into the same loop. I 'x''d the search that got me to that point initially, and checked some small notes - no problems in viewing there. But that was an interesting 30 minutes and I still haven't seen that darned email. Reporting to Support (with logs) as well as here! EDIT: Ticket #3701315 Had a further hiccup trying to record all this in a note for myself - (new note is an ENEX file on my desktop) <sigh>
  22. Hi. Evernote has 200M users. Updating that many in a short period would probably break the internet, so they stage the releases over some weeks. If you're keen to update, download the latest version from Evernote.com and carry on...
  23. Yeah - that caused me a problem this week: I caught up on my scanning and added about 30 files to a new Import Folder on Monday. I power my system off each night, and happened to see the startup happening on Tuesday... when Evernote loaded and said "imported 30 files". I'd seen that message on Monday too, so I searched for one of the file names - got four hits. Then spent the morning 1) emptying the folder and 2) deleting 3 blocks of imported files. Best, I think, to do your own housekeeping on that folder - import in batches and empty it afterward - to avoid inadvertent duplications! All that was on EN 10.57.10 so I updated since to 10.58 - if it happens again I'll contact Support
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