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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Please feed this back to Evernote on the link in many apps, or raise a support ticket - staff do read these pages, but most of us here are other users. It's unknown when you message would get back to Evernote.
  2. Hi. Any payment-related issues, please check in with the Support team. My page is working without errors. Have you tried a different browser / clearing the browser cache?
  3. You're posting in the Legacy thread, which is no longer supported. If you are using v10, Evernote has a 'sign out' option which protects it by user ID and you can add 2-factor authorisation. To protect your personal data on a Mac is more a Mac problem - see their help pages for how to add a user account so you can protect your own access and give your children their own appropriate level.
  4. Hi. Congratulations to the happy couple, sorry for the eyesight issues - can you explain exactly how you're printing the note and what device you're printing to? Here's Evernote's generic help page on that - Print notes
  5. ...A year after the original reports... New accounts are unable to share for some days after setup to avoid spamming other users. Free users may run into account limits if sharing. If you'd like some assistance we need to know more about what you're trying to do, plus device / OS / Evernote version details.
  6. Hi. You can see your account information here - https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action. See 'manage subscription' for payment details. It's possible that you have another account on which they're charging you - if in doubt use https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and choose 'Account' from the drop down to get in touch.
  7. It's possible to shrink the whole panel - click the arrow at the bottom or F10. No way (that I'm aware of) to remove that button. Can you give us more information on why you want it gone?
  8. Hi. Evernote posts release note information, but very rarely answers direct queries in this (mainly user-led) Forum. Please use the Feedback or (if you subscribe) the Support links to raise any queries. This sort of warning seems like a standard for most software - I can open web pages without issue, but you're right this "are you sure?" message comes up where I tried a direct link to a locally installed application. I don't know whether it's a change - I seem to remember other complaints about it...
  9. I don't disagree, but there seems to be a tendency for folks to post something about their favourite Legacy feature not being available and / or v10 having a hissy fit they didn't expect, and then heading straight for the exit without telling Evernote what exactly went wrong. Evernote have no real feedback why people are leaving. I'm selfishly interested, because if Evernote get enough input that (forinstance) spinning circles are happening, they have a chance to figure out why, and maybe even fix it. Plus the more complaints they get, the more (hopefully) likely they are to find a way to make things better. Maybe.🤞
  10. Hi. Please search the forums before posting - preferably in the Mac forum if that's what you're using. Ironically I just said I've never seen notes go missing of their own accord here - and now there's two of you... As a subscriber you'll be able to contact support - please include details of your device / OS / Evernote version plus activity logs. (The Forums here are mainly supported by other users like me.)
  11. You can still try https://twitter.com/evernotehelps for low priority assistance, or if your note is truly valuable to you, you may consider upgrading to subscriber - even if only for a month or two - to get access to priority support. If you have another device connected with the account that hasn't been used recently you could log in and immediately go into Airplane mode to see whether the note still exsts there. In 15 years of using Evernote and several commenting here I've never (AFAIK) known of a note simply going missing for no reason.
  12. Hi - we haven't seen any other reports yet. Device? OS? EN version? How do these attachments "vanish"? Empty space / circling arrow / 'unknown file'?
  13. Hmmn. If you're splitting a note up, try saving the attachments to your desktop and then attach one or more to a new note.
  14. Hi. If you're a subscriber, contact Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - with full details of your device / OS / EN version. If your note had been deleted it would have been in the trash notebook - have you tried searching for keywords?
  15. Hi. No - sorry. You might be able to turn it off globally with your mouse controls, but that's it.
  16. Hi. Most of what you're describing should not be happening, and as a subscriber you have access to Support. I'd suggest you include your device / OS / Evernote version plus activity logs the next time you get an 'unable to upload' message. The limits on Personal are set pretty high, so I don't know whether you might be exceeding the maximum upload or note sizes - see Evernote system limits for more on that. As to the Home screen, you do need a Professional subscription to be able to edit the content without a limit on the number of widgets.
  17. Hi. If you're talking about the pasted file shown as 'unknown' or a spinning arrow, that's already been reported and tickets raised with Support. If not, please tell us more - what's your device / OS / Evernote version and exactly what happens when you copy/ paste. There's no particular fix yet, though if you're on a desktop, pasting to the desktop, then copy/ pasting from there may help - plus you can try merging notes together and then moving content around within the merged note.
  18. If you're having trouble with v10 please tell us here - with full details of your device / OS / Evernote version, exactly what process you're trying to complete, and why it's going wrong for you. We're (usually) pleased to help, and if we can't - you may have highlighted a bug no-one has found yet, or a feature more of us would like to have. Those are worth feeding back to Evernote, or - if you're a subscriber - raising with Support. (We're mainly other users in the Forums.) As to other options, a web search for "best note-taking apps" got me a billion hits - you could narrow that down a little with qualifiers like "best note-taking apps for <device>" or "<occupation>". Most of the options have a free trial period at least. Only you can decide whether any of them do precisely what you need.
  19. As with @agsteele - I used Evernote and reminders for 15 years but don't recall ever seeing that message. v10 is now my daily driver.
  20. Hi. What does 'regression' mean in this context? -and please don't post twice on any subject - I deleted your other post.
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