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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. So with multiple posts here, someone must have told you we're not Support, just mainly other users. As a user I'm pretty happy that Evernote try not to let bad actors muscle their way into my account with multiple attempts at a login. If the app thinks there have been an unusual number of attempts in a short time, it declares a time-out. While that can be frustrating, it shouldn't prevent you giving it a few minutes to reset. If you need quick access and have a device that wsn't logged out, maybe that could be an option. I've no idea how long the time-out is for - that would be a question for Support. If and when you find out, perhaps you could let us know! - A quick internet search gave me a Reddit thread that suggested this is either to do with using Firefox or the 'old' version of the web view. When you do contact support, maybe confirm the usual: device / OS / EN version and (if it's the web version) your browser.
  2. Hi. This is a mostly user-supported Forum. If you're a subscriber you will also have access to Support with whom you can share your opinion. They can also help you export your notes to PDF / HTML or ENEX files if you wish.
  3. Hi. I don't understand what you paid £50 for - evernote doesn't have an account at that level unless there was a substantial first-year discount. Were you also a subscriber on the Googlemail account? You should be able to share notebooks with yourself to make all notes available in both accounts, but I don't know what would be best in the long term - exporting the notebooks from one into ENEX files for import into the other or continuing to share. Best to contact Support for more advice on this - they aren't us, and they do know what's possible...
  4. Being me, I tried all the other key combinations of Ctrl+Shift+? and as far as I can tell, only Q and R work - Ctrl+Shift+Q quits the operation and Ctrl+Shift+R says 'choose account' - but it doesn't say anything about exporting... Anyone any idea what that does? (And please don't use an account you're fond of to try it out...)
  5. Hmmn. I can only refer you to Support for definitive answers; Like others I always OCR my own documents, so I'd have to do some testing to verify whether or not searches on unprocessed notes are possible for free users, and of course it depends on when the document was added, where you are (network issues) when searching, and content (size/ image/ compatibility for OCR). Certainly it's been my understanding that pre-OCR'd documents are searchable. Also - do you keep more than one document in a note? I have noticed that a PDF search will show you to a note containing a hit, but if there's more than one PDF it will leave you to find out which one is the actual target. A note containing a single PDF will highlight the hit wotrds or phrases.
  6. Actually if you right-click the note on a desktop, there's a shortcut shown for move - Alt+Shift+M; and mobile apps have a threedots menu with 'move' as an option...
  7. Just noting that incoming emails are only available to subscribers. I've been following this for a while, and (boringly) while I have seen the issue a couple of times, both my Androids (Legacy and 10.52) generally work with sharing. The red notice (if it appears) goes away - but I don't know why or how! Meantime Import folders in your favourite cloud drive may be a thing - I've shared directly to a folder in my Google drive (no emails involved) which is now an Import Folder and working fine...
  8. Hi. We're mainly users, not Evernote here - try https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - if you have problems with that, use 'account' from the drop-down options as an issue type, sign in as 'guest' or use the help/ feedback link from any app. See also https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  9. Basic support tech. Make sure all the simple and obvious (even if not apparently related) fixes are tried before getting inventive. Plus: I already did that with 62,000 notes. Took about an hour to get back up and running. Most likely the files lost their extension for some reason. Renaming or Note History will fix that - or any other corruption. You may be lucky, but if everyone decides to let Support figure things out on their own, they can't do anything unless / until it happens to someone in-house. - - - - - I'm using Win 11 + EN 58.8.8 reasonably happily. There are work-arounds for any glitches I found, and I'm not (AFAIK + cross-fingers) losing data to any unknown bugs. PS Unsynced notes are hard to identify in the desktop app - compare the total notes figure between web (or legacy/ other devices) and desktop to see if there may be a problem. Legacy will also show a red "!" on the sync icon when it registers issues.
  10. ENEX files don't retain notebook meta data so exporting all your notes and notebooks into one ENEX file gets you a big random heap of notes in one notebook. That's why, even in 6.25, the advice is to export one notebook at a time into it's own file. And the method described above does exactly that. I used it a couple of days ago and created a stack of backup files, one per notebook. I do wish we had something like it in v10!
  11. Just to note - just for interest I used @KoZz's backup method on my old laptop and had a backup of my entire Legacy database in under 6 hours. (Big database!) Last time I tried in v10 it took DAYS. <sigh>.
  12. Hi. Not within Evernote - you could try using an Excel spreadsheet, or copy and paste from another word processor, but Evernote only has basic table layout options.
  13. Hi. Your notes don't affect your quotas. There's a limit on uploads and on note size. Deleting existing notes does not reduce the amount uploaded. See FAQ for upload limits for more
  14. Hi. Was this a single instance, or does this happen to your notes regularly? Conflicting edits do sometimes happen, though Evernote has been working lately to try to fix them. You may even have been affected by one of the fixes being applied at the server. You might check the note on whatever device you did not use last time to see whether this was a temporary glitch...
  15. LOL shame we don't have a count of new users to see whether things are balancing out... It's sad that happy(ish) users have to find a new provider, but an increased turnover in subscriptions isn't likely to affect the company and is definitely not going to affect their pricing at least in the short term. And look on the bright side - you'll have lots of nice 'new user' discounts to compare in the first year. But - to coin a phrase - the avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.
  16. Hi. Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  17. Hi. I assume you're not an Evernote Teams (business) user, so I think a quick confirmation of your device, OS and Evernote version would help us comment on your request - but since I've just been using Evernote without any issues at all, I don't quite see why there's a major panic going on. What were you trying to do / what actually happened?
  18. There may be a temporary glitch they can clear quickly - you'll be able to ask them about timescales and the relative priority of support team over personal data...
  19. If you just installed and started using, you may still have been in the set-up period where Evernote was establishing search indexes and generally setting up shop. I really do recommend you at least install v10 alongside Legacy, give it a few houirs to settle in, and then try it out for a day. One of the certainties in life is that Legacy will stop someday "soon" for varying values of that word. Your browser or your OS will update, or Evernote will introduce a new feature that simply is no longer compatible; and Legacy being 'deprecated' means there will be no fixes. It will eventually be an expensive white elephant that Evernote have to close down. At least if you start using the new application you will encounter all the issues that affect your workflow, and you'll be able to raise them with the company and maybe find workarounds. This one, forinstance, doesn't need a workaround - Import Folders are still a thing... PDF files do only have an 'open' option and the default app for that purpose is set by Windows - it's not easy to swop, so you'd be better using the same app both to read and edit; the other option is to save the attachment to the desktop (where there is an "open with" choice). There you can change the name of the file, which changes the name in Evernote, and then re-attach it to your note. Note History will give you older copies of that note and the attached file if you want to review any changes. At this stage your choices really are to stick with Legacy in hopes it continues past the end of this year - but with the possibility that one system change or another will stop it working unexpectedly; or to work with v10 and try to adapt your style to suit. And yes - before anyone else pops up to remind us - of course there are other providers out there who seem to have loyal followers claiming that the new players are far better than Evernote. If you can find one that fits your needs you can make a change. Entirely your choice - but it's also a serious risk...
  20. So I was today years old... I am, to coin a phrase, completely flummoxed that I was totally unaware of that rather neat backup option... until I stopped using legacy! The difference is, I think, that as I said - legacy saves an accessible copy of the database locally, so this routine can step through the notebooks and extract the ENEX files in order. V10 uses a different format even when notes are stored locally, so this access might not be available. You're directed into downloading notebooks as ENEX files which with my account took several days! I will raise this with Evernote though - it's in their own interests to make backups easily available. Many situations where content has been corrupted or lost would be simple to resolve if users could restore from their own original copies. Support might get many fewer tickets!
  21. Even that bit would allow us to see exactly what you're doing. Have you contacted Support? They can at least look at the server-side activity and maybe see what's going on.
  22. "Deprecated" in IT terms means abandoned / unsupported / no further updates. Evernote continues as v10 and for the moment content remains -mostly- compatible with the older version (apart from new features like Tasks and Calendar). Some OS and browser changes are already limiting the app's performance, and Evernote is doing extra work to maintain the compatbility; but sooner or later the number of remaining legacy users will decline to a point when it's no longer in the company's interests to do so. Meantime Desktop settings in v10 allow users to opt not to retain a local copy of data on the device (mobile apps already default that way) although it does mean that offline working is not available. It is possible to use symbolic links ("Symlinks") to move Evernote's data to another location, and Evernote say that they will be introducing a 'move database' option "soon" (although Evernote often don't seem to have the same definition for that word as we do).
  23. Hi. I'd be interested to take a look - I think the word that caused us to look twice was "effortless" since exporting notebook after notebook does take some time if you have lots of notes, and/ or lots of notebooks. Evernote did make this easier in legacy, with a local copy of everthing easily available; v10 also has a working copy of your notes locally, but seems to require a notebook export to be full download from the server ... which takes longer. For the moment there's no apparent ability to apply any external code to v10, which exists inside of an Electron wrapper; but external automation like AHK. Phrase Express and (many) others can influence it's actions, and I've been playing with MS Power Automate which (as the name suggests) is a very comprehensive tool but has a bit of a learning curve. I also keep backups of my notes - I think I used it once, as you did, for a lost note. In my experience there are only very occasional failures - a missing attachment, or a note completely gone - and I speak as a 15+ year active user with 62K notes and (currently) 429 notebooks. Backing up (as a perceptive user here pointed out) is like wearing a seatbelt when you drive - it's a good way of dealing with completely unexpected situations. Note History and 'undo' can get around a lot of editing mishaps, but there are 'perfect storms' out there that can lead to a note completely diappearing - in which case a backup is the last best hope....
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