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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Unless one of my Mac-friendly colleagues has another idea, I'd suggest contacting Support. Searches are part of the current ongoing review of speed and reliability, so may be subject to occasional outages as server-side changes are made...
  2. Losing your established shortcuts is not, as they say, expected behaviour. I would suggest contacting Support on this - there have not (AFAIK) been any other reports of this happening in the forums...
  3. There's a big 'plus' in this whole idea for Evernote too - if it's easy and simple to create a backup of your entire note structure, there can be no more "lost content" or "lost note" Support calls. Anyone who has passing access to a desktop can use their own backups to resolve issues. But then when would you back up. as part of each sync? At the end of each day? At an optional time selected by the user? I don't see (as suggested elsewhere) that this means the return of 'local notebooks' - what I'm wanting is a simple backup file I can save somewhere in case the Zombie Apocalypse happens. It's something you tuck away and then (maybe) junk after a period of months. I do see a downside too - every 'download' is a duplication of bandwidth usage. What additional costs that involves I don't know. Stepping firmly into tech waters that I do not understand... maybe a sync, then local save? I do suspect that if this were ever possible, it would not be backwards-compatible. Evernote maybe would have to finally end the Legacy lifeline to provide the access. I will be happy if this starts out simple: just a backup copy of the system 'periodic' backup of my account. That still leaves leeway for data loss that doesn't make it to the account in the first place, but it's a step forward...
  4. If only someone had a feature request you could all vote on... @Elizabeth Schippers - I'm so sorry we hijacked your post at length; please come back sometime and let us know how your issue is eventually resolved!
  5. An amazing number of people seem to consider "not fit for purpose" to mean "It doesn't do what I want it to". So either find an app that does do what you want, or change what you're doing so it doesn't have the same effect. Evernote have never, to my knowledge, shuffled their feet in front of the Principle User's desk and tried in halting terms to explain why they are just not able to meet the exacting demands of their audience. If you want personal feedback use Support. There are ways to avoid this issue. Contact Support and please use the work-arounds until they can fix it...
  6. Actually, I believe it is - for entirely Windows reasons. Windows defaults very carefully to files being locked against third party access - so much so that there are some apps around that can forcibly unlock a windows file that has been wrongly reserved for another application. If you've ever had the message about a USB drive being 'in use' by another application when you try to remove it, you are probably experiencing that effect. I'm sure there are ways around it, but if it was easy I think we'd have auto-deletion already. Plus it is definitely 'not difficult' to delete (or move) the contents of the Import Folder once the files have been processed. Agreed auto-deletion will be nice, but until Evernote release the feature, your frustrations are self-inflicted.
  7. Funny, I thought posting some additional information about Note History was actually helpful. I'm sorry I offended so many by doing so. Since @Federico is now looking into this, maybe we should wait until we actually know more actual facts? If the OP hasn't been scared off by now, maybe they'll come back and let us know when things get sorted out...
  8. You really, really need to be talking to Support, or @Federico as @agsteele suggested. They can guide you on finding out what's causing this for (as far as I can see) only a few users...
  9. My Evernote updated today, but the Import folder still shows 'coming soon' for automatic deletion. Meantime I simply delete files once they're imported.
  10. Hi @apflieger - could you copy us in on what Support actually said? Are they working on this? Is there any fix date? Any suggested work-arounds?
  11. Intermittent problems can also be due to users doing something unexpectedly dumb - my experience managing a support team. Since Bending Spoons has been around for a while and managed to carve out a successful mini-empire for itself with AI-based features before that was even a thing, I think we can assume that they include very capable and experienced staff in multiple disciplines. Us exercising our limited knowledge of how things 'should' work is not likely to help (or impress) them, neither is it contributing to the general thread about actual issues affecting this version. Let's keep this open for actual experiences with 10.61 please?
  12. Speaking as someone who has had two BSD's in two days some of us clearly have different experiences of electronic devices. Let's agree that some glitches are fixable - repeatable and consistent ones particularly. Intermittent ones... less so.
  13. Neither, I'd imagine, can anyone else. Consistent errors are clear indicators that something's broken, or that there's a bug somewhere. Erratic behaviour is often just the cost of doing business via sketchy electronic devices over long distances. I'd honestly get on with whatever I had to do and ignore - or find a way around - these oddities unless something happened to make me doubt that the system was working correctly. Then I'd find a way to run a check - do a ToC of 100 notes, then change or add a tag; wait 24 hours and recheck the list. Are they all correctly tagged now? Fine. Check again in a month or six. Are there errors? Contact Support. 24 hours too long to wait for tag changes to complete? Find a different way to manage your notes.
  14. Note history allows you to view older versions of a note. Notes in your account are automatically backed up periodically, and note history allows you to view and/or restore these older revisions. (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858) The important word there being 'periodically' - I also remember the phrase "several times per day" being used. So there's no minute-by-minute history, but every so often....
  15. You had the right idea - Support will sort it out. You should have a ticket number immediately and will get a human (or at least a tech) follow up in a day or two.
  16. Hi. Special characters are not necessarily recognised in search. Emojii are, and some characters like "|" (so "|Hello " would be valid). Personally I just use x for my search words as in xhello. More on searching here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040282613 https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  17. But you have to download and install some content on your system from each one in advance. They (presumably) have an OS-friendly 'host' mini-app that gives you access to your data. Evernote would have to develop something similar for their web service, and it looks like they prefer to concentrate on other priorities for the moment. Anyone who's currently part of the Linux Beta Test group will be able to work offline - and presumably will be able to use the Notebook export option to get a full copy of their current notes and notebooks. (I'm not using my Linux system to be able to check). For those of us (like me) who would like to have the extra security of a backup, I posted a Feature Request - please vote if you agree!
  18. There are already a number of ways to get a backup (or 'goodbye Evernote') copy of your existing account - and I believe a few enterprising individuals have already provided 'import from Evernote' option in their own note apps. My interest here is to get a regular backup of all my notes, just on the basis that it's MY work, or MY choices, hosted on someone else's system. I want to be able to access a full copy of it locally just in case the worst happens. (Maybe Evernote's AI goes all SkyNet!) Now Evernote already provide the feature that if I install Evernote on a new device, the server will automatically download a local 'working copy' of my notes and notebooks so I can work offline. One long continuous download for all my data. It takes some hours or maybe days for the account to be fully available, but it already happens. This is not a 'human friendly' download though - it's Evernote's working copy of my account. What I'm suggesting is that in exactly the same way Evernote could offer an 'Export Notebooks to ENEX Files' option where I can choose one or more notebooks and request a continuous download. The icing on the cake would be if Evernote would offer to do that regularly - weekly / monthly / every xx days. Such a download could (presumably) be pre-zipped for quicker transit, and maybe sent to a cloud store if I have one. It's just good IT practice to have backups of everything that you do, and while Evernote's server copy and multiple Note History snapshots make a backup almost completely redundant, I would feel just that little bit happier if this feature were available. Now there are already third-party options available that do exactly this, and I'm sorry Backupery that this is totally disloyal to you - but I get the impression that an Evernote backup is not your current priority, and it is, for me! Please hit the vote button (top left) if you agree with me!
  19. Hi. A Teams account is a separate corporate account to which a number of individual employees can connect with their own separate accounts. It sounds like you're now dealing with an individuall account rather than the company one. Support are the only people who can help you with this - we're mainly other users here. I'd recommend not making any further changes to anything until you get another response. Just reply to the last email you received and wait for their reaction...
  20. Hi. It may help to sign out of Evernote, opt not to keep a copy of the database, then uninstall the app with Revo uninstaller (which removes files that WIndows Uninstaller doesn't find). Then power your device off and on again, re-download the current app from Evernote.com (not the app store) and reinstall.
  21. Perhaps if we knew what device, OS and Evernote Version you're using, it might be possible to comment. I doubt some dark plan to marginalise Apple is anything to do with it though...
  22. Hi. Use the free Basic account - you get access to most of the features without any of the cost.
  23. I have one laptop with Linux - mainly because it's too old and limited to run anything Windows related. Also felt I should get used to using the OS on general principles. Sad that a native Evernote app is on hold - a lot of Linux users are going to say "I told you so" - but I guess more features in the Web client will somewhat make up for it.. Hope we can revisit when everything else settles down!
  24. This web page is clearly also incorrect then... https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/international-dimension-data-protection/eu-us-data-transfers_en Evernote is a company that has been acquired by Bending Spoons. There is no requirement for an 'owning company' to decare itself independently on the web. If you disagree, please contact Evernote direct to get a personal response. This forum is mainly for and supported by other users.
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