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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Device? OS? Evernote Clipper version? Which email client? More information please...
  2. Hi. This might be a future feature for the AI integrations in Evernote, but it's unlikely to be available for several months if at all. Meantime if you type notes of your meetings there's an existing "AI Cleanup" option which may help. However something with the flexibility of one of these apps would take considerable effort to code - Evernote would need to be sure it was cost-effective. https://www.makeuseof.com/tools-to-get-ai-meeting-notes/
  3. Hi. Possible, yes - probably not advisable because Legacy notes are now in a different format than v10 notes. Evernote is maintaining compatibility with a translation process between the two, but you are always going to find it slow to open a note in one version that has recently been open in the other. Switching from one to the other other than on a session-by-session basis also might give rise to duplication and lost data because sync has to work with the conversion delay. You could certainly try it out - carefully - and see whether your situation improves...
  4. Not necessarily. Your support request is now being dealt with by an individual and they will want to get it closed as soon as reasonably possible. Given that the team are under a lot of pressure - probably from both users and management - some mistakes are maybe understandable; they are just trying to do their job. If you didn't already know, you can see the conversations about your ticket here, and add to them if necessary: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/
  5. No such setting in my Samsung phone or tablet but thanks for the tip.
  6. If you read this (or indeed any) forum, there has been a storm of protest for the past 6 months. Folks have been pointing out though that Evernote had no increases at all for 5 years or more, so this was both a reset for inflation, and a way to fund the massive investment made by the new owner in improving Evernote with better and faster syncing, better search and collaboration features and frequent updates. Plus the new cost is about the same as one or two cups of coffee a week. As with any other price rise you had a choice - stick with the program if it is valuable to you, or find an alternative if not. You've obviously chosen. Bye...
  7. I've also used "Typio Form Recovery". The problem with browser-based recoveries, is that content may not get to Evernote at all. If there's a problem with the system / browser / connection that stops characters being sent out across the network and lost from whatever field they were typed in, a third-party utility sitting between keyboard and screen has to have captured everything that was being input, and be able to replay it as needed.
  8. AFAIK it's all in house in Italy now - and another thread showcased some recruitment adds for support staff.
  9. If the notes are gone, then neither of these options will being them back. If you lose content from an existing note that has been around for 12 hours or more, Note History should get something back for you. If you are actively typing into a web page and lose the content as you type then there are several extensions called variations on 'Autofill' that will remember the last information you typed and refill a text box if it is lost. ('Undo' on your device may also be helpful if a wrong keypress deletes content). Evernote backs up its note data "several times per day", so it's not enough "just" to sync your content - it has to be on the server for a period of hours to be processed. Sync is "real time" these days anyway. IMHO the Web client is not the most reliable way to save notes - the installed app syncing & saving locally is better, mobile and web less so, because of their more remote connection to the network. Whether or not your issues continue it's worth contacting Support - they won't be quick, but they can investigate data loss far more effectively and hopefully identify and fix the issue.
  10. Hmmn. Evernote has a built-in Note History so that subscribers can rewind a note to any stage in its life at any time. 'Lost' content - as long as it synced - doesn't happen. If you're concerned with typing new content into a web page of any kind (including Evernote notes), that's an Internet issue. There are even browser extensions to remember what you typed and re-post it if it gets lost. And if your network connection isn't great you can create a post in an offline word-processor and simply copy and paste the completed text (with or without the attached file) into a note.
  11. The admins are smart enough to deal with all the tickets they find in this thread - I'm sorry for the wait, but there are just too many issues and too many tickets for this to be a quick process. Support will get to you as soon as they possibly can...
  12. Hi. Are you looking to get into an old account, or find an old version of a note that exists in your current account? If you're looking for Note History, that's a function that only subscribers can access, though the backup process that produces the history works on all accounts, every day - so if you became a subscriber - even if only for one month - you'd have access.
  13. Hi. Sorry that the new version isn't working for you, but the older, now unsupported version will stop working at some point and you will lose all access to your existing notes. Better to find out now how to live with it, or find an alternative note-taking app. Part of your current issue may be that Evernote now uses a different coding system for notes and translates the new system back to a compatible format for Legacy users. That translation may use a different temporary address each time it happens.
  14. I'm glad you have a better experience now. I'm sure Evernote is trying / will try to find out why their apps do not play well with Samsung, but they're still in their first several months of managing the whole network. I'd bet it's one of many issues they're trying to sort out.
  15. There's probably thousands of incoming reports, a goodly proportion of which will be from non-technical folks who don't know where or how to look things up. It's standard practice for a support team to use standard forms to try and deal with as much as possible as quickly as possible for the benefit of users as well as a busy staff. Evernote is currently taking a long time for a human response to support requests (10+ days). They're trying to do better, but it takes time to scale a support team.
  16. It's possible to sideload an APK file from a third-party online repository, but it's not supported, advised or very secure...
  17. As noted above - I use Win 11; I don't know whether it's widely known, but the Shift+Win+S shortcut that I use allows me to capture an area of the screen into Clipboard - which by definition means that if I have a handy note nearby I can screen grab and immediately paste the image into a note. If only there was a shortcut to open a new note quickly... oh, wait...
  18. No apology necessary - I should've clicked! Sorry, but it works for me; maybe do the usual dance of sign out... of Evernote / sign back in restart device / sign back in remove database / restart device... remove database / uninstall Evernote / restart device / re-download and reinstall... remove database / uninstall Evernote with Revo Uninstaller Free / restart device / re-download... (I'm impatient and usually go for option 5 directly...)
  19. Hi. These Forums are mainly user-supported, so we can't help much with passwords or payments and refunds apart from suggesting you contact Support. Contact Support through https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account" - or go via Settings in the mobile app. Support are busy right now, so it may take 10-14 days to get a tech response; but you'll have a ticket number which reserves a place in the queue. More here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/21400396397587
  20. Hi. My tasks in Windows don't have a three dots option. Can you provide a screenshot?
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