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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. AFAIK Grammarly is like spellcheck - it'll run in the background of whatever is on screen.
  2. Hi. You're mainly talking to other users here, and while no-one is pleased at the price increases it may be understandable given that subscriptions didn't change at all for several years, so they need to catch up - and a lot of work is being done in the background to make the service faster, more reliable, and more secure. More details on that here https://evernote.com/blog/2023-recap Seems to me you have two options - change your subscription to monthly to give yourself a little more time to make a decision as to the future drop your account to Basic (free) in course of which you may get some discount offers for the next whole year Either way, while you can't add any new notes to a Basic account (so no Clipper either) you can still hang on to your existing content and view or edit your notes as and when you wish. You can export your notes from a desktop if you wish - see Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML for lots more on how to do that...
  3. Hi. There are still (AFAIK) no verified cases of Evernote losing notes from an account - if you have any confirmation that this is happening I'd strongly urge you to contact Support. It will take some time to get them involved, but they will look into the situation for you. Meantime if a note has been deleted it should be in the Trash notebook. If the note no longer exists, then there is no history other than any backup process you may have in place for your device(s). I use a service called Backupery and there are other options you'll find in the forums.
  4. Hi. You're mainly talking to other users here, so demands and threats are pretty pointless. Web Clipper is available to anyone using your device while it's logged in, so if that's an issue, either give other users a separate account, log out of Clipper when you're not using it, or lock the device when you leave it. Your account is also accessible by email address, so I'd suggest you look into the source of your excess usage, and maybe setup 2FA if you don't already use it, and change your login password end account email address for security.
  5. Hi. How many notes and notebooks do you have already? Have you emptied your Trash notebook recently?
  6. Hi. Can you give us more information please? What device / OS / Evernote version are you using, and is this the installed or browser version - and if it is Evernote Web, what browser are you using? And have Support responded to you? If not, it's most likely because they're still very busy - they will get back to you.
  7. If your old, unsupported software is not working, that's it I'm afraid. Try v10 to extract your notes. I deleted your other post on this - please don't double post, and please don't SHOUT.
  8. What sort of password are you using? Mine tend to be like vamoe65b93a8h3e (generated by Bitwarden) - Evernote said in its end of year blog that they had set up a way to automatically reset insecure passwords; maybe it's a bit overzealous?
  9. LOL I'm not sure you should be calling Federico a 'cheerleader' - My comments were mostly using the exact words from his blog post. My point was also that some users like to say 'no new features' or 'not worth the increase' and I was simply creating a resource that shows that 'Spoons may have done a bit of work in their first several months. When it first came out v10 was so bad that I wouldn't use it for more than a year; but it has got to the stage that it is very usable (for me) now. If it isn't as fast as legacy... well, legacy is no more. If you need something to work faster, then its up to you to work with Support (when they're not being slammed) to get the situation addressed. But from Federico's summary of plans for the new year it looks like new systems will improve speed anyway. All we have to do is be patient. And your point on financial stability? Bending Spoons are a well respected commercial systems provider on a par with big games companies like Roblox. They're not going to offer their services for free, and they have no reason to make false claims about stability.
  10. Hi. What version of Evernote are you using? Have you tried uninstalling the app, powering your device off and back on again, and then reinstalling from the Play(?) Store?
  11. Don't think so - see https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149732-increased-subscription-its-only-a-notetaking-app/ Maybe raise that at a feature request and see how many agree with you... see first comment above...
  12. Hi - well, you should be able to see the current status here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ so it might be an idea to add a link to this thread and ask whether they're making any progress. they've been addressing lots of backend issues (see my other post here) so maybe they've been fixing your issues indirectly... Use the import folder by all means - it's going to be a good idea to move the files out of the folder afterward to avoid more issues, and just check that only 50 came across.
  13. Another long screed from me (sorry). I'm riffing on the blog post from @Federico Simionato so I hope I got everything correct - feel free to tell me if I didn't! Don’t know about you but I’m really tired of the frustrated users’ continually dumb comments from “it’s only a note-taking app” to “they made it so much worse” and “there are no new features”. Clearly these individuals don’t have the access or patience to have read through Federico’s blog post so I thought I’d do a TL:DR recap. https://evernote.com/blog/2023-recap IMHO Evernote is now faster and -mostly- easier to work with than it’s ever been. If you’re finding it slower or less accurate, there are fixes for that – and (mostly) it won’t be an Evernote issue. In Federico’s view - 2023 was a whirlwind year, full of significant changes and exciting growth. The new owners ensured the company’s financial stability introduced collaborative editing and new powerful AI features (both user requests) collected feedback from surveys, interviews, emails, forum posts, and more developed three clear goals: to make Evernote Faster / more reliable / more secure Speed: introduced new data structures that sync in real time so for the first time you can make ‘live’ changes in collaboration with one or more colleagues. sped up syncing significantly especially for first time installs went to a weekly update schedule to get new features and fixes out quicker · Reliability: cleaned up 40,000 lines of code more in-app comms and error warnings back-end monitoring to allow quicker fixes back-end architecture modernisation, upgrades and fixes migrated 200M+ data records to new systems rewrote part of Evernote’s base code for reliability and efficiency · Security replaced insecure SMS auth with better 2FA options reset insecure passwords and prompted users to replace (and improve) them set intelligent rate limits to block unusual (and probably unauthorised) system calls Most of this took place at server level so to be fair many Evernote users may not have noticed much on the surface. Coming in 2024 substantial improvements to the user experience new user interface more modern client-side database RENT, a new metadata sync process users see changes to titles, thumbnails, dates, and note list content across all devices faster than ever before. - Seems to me they did as much as we could reasonably expect in their first (short) year and I'm quite looking forward to the next 12 months! If I missed anything significant - please let me know!
  14. Since I'm addressing HQ I'd like to note that I'm standing to attention as I type this.. but - you could try to change your account to Basic as of your next payment date and see what offers come up... And yes this practice sucks - I could get a huge discount if I was a new customer to my current insurance company(ies) forinstance; but 'new users' only is a standard term. I suspect this level of offer is mainly because the 'free' option got severely reduced and some people might actually want to stay on. It makes no sense to offer a deal which essentially means the whole company takes a 40% drop in revenue over the next year...
  15. Possibly - but the point is you already know it causes issues. If you want to go on experiencing the same situation, then by all mean proceed; but unless you contact Support about all this and supply more details about the type and size of your files, they won't even realise there's an issue. If they can help they will - eventually - but you might have to wait months or years before they can schedule the necessary changes... We're (mostly) only users here - just trying to help.
  16. Hi. 2-step: Set up two-step verification IP addresses: What to do if you suspect unauthorized access to your Evernote account - a contact support link is at the bottom of both pages
  17. D'you know I wrote to Elon a little while ago pointing out that I didn't need the 300 mile range, or all the fancy gadgets, I just wanted a Tesla to get me to the local shops and back at 10% of the current price. He didn't even bother to be rude to me...
  18. Hmmn. Imagine you're an airplane manufacturer who suddenly discovers their passengers doors have a tendency to blow off. You might want to spend a little time fixing that annoying quirk before you develop any more variations on the standard airframe. At a much lower level (and there's a pun in there for anyone prepared to dig) Evernote seems to be intent on making sure that the basics just work before they add new bells and whistles...
  19. Hi. If you get the name and a picture as a sort of bookmark note, do you also get a link back to the profile in Linkedin? If so, what else were you expecting - given that profiles differ greatly in length and content, and it is possible to use the other Clipper options to select and add bits of the page for more detail...
  20. @LVRK I deleted the other post since you had an answer here...
  21. Edge is also Chrome based. I use a different Chrome clone but clipper is alive and well and working perfectly. Uninstall / reinstall or restart?
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