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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. If the notes in your new import folder were still being processed by another app - copied, moved, exported... whatever - that may have confused Evernote into believing that each one was 'created' more than once. But any notes will all have been created on the same day, so finding the notes should not be a challenge. I'd suggest you delete the first attempt and try again - having deleted the first Import folder, created a new one, and moved the 'old' files into it a smaller tranche at a time. Evernote is not automation-friendly at the moment - I also used to use Filterize - but there are peripheral processes that can help - I'd suggest DropIt! http://www.dropitproject.com/ - a file manager that can identify files and move them between folders... and delete them when necessary... which works with Windows. It's possible (forinstance) to set up a watched dropit folder such that any file left there will be copied into an import folder to be sent to Evernote.
  2. Hi. Wlecome to the forums. Always good to know what exact versions of Evernote and Windows you're using and whether it's the installed app or browser version. Also - I'm not sure I understand the question; but I'm a while from using v6.x, so please forgive me. v10 relies (I think) more on Shortcuts than actual saved searches - a shortcut can be a drag-n-dropped notebook or note, a search, or whatever. I've never (AFAIK) needed or wanted to change the parameters of a search, and didn't (in my v6 days) realise they were that editable. Editing a search (I think) now means creating a new saved search with slightly different content. Tools > Settings > Sidebar should allow you to set note counts visible, which will apply to any heading in the sidebar. If your search finds more than 1,000 notes it won't currently show a total - nobody else (so far) has considered that important - we're usually more about getting down to 10 or less... Perhaps if you can explain in a little more detail how and why you edit existing saved searches, we can offer some more suggestions and information.
  3. @bogdan.brg - please do not post the same query twice. I already answered this
  4. Hi. This may not have been a good idea... Are all these therapists trying to log into the same account? Exactly how did you share these notes?
  5. Hi. No, you just paid a giant company that is not Evernote some cash that it will route through its many systems to get to Evernote in some hours. Evernote can then add the correct credentials to your account and allow you access. Patience required (or payment direct to Evernote next time...)
  6. You don't need to pay a prescription to get your notes back. You should still have access. Maybe if you fixed your keyboard and gave us more background we could be of assistance? If you had more than 50 notes you can view and export them, but not add more.
  7. Of the hundreds of things that Evernote does (and Google docs does not) you're worried about the cost of storage? -If that's all you need, then by all means go. (Not that you need my help or permission). Bye!
  8. Hi. We're mainly individual users here, so no real experience of onboarding users to a Teams setup. This help page may have some information that will be useful to you - Evernote Teams Toolkit If you need more than that please create a Support query here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and find the reference number here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ Please post that ticket number back in this thread and we can flag it for an employee to take a look.
  9. ...and there are a lot of comments from v6 users about sync issues. Looks like server updates / OS changes and/ or other app changes finally blocked access to this outdated version...
  10. Hmmn. Seems like the template page is broken. I tried another template which worked. This one does not. You could contact Support to get it fixed..
  11. Hi. You appear to be living in 2020. Evernote stopped supporting v6x around then. if you had searched the forums too, you would find a flood of legacy users complaining that they can no longer connect because Evernote's internet servers have now been upgraded to deal with the new coding run by v10. This is not a fixable situation. use v10 to get back to your notes, and decide whether or not you wish to continue with Evernote in future.
  12. Hmmn. That link seems to be broken somehow - I can't access it either. You should be able to access the whole thing as a note, save it as a template from your own account, then access it from the new note menu under 'My Templates'. Where di you get the link from? I'd tell them that something went wrong!
  13. Thanks - I have worked for a succession of bosses whose only interest was "are you finished?" (with their job of choice). It was never, ever an option to say 'my software/ hardware failed; my dog ate my homework; I've been feeling a little poorly lately... Even if I had to write something by hand, the only option was (and still is) to keep on plugging away until the job is done. Failure (as they say) is never an option.... y'might as well be cheerful while it happens! Our friends in the Verge seem to be suggesting (in a post originally written 5 years ago) you use something from the internet Archive to install the Legacy version. We're currently getting lots of complaints that Legacy is no longer working for many users... I wouldn't rely on that as a work-around.
  14. Back in October 2021 Evernote stopped supporting Legacy apps, and they appear to be updating or removing access from servers dealing with groups of clients - they're 'rolling out' the shutdown, which operation typically takes a few weeks to reach everyone. I'd say the situation is: you were warned 3 years ago this would happen, and now it has if you're still lucky enough to have a working instance of Legacy it is unlikely to last long Evernote have been 'hinting' that continuing to use Legacy was a bad idea for some time with the big red flash messages... if it's gone, you still have access to your account through the Web version and can still download v10 to continue if you still dislike v10 now is the time to decide which other application suits you better...
  15. Agreed, but currently there is not. We're mainly other users here, so by all means feed your thoughts back to Evernote (many already have, I'm sure.) They're still however changing many of the basic support systems to work much better than they do now, so developing another product is probably the last thing they'll contemplate for a while. Feedback@Evernote.com
  16. Because they're using old software that was replaced over 3 years ago... read the thread - if you have unsynced notes, try emailing them to yourself and add back ito to the browser-based app.
  17. If you are signed in with your account ID that screen should recognise you and offer email support. Otherwise try https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true and issue type "account" Edit: and please don't post more than once. I deleted your other query; the answer to your question was - the link(s) you already had above.
  18. I guess I'm using a Kanban-style approach with some of my notes. I have a 'GTD-ban' set of Table of Content notes called Now / Soon / Whenever / Maybe that I can stack side-by-side across my landscape screen, or switch between. I can list and group child note links in any order on any screen, and move text or link entries between screens by all the usual means. Some of my ToC entries are child ToCs themselves for specific topics or projects. The usual note features are available at various levels - tags / titles / tasks / searches / emojii etc. I'd be interested in any suggestions for any Kanban-style things that can't currently be done with that sort of setup in Evernote. (That's not a challenge - I'm genuinely interested in new and different ways to show and share information! )
  19. It may be irrelevant but I just updated to 10.71.2 which (apparently) fixed an issue with graphical misalignments on my filter modals. Now I do understand all those individual words, but not necessarily in that order...
  20. Technically, it got 'suspended' - we're expecting it back, but not anytime soon. Did you try the 'forgot password' link via a web browser, or is your issue something else?
  21. Please search before posting - reported already (many times). Please contact Support if you're a subscriber - they're still slammed as far as we know, but reporting issues will indicate how serious the issue is. (We're mainly other users here...)
  22. OK so back to basics - anyone finding the VPN solution doesn't work, please confirm your device / OS and Evernote versions (even if you did it already). Also if you're a subscriber please report this to Support (I know...). You may not get a response, but it will give them statistics to show that this is an urgent issue.
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