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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I hopped on this bandwagon too. I preferred the new layout because it's much more... hmmn... modern / clean / open / attractive? My notes look more professional somehow. I live by side-lists, so those columns have got to be width-editable, and I hope while the team is at it they can throw in more sorting options than just dates and titles. Plus it would be good to have some different colour options. I actually think the resolution of tables and images looks better than it did before, and the boxes around clips and PDFs look sharper somehow... I did have one weird reaction when I searched for a note and got 30 hits - and then couldn't get rid of that list; there was nothing in the search box, no filters set - but clicking on 'Notes' which should take me back to the full list, just refreshed the search list. Might've been a random glitch, but I'll watch out for that again. Anyway. Good job team - it's nice to have a tidied-up layout!
  2. I totally agree - plus it's borrowing trouble to install an unreliable and unsupported app. If anyone needs to export notes it's still possible to do so from v10. Link post deleted.
  3. Hi. For Windows 10 - try uninstalling with Revo Uninstaller Free to remove all traces, then power your device off and on again and reinstall from Evernote.com. For Android, just uninstall / power off and back on and reinstall.
  4. Please try to avoid criticising other users unnecessarily - I zapped one post here.
  5. Depending on your needs, you could also look at Postach.io, which will convert a notebook into a public blog post. Along the lines of the description above, anything in that notebook tagged with "published" will be synced externally to the blog page. The company have a 'free' account which allows you to share up to 5 (I think) notebooks as separate blogs. Anyone with the URL has access to view, but not edit. If you subscribe, there's an option to password-protect the content.
  6. Just for contrast, I keep all my detailed information in Evernote; I file by notebook in that all my contacts, suppliers, projects and topics have their own notebook and anything to do with each matter is stored there. There are overlaps, which is what I use tags for, and my note titles are in the standard form <date><type><detail><keywords> where <date> is the date of the meeting / letter / phone call to which the note relates in yyyymmdd format for sorting into a time line <type> adds the meeting / letter / phone call information and <detail> identifies the name of the individual or company involved. Keywords are whatever occurs to me at the time. I use Stacks to split home and work details and surprisingly -to me anyway- less than 500 notebooks with this system. The major downside being that backups need to be on a notebook-by-notebook basis and the process is not for the faint hearted. I use Backupery which is another subscription, but can be left to run in the background once per week. Despite all the wailing and breast-beating in other threads here I've used Evernote for 15 years or so and not had any major issues. I'm using Windows 10 & 11 on two Dells - a laptop and desktop - and a Samsung tablet. As of now I have around 63K notes with reasonably fast response times.
  7. Hi. Try logging into your account via the web page at Evernore.com - there's a 'forgot password?' option there. If you're still locked out, try Support - we're mainly users here so no access to login credentials.
  8. Hi. Try an internet search? There are lots of options but only you can decide which is likely to be the best one...
  9. Hi. There was a problem with the 2024 template - maybe try an online search for other options? The Evernote template will (hopefully) return soon.
  10. Hi. Evernote put up their prices - after several years of not doing so - to keep the company in business. "Leaving things be" would still have left you to find another provider anyway when the company stopped offering any services. Meantime you can: Switch to monthly payments to give yourself a little time to think, or change your account to 'Basic' (free) and... look for discounts - Evernote were offering up to 40% off the next year's subscription to soften the blow (slightly) keep your notes where they are - you just won't be able to add new ones export your notes to another provider - do some internet searches; there are a lot of "Leaving Evernote?" features out there for some reason...
  11. Hi. You can print from the web to PDF. You can export from the desktop clients.
  12. As I recall (I'm not a Mac person), Mac files were stored locally more or less in plain language. If you can search your system for some likely keywords, you may be able to locate the files. Evernote did offer an option to convert local notebooks to online storage, but I don't know how to trigger that - maybe a colleague here will be able to suggest more. I do suggest you raise this with Support who also will be able to help - but they seemed pretty busy recently. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/
  13. Support is here - are you a Teams user? https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  14. Hi. Just to confirm - are you a business (Teams) account user? Are you the Admin of the account?
  15. Hi. Reported multiple times already - not sure when the automated system date came in for any and every view or change of a note, but it does make sense that this should be applied for security. It's possible to use other ways of managing changes by tagging or moving notes between notebooks, and if you disagree with this process or want an option to edit updated dates please contact Evernote Support - we're mostly other users here...
  16. So 20(ish) days was about where the delay was before the holidays. You should hear something soon...
  17. Hi again. Can't answer for anyone else, but for me the answer to your question would be 'no'. I pay a subscription (Professional as it happens) just like lots of other folks. I work for myself in Wales, UK. How about you? Do you receive any kind of benefit or remuneration from any Evernote competitor?
  18. I agree it's not sustainable. But these users had multiple offers at multiple price options dangled under their noses over the past 15 years. Very few bothered to subscribe. I have to disagree strongly that there was anything left to generate there. Plus. Evernote was built on a bad foundation. Bending Spoons have taken the time to fix the basics before trying to develop more. Your only choices at the moment are: stay or leave. There won't be any new packages for a little while...
  19. Hi. Is that your issue, or how long it has been since you sent in your support request? I'd guess we has about 20 actual working days in the last month, so while a support request is pretty old by this point, it's not totally outrageous. Check https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ to see what's happening with your request and maybe add a reminder that you're still waiting...
  20. No updates that I'm aware of... contact Support with your details to get this fixed sooner rather than later...
  21. Hi. I don't need this myself, but the option exists... apparently... How to use Evernote for Slack
  22. Actually try copy/ pasting <tag1>,<tag2>,<tag3> into the tag field. Evernote will parse out the separate tags.
  23. ? Maybe suggest that they should add more colour options ? I actually like it - have already reported that I have a ToC with lots of one-word links; the pop-up tool tip completely blocks the link when I try to select it...
  24. Look at the Notebooks tab in the installed Desktop version of v10. The three dots should be to the right of the notebook name.
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