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Everything posted by buckethead

  1. Not something that can be done at this time. Syncing with reminders on iOS/Mac would be awesome for quick entry and something that has been asked for since Beta. Not sure if it is on their road map or not. Take a look at the following post here, there are a couple of videos linked that go into more depth on tasks and some of the plan for the future:
  2. Yep. I got this from support when I reached out last week about this issue. "I'd like to let you know that we are aware of this issue and are now working for a permanent fix. While I'm unable to provide an ETA of when the fix will be released, please access Evernote from the mobile app in the meantime"
  3. This is something that we’ve asked for since the tasks beta. I think in order for this to be successful on iOS though, EN tasks need to update in the background. Right now you need to open the EN app and wait a little bit for tasks to sync. Otherwise the widget is going to show tasks you might have completed on another device. I mean I still get notifications on my iPhone for tasks I completed hours ago on my iPad or Mac…….. The recent blog post by @Ian Smallmentions mobile widgets are coming. @Jack LynchAlso mentions in a video interview that getting tasks into EN quicker and easieris on the way also - don’t remember exactly how he phrased it though.
  4. Thanks Jack. I figured that is what you meant, but wanted to clarify. Few more thoughts and questions for you to think about as you move forward with the sub task ideas. 1 - with the Project-note how would you be able to tell the note is a task/project note in a list of notes? Currently with tasks in a note we get the purple check mark icon to the right of the note title in list view. If there are no subtasks within the note will the note still have the purple check next to it in the list view? Would the notes filter using the add filters option? 2 - Would these project-notes clog up the Notes view in the task panel? Using individual notes as tasks could make it so the number of notes in this view will be quite large (if this is the case having a method to expand or collapse the tasks in all of the notes at the same time on the note view will be needed) 3 - The ability to to link to these project-notes in task titles in other notes would be great - kinda like creating a full project overview with each section broken down into sub tasks? an example here would be something like a remodel project note that has tasks of []design []plumbing []electrical []flooring and then having a separate plumbing project-note with it's own subtasks in it? Right now we can only put URLs in the task so maybe this is seperate - it'd be the ability to actually add a link into the title using cmd-k on a mac.
  5. @Jack LynchI’m confused on the “Project-note” limitation of no rich content. Are you saying you would not be able to add pictures or other content to this new note type? Would it just have the ability to add tasks to the note? So the note would be a list of “sub-tasks”? Or are you thinking that all of the rich content in the note would be related to the sub tasks created and not the main task? I think starting with the easiest to implement “project-note” is a good first step to sub tasks - I would think that there are quite a few users who do it like this already. Being able to have multiple tasks with sub tasks within the same note eventually would be great. I can see where managing multiple notes full so subtasks could become a pain vs. having all tasks in the same note. it sounds like you have a good plan if getting subtasks working within tasks. Looking forward to the implementation. Hopefully after reoccurring tasks 😉
  6. No way to do this as of now. You would need to send the emails into EN and then go into the note adding a task to it.
  7. I am guessing that as EN made the transition to v10 AW support was dropped for overall lack of use. Just assuming that they used some metrics to determine how many folks were using the AW app and how often - using those metrics to put their people where more folks used parts of the app.
  8. Tasks were recently updated to allow up to 1000 characters on the title - the December 2nd release. What app are you using that you cannot make a long task title? Have you updated recently?
  9. And what makes it worse is that the day of the week is not in the scroll. Due date selection leaves much to be desired on iOS with EN. Would be much better if they used the default iOS date selector.
  10. Reminders work well for the most part on iOS for me for tasks. My only real problem with task reminders is device specific on iOS. If I update a task due date and reminder on one device it doesn’t sync the changes to my other devices unless I open the app first and sync the changes. This defeats the purpose on working with multiple devices. I assume this is a iOS limitation though and not EN.
  11. This is what a task with checkboxes looks like. The “sub tasks” do not have the overall features of the task. But you can set it up visually. Use the insert option.
  12. I run the AppStore version as I am not able to direct install. Though where the app is installed from should not matter at all for any features.
  13. Bummer it no longer works for you. I happen to have the opposite experience. With v10 EN I use it way more than before and is by far and away more productive for me.
  14. Searching inside documents has not been available on free plans for a long time from what I recall. Looking at the Evernote Basic features, searching within PDF is not listed, searching within images was available. It does look like this feature of searching within images has been removed from the Free plan though.
  15. If you are a paying user you can use Note History and recover information that you deleted.
  16. This has been happening to me for quite a while as well. I opened a ticket up a while ago about it as well with no resolution.
  17. The calendar feature would not solve any must-solve problems for me if the tasks were brought over as appointments/events to google calendar. The only thing it would really do for me is provide me a single location to see ALL tasks as I still have to use iOS Reminders for some features. Though I could see having a task with a due time that is set as an appointment at whatever time driving me nuts as tasks and calendar events are two very different things.
  18. Something like a webinar would be a calendar appointment for me. Since it is an event and not something that needs to be done and I have never used calendar appointments for tasks. For tasks I use a combination of iOS Reminders (with Fantastical) and EN Tasks. I use iOS Reminders for quick easy things like call my mom tonight along with anything that I need to quickly add before I forget using Siri, though I tend to transfer those over to EN when I get a chance. I also use Reminders for any reoccurring tasks. I use EN for pretty much all other tasks along with 100% of work tasks (I use EN for both personal and work in same account).
  19. With a personal subscription you have access to note history. I am not sure if it is retroactive or not, but that is the only way I am familiar with getting old versions of notes.
  20. Device shouldn't matter for iOS. Is there an iOS device that is still supported that cannot use Siri? This is something that has been asked for since tasks were in beta. It would be great to quick add via voice. Adding an upvote for this request.
  21. Yes, I agree! This has been a problem with tasks forever. The design is currently inconsistent as when you choose a date for a reminder on a tasks in iOS it shows the day of the week, but not on tasks due date selection.
  22. As of today (11/4/21) you can add a link to a task, but only has a full URL link. This is very unwieldy, it would be much better to make the link a hyperlink of text. Example: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/304-general-feature-requests/?do=add is what is for this thread link if I add it to a task, when it should be hyperlinked like this what it looks like inside a note: * I did submit a support ticket about this and got the "thanks for letting us know maybe we will had it to the roadmap" reply
  23. Don’t use the filter. Use the three dot menu in the upper right of the task panel to get the menu in my screenshot.
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