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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Evernote makes many things easy. Just not this particular feature...
  2. You laugh, but early in my programming career, a colleague's baby daughter "discovered" a fatal bug in the software we were writing (a word processor) by sitting on the space bar for awhile...
  3. Don't confuse Evernote tags with XML tags. They are not the same thing.
  4. In the Evernote architecture, tags apply only to notes -- they're designed to categorize notes, not serve as pointers to individual notes, much less into a particular note. I think that you're more likely to links to in-note anchors that bring you to specific places in a note, like HTML, because Evernote's format is very similar to HTML. This has also been requested.
  5. What Evernote client are you talking about? Windows? Mac? Android? iOS? Web? What is a 'tab' in Evernote? Is this a Mac thingie?
  6. Dunno what I'm missing, but I'm able to configure Windows to get Evernote to open PDFs with whatever program I choose on Win 10, both the Fall Creator's version, and the prior one. When viewed as an an attachment, double-click takes me there (rather than the default Edge). Granted, I don't do much with PDFs than view them, so I don't have use cases for dragging them in and out of Evernote, once they're in there, so I wouldn't call myself a PDF power user. I do seem to be able to drag PDFs out of Evernote to the desktop / Explorer and back, which is about as far as I go. *shrug*
  7. Hmm, it worked for me, as I tried it before I suggested it. I'm on the latest beta, but not, I think) on the latest Windows release (Fall Creator Edition) here at work. Maybe it's the latter condition that's causing this?
  8. This has been requested many times before, and there's at least one very long topic in the forums that discusses it, and at least one other feature request for a Linux client. You should search the forum and find existing content and add your comments and/or vote... Short form: maybe adding a Ubuntu client would reach a wider audience, but at what cost (development, support, etc.), relative to the potential additional users?
  9. You can probably do this, but it seems kinda drastic: it's going to be pretty tedious for a person who's actually validly editing a note (and it won't do anything for right-click menu-based cut/paste operations). Unless you're trying to prevent deletion from the note list, in which case you might be able to constrain the dialog to only pop up when those keys are pressed in the note list, but again, right-click Delete is not prevented either in that case.
  10. There doesn't seem to be a local setting for Evernote's default program, but there is a global setting. Try this: Find a PDF file in Windows Explorer. Right click on it, and select Properties You should see an "Opens with:" control on the General tab Click the "Change" button Select the program that you want to use, and return tho the Properties dialog Click OK If you're in Evernote, clicking on a PDF file should now use that program. It may still show the default (Edge browser) icon in the attachment block, but if you completely exit Evernote (File / Exit), then restart, it should show the correct icon.
  11. Please use the forum quoting feature so that people know who you're replying to. Thanks.
  12. Age old question, not just for Evernote. Part of the reason is that while all platforms provide similar services, they're not identical, nor are their user interaction tools/conventions identical. Try pasting "why can't applications be the same across all platforms" into a web search. I thought that this result was interesting, or at least a place to start. This is not a particular source of frustration to me. I use the Android client differently than I use the Windows client, and by and large, they don't need to be identical.
  13. Sorry, got a chuckle when I read this... Nothing mean spirited intended, just got a chuckle. Synonymous with "the universe is unfolding as it should". Meditate on that...
  14. Probably means one of two things: Evernote is running, and you cannot change the Evernote program bits on disk, while it's running. Shut down Evernote using File / Exit, then try again. If that doesn't work, then you may not have permission to change the Evernote executable file. That's a different problem altogether.
  15. The option offered by @Cold Case Research Group was for the Windows Evernote client. This is a forum for the Android Evernote client, so the Windows advice doesn't apply.
  16. Or if you don't know whether you have a 32 or 64-bit system, just right-click on the Evernote icon, and select Properties; the Target field will point you to the executable...
  17. The content -- at least the image of the formula -- is still there; Evernote just can't display it. The actual formula content (MathML snippets) appear to be gone. The image content is stored as an attachment in the note (it's a little snippet of SVG). In the Windows client, you can right click on it and display it in Chrome, and the formula will appear, or view the text content in Notepad. I can't speak to whether this works on the Mac.
  18. Translation - "Evernote has a maximum of 250 notebooks per personal account" If it were me, I'd just use a separate account for archiving. You could probably get away with a free one, though you might need to populate it over time due to reduced upload limits in a free account. Depending on your number of clients, one notebook per client might not be enough, in which case a tag based approach should work. Once populated, if you needed to get access to a particular client, you could share the notebook that your client exists in back to your working account, if you needed searching to work, or just work on the old account in your archive account.
  19. Sure, I understand. But I put this in the category of mind-mapping, full-on task management, etc. Nice to have for some segment of the user base, and an interesting suggestion, sure, but not a core piece of Evernote functionality. And so therefore probably not a focus of development, at least at this time. In other words, I wouldn't bet my lunch money on seeing anything like it anytime soon. So in the meantime, if you can accomplish some of it via workaround...
  20. Some of this functionality can be accomplished using an Evernote Shortcut: Create a search that's something like "tag:.dashboard.*" Save it as, say, "Dashboard" Add it to the shortcuts Now run that shortcut Sort the results according your wishes (e.g. Updated, reversed) Right-click the shortcut and select "Remember View Settings" You just made a dashboard: it will select anything that's tagged with a tag that begins with ".dashboard", and will appear in the sort order you've chosen. You can edit it to be more specific. You can then make other dashboards to your liking.
  21. You should make this suggestion in the Android Product Feedback forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/208-android-product-feedback/
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