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Everything posted by jefito

  1. The problem being discussed here is not about the monthly storage limits. It's about the size of the resultant database. The context is most likely the Windows client, if as DTLow says, there is no central database storage on the Mac. Windows client users, if they want to reduce the size of their Evernote database can now use the On-demand sync (Tools / Options / Synchronization / Enable on demand sync) to reduce the amount of note content stored on your local database. See:
  2. If you're referring to the Snippet View in the Windows client, the easy thing to do to pin a note to the top of the list is to add a reminder to it, either dated or undated. In Snippet view, notes with reminders are also maintained in a separate collapsible list at the top of the standard note list. The reminder list is also separately sortable, either by updated date or arbitrarily (my dragging notes up or down the list). This is my default configuration.
  3. Per Evernote, those tools are mainly intended for the use of technical support folks when trying to diagnose / fix problems remotely (over the phone, etc.). Most people don't need them, so they're semi-hidden, though maybe Optimize Database could be made more generally available. I haven't used it in a long time; I'm not particularly space-constrained. I have to say that 1 GB reducing down to 40 MB is surprising though...
  4. Note that Peter K has moved on from Evernote, which may or may not have any bearing on the selective sync feature's likelihood of implementation.
  5. The so-called zealots are often the folks who have been around long enough to understand that Evernote has historically and consistently been uninterested in providing nested notebooks (this particular thread is a prime example). Pointing that out, and advocating for the use of tags, and offering examples like GMail to show that hierarchical containers aren't necessary features in a product like Evernote isn't attacking anyone; it's giving some context to the conversation. I feel like I understand the use case pretty well (and I'm sure that Evernote does as well), and while I don't need nested notebooks, I understand why some folks believe that they do, or maybe actually do. Sometimes it does indeed come down to the fact that they don't understand tags, and sometimes some tips can help that. Regardless, only Evernote can make the decision to implement nested notebooks, and since they haven't, we users have the power to choose whatever competing product that suits our needs / budget / aesthetics is available, while those that want them in Evernote can continue advocating for them. If that's done respectfully and reasonably, then that's welcome to the conversation as well. Some of it is not, however, and I think that that's when most conflicts occur. *shrug* 'Twas ever thus, on the Internet.
  6. ?? Evernote already does this. Certainly the desktop clients offer all of the same functionality with respect to tags (what GMail calls 'labels'); I tag notes with multiple tags all the time.
  7. That's actually not such a great example for folder hierarchies. 17 year-olds (or most 30 year-olds, for that matter) do not muck around with hierarchies. They use phones. They search by typing on their phones for what they want, not where it is. Even Windows has this (Start Menu, start typing). The web is inherently hierarchical under the hood, sure, but you don't find things that way, not since Google appeared on the field. A much more apropos example here than the Word/WordPerfect history (which has nothing to do with hierarchical organization) is Yahoo's approach to finding things on the web ca. 1998 (hierarchical) vs. Google (just describe what you're looking for). Sure Yahoo still exists, but it's pretty much a footnote, just ahead of AOL. No patience for folders, standard or not, sounds about right...
  8. Thanks, but please don't do that in the future. We usually aim to direct them to an appropriate answer (or place to post a request) elsewhere in the forum. Yes, people get lost in here, but let's not intentionally mix things up if at all possible.
  9. Seems to work for GMail (tags in GMail are "labels", the folder system is essentially flat, etc.). *shrug* People have been predicting Evernote's demise since, oh, probably since this thread was started, or before. OneNote (to pick an obvious alternate) isn't perfect either; I found converting my Evernote database to OneNote -- using the Microsoft tool, mind -- to be a perfect disaster. Tags are not quirky, and they are not unnatural (many natural languages support the concept of 'adjective', which is very similar), they are less familiar because they are less obviously available in places that could use them, e.g. the Windows file system...
  10. You can always move notes into a separate notebook (there are no folders in Evernote). And you can always move completed items represented as checkbox'ed text to another note. Aside from that, you can add reminders to notes, which, in the Windows client, can be viewed as a separate list above your note list (in most note views, bt not list views), and it's independently sortable.. I use a combination of these facilities. Other than that, Evernote does not provide facilities to automatically manage lists maintained inside a note; it's manual cut/copy/paste, add/edit checkbox, etc. That may work for you, it may not. Hard to tell much more unless you describe your system more fully.
  11. Most likely "cost-benefit aware" would be more appropriate. Note that Evernote staffer @Matt W. did express some enthusiasm for the feature earlier in the topic, but decisions are likely made elsewhere (and no offense to Matt, of course). Thank you. Not everyone does.
  12. Just to be clear, this is something that can be done independent of the editors, common or no. Duplicate finding would operate on note content, which has always been available via the API. Modulo that nitpick, I've upvoted.
  13. It could not. This is a novel definition of the term that you will probably not find in the dictionary. Ignorance is that 'state or fact of being ignorant', not of ignoring someone else. In any case, you're not being ignored; your desires for SD support have not being implemented, true enough, but that's not the same thing, unless you wish them to come back and report "no progress on this" for everyone who posts here. They've stated their stance in their first reply (and in the referenced FAQ); if it changes, we'll know about it then. BTW, you're paying for the Evernote service, not for the ability to have all of your feature requests implemented. While that would be grand, you won't find it in your user agreement. In addition, the stated reason for not implementing SD support is "security and performance"; you're not being told "over and over" that it's for security concerns, unless you really like going back and re-reading the first reply to the original post. Personally, I'd be curious to know more about both of the security and performance issues, but that doesn't seem to be forthcoming; I can live with that; I'll take them at their word. In any case, this would be a nice option to have for the Android client. I upvoted this request. Did you?
  14. Funny, the feature exists in the Evernote Windows client version 6.5 as of 3/21/17, as this indicates. This is not just "some day" talk, though it's also not exactly the same as the 'selective sync notebooks' concept. That has been an option for the mobile clients (Android and iOS for years, as you know, because of obvious memory limitations on those devices. I don't follow the Mac product, you're on your own there. But hey, you're not an Evernote user any more, so ???
  15. And why not just vote this existing request up?
  16. I could have been a little more specific there. Note also that you can delete your own posts: You should see an 'Options' link directly under your post; if you click it, you should see a 'Delete' link...
  17. Moved to web client Product Feedback forum
  18. Ah, OK, my mistake. I don't know any way to do this at all then.
  19. Please search the forum for 'linux' to find an existing feature request for a Linux client, and add your vote, rather than making new requests. There are several.
  20. If you add the term "-resource:application/pdf" to your search, this will exclude PDFs. I know of no other way to do this in the Evernote clients that I use (Windows, Android, web).
  21. What are the limitations? Evernote-written clients also use the Evernote API, right?
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