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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Well, I'm a software developer who believes that branding does matter, and in a potentially good way (potentially because not every rebranding -- or even product direction or software architecture -- change is successful). Yes, it matters less to me, personally, than to, say, the marketing folks. Sure I'd rather be making, er, fixing bugs, but the company decides what is important for me to do, and what isn't. This is a team sport; everyone needs to play their part. Fortunately, this type of exercise doesn't happen very often, and it's typically just akin to changing the wallpaper (usually changes to graphics resources, with little actual code changes), and if you're a smart developer, you might be able to make your life easier with some forethought. Yes, sometimes we need to do things that we don't want to do. Per Spock: “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” Any engineer ought to be able to get behind that.
  2. I am feeling a little validated just now... ?
  3. Windows selections generally preserve order of selection -- we can see this in Evernote when you choose notes to merge. So are you saying that the order of selection is not the order of printing?
  4. Note: I did try these operations before I posted earlier. I see things working pretty much correctly, or at least as designed. You need to pay attention to what the text on the right-hand side of the green bar that represents the notebook you're dragging. It says things like "Add to stack", "Remove from stack", and "Create stack" as you drag over various targets. There doesn't appear to be a "Move to new stack" or equivalent, for when you were moving a notebook from one stack to another; the text said "Remove from stack", and it did remove the notebook from its original stack. So to summarize, you can: drag a notebook to another notebook that's not part of an existing stack; the text should read "Create stack", and if you drop, you'll be prompted to enter the new stack's name drag a notebook from a stack to a location outside of its stack; the text should read "Remove from stack" drag a notebook that's not in a stack to a notebook that's in a stack, or a stack; the text should read "Add to stack" I did see scrolling, but it seems a little slow, and moreover, I don't have a huge number of notebooks, so scroll amount was pretty small. So not perfect, but you can move notebooks in and out of stacks.
  5. Neither; you just do it differently: Tools / Options / Printing --> printing preferences
  6. Gosh, tough crowd here (but not unexpected). Easy folks, it's just a Branding Exercise. The marketing folks get to have their day, and maybe the troops get fired up, too. New T-shirts and coffee cups all around!! Meanwhile, the weary coder looks up, bleary-eyed, from their screen, raises an eyebrow and smiles wanly, maybe checks their email for the ticket that says "Plug the new graphics into the UI", but then sighs and inevitably plunges back again, once more, into the breach..
  7. In the "current version", I can certainly create a new stack by dragging a notebook in the notebook list onto another notebook that's not already in a stack, or add a notebook to a stack by dragging it to a notebook that's in a stack or onto the stack itself. As for the web beta, well, it's a beta, and advertised as not feaure-complete yet.
  8. A number of Evernote clients support separate lists for reminders, which can be used as a sort of pinning mechanism. I use this in the Windows client all the time. For day-to-day operation, I tend to live in the reminder list rather than the wider seas of all my notes.
  9. Hate to burst your bubble when you're on a roll (see Animal House: Bluto Blutarsky: "When the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor"), but Excel does have emoji support. At least you can type in emojis using the new Win 10 emoji keyboard, invoked by Win+; (Win key + semicolon).They come in as black&white, but they're there...
  10. I don't know of any way to do this using the Android client, or the Evernote web client, for that matter. A web search on "import google keep to evernote" turns up a number of hits, but they generally seem to need to use one of the Evernote desktop clients (Windows or Mac).
  11. Go to top list notes view (Ctrl+F7) and look for a column header named "Sync" (add it if you don't see it). Now sort by the "Sync" column; any notes that have sync problems will have a dot in that column, otherwise it will be empty.
  12. There is no way to choose which image is used, in any of the Evernote clients, at least at this time. The only way is to have exactly one image in your note (which "wins" by default), or make sure that the image you want You can also try to arrange that your preferred image meets the "largest-smallest" criterion, described here: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/25981-request-ability-to-select-image-to-display-in-card-view/#comment-388976. Tedious, I know...
  13. I don't print often, but I just had a need recently, and I needed to format a couple notes into several specific pages. What I found for a workaround was to Duplicate the note Select the duplicated note, and Do File / Print Preview... which brings up the note in a PDF viewer (Chrome for me) Examine the note, and guesstimate where to add line breaks Repeat from step 2 until it's broken into pages the way you want. I'm not saying that this is ideal, and I wouldn't want to do it very often or with long documents. But the occasional times I need this sort of facility are pretty rare. Alternatively you could print to PDF, and use a PDF editor to insert page breaks.
  14. Shouldn't a proper "business strategy forecast" also break down the percentage of people in the "rant and complain" plus "don't complain" vs those who don't care at all because they have adequate storage for all of their notes on their desktop devices? Besides that, at least the Windows client has been modified to address the storage issue with on-demand sync. BTW, I'm not saying that there's no valid case for notebook-based selective sync -- I'm familiar with this from my Android device; but what I'm guessing is that a lot of desktop client users just don't have this problem.
  15. It's absolutely true that Evernote supported nesting with respect to tags, though some people argue -- fairly, in my opinion -- that nested tags could be even better supported (I'd vote for exposing tag nesting to the search language). It is however not true that Evernote supports nested containers (with the minor exception of stacks, which can only contain notebooks), but nobody here is saying that anyways.
  16. The main reason -- and it's pretty much encapsulated is from a nearly 10-year old post here: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/96180-nesting-multiple-notebooks-creating-sub-notebooks/?page=12#comment-11567 (@engberg was Evernote CTO at the time) -- is because they have nested tags. It's nothing whatsoever to do with user lock-in.
  17. Doesn't exist in amy Evernote client that I know of. If it's critical to your workflow, lifestyle, or blood pressure, then you might need to use a different tool.
  18. Geez, where's the politeness? Didn't you read the topic post? Italicized for your convenience: Take a deep breath and remind yourself that this is a beta (I'd call it a preview, myself). If you need reminders, you should go back to the actual current release version: Settings / Evernote Web / Go back to current version. Or you can always go power-user, and do your own searches: e.g., a search of reminderorder:* will find notes with reminders.
  19. You're posting in a topic that's specific to the Windows Evernote client. You should search the Mac-specific forums (https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/219-evernote-for-mac/, https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/218-evernote-for-mac/) to see if there's a solution there.
  20. Maybe, but not for everyone -- I do merges very rarely, and use note linking much more often. Basically, they can't do it now because they don't currently have any multi-note functionality in place at all. That being said, copy/paste should work for simple cases, I would think...
  21. OK, back home. Tested with ~3400 notes and higher (up to 7000). All of these exhibited the bad bounce. That would be enough for me to go on, if I were tasked with looking into it. Some nice detective work going on here.
  22. Haha, this is not a case of "Once you go Top, you'll never want to stop". I switched back almost immediately. I'm not saying that Top List doesn't have its uses, but for me, Snippet view is much more often useful for my day to day. The list size thing certainly seems suspicious, though...
  23. Two separate accounts, one premium, and one basic (which I used in testing above), with notebooks shared both ways across. Same client, and very unlikely that their behaviors would differ based on subscription level (though stranger things have happened). As I say, I'm not seeing any of that, but with ~2400 notes (all I have here). Will try later on with more when I get home. I pull the scroll thumb to the top, it stays at the top of the scroll area, no bounce. Pull it to the bottom, it stays on the bottom. Except if I pull too quickly, in which case there's some mouse distance/limit that bounces it back to its starting point, but we know that that's a special case.
  24. Sorry folks, just reporting what I'm seeing. I even switched to Top list view (? @CalS) to test the original scenario, though it seemed to behave much the same as snippet view (my usual). I can draw the scroll thumb to any location without bounce in a long list (2400+ notes in my work case; maybe I'll try it at home where I have more notes), and it works fine. This is version 6.13.14, btw. Nothing special about my system Maybe I'm missing something (wouldn't be the first time), and I'm not sure why I'm getting different results from other users, but I certainly see the same (or very similar) behavior in other applications. *shrug*
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