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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. I would try a force restart instead of a simple restart. https://support.apple.com/de-de/guide/ipad/ipad9955c007/ipados
  2. The web clipper has nothing to do with the legacy clients. It is continuously developing, with new releases. The data flows through the API directly to the server. The web client may be the first desktop client where legacy in fact is moving to be discontinued. EN has warned that the use of the „classical“ editor can cause inconsistent behavior. They will remove the option in the closer future. The installed client for Mac and Windows will continue to work - until it doesn’t.
  3. With spell checking everything got explained above. With search, if it not shows the desired results you should check your language settings in EN account settings, personal settings. There are language options there. They control against which dictionaries the OCR function will run. If for example English is selected, but you have a lot of stuff in French, then it will try to find English words that are similar to the optical readout, but will not check against a French dictionary. As a result you may get relatively bad OCR results, which reflects again in the search. My language setting is German and English, and I can not complain about the German* search, it is up on the level of the English search. Choosing too many languages will do no good, so maybe try 2 or 3, but not more. Unfortunately, if it was set to only one language in the past, it will not redo the OCR when you change the settings today. But for the future, search results should improve. (*) There is the problem that search will only search for the start of a word. In German many words are composites of single Words, stitched together. In this case Germans search will only work for the initial part of the composite.
  4. How I made Skitch work after updating: Run the update Open Mac settings, Security, privacy, and allow Skitch (and if there any "Skitch Helper" that may show). Confirm by locking the settings. Now restart the Mac again.
  5. Still have to run the update. Have you restarted the Mac again ?
  6. Use Confluence when you like it … Inside of EN there is a very simple trick that does the job: Put a table into the note, set a column to the width you like, and place the pictures into that column. I would use one row of the table for each picture, it is better in handling. The pictures will automatically resize to the width of the table, but will keep their original resolution and quality. You can always adapt the column width, which will resize all pictures at once.
  7. LOL maybe to make users ask „but why is there a feature request“. You ask the wrong people here, go ask EN support. You will get a nicely worded and very „flexible“ answer, I think. From our observation EN staff seems to be too busy to usually hang around here.
  8. There are 2 conditions for note history: The note itself must still exist (can be in the trash, then it first needs to be reactivated) The missing content must before have synced to the server - note history runs on the server Beside this, note history is running all of the time, for all accounts. It is only the access and the ability to restore an older version that is limited to the subscribers. Whether there is a note history that can be restored you only learn when you open note history on such a note (needs to be on a desktop client PC/Mac), and check on note history. Most of the time it is there.
  9. No, you can’t edit a web clip inside of EN. The web clip in its original state is read only, it can’t be changed. You can simplify it, and then you can edit it. Simplifying keeps the full content, but removes most of the complex code. If you really want to dive deep, there is software to collect the full, nacked, raw HTML code from a website, and file it away on your disk. I am on the Mac, and there a good program is „Site Sucker“. The app symbol is a vacuum cleaner, and it describes pretty well what it does when used on a website. Then open this folder holding all the content with a HTML editor, and start changing it. You will find out that modern websites build by content management systems and on technology like CSS have nothing to do with the websites of old. These sites are build from a lot of small building blocks, each one holding a piece of the content, with the code controlling how a browser will stitch everything together to show a „normal“ web page. People who edit this stuff are web designers, and they typically specialize in a handful of tools to perform their job. If you really want to edit the original of a site, you need to learn at least some basics, and some tools. EN is a note taking app, it does exactly for what it is build, and this is NOT web editing. Nice challenge, wrong tool.
  10. So, now you are happy, we are happy, and that is it. You can even quit EN for no reason at all. Really, just „poooooof“, and your account is gone. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056549574
  11. Actually it is as it is. It may be an option for you to move your data to a server under full control of the Chinese government. Feel free to do so. Be assured that this is NO option for the vast majority of EN users. Not because we couldn’t do it, it is because we will not sacrifice the confidentiality and privacy of our notes just to get an outliner. Very, very bad deal !
  12. Sure, you need a web editor. A quick search brought up these apps, but there is a ton more: VS Code, Sublime Text and Atom. They may look a lot like programming tools, but this is exactly the point: A modern website is so complex, that you can’t simply edit it like you edit a Word page. The page is full of code, and editing means changing the code, not only the visible content. EN decided not to allow editing the full web clip, because of the complexity of the underlying structure. For annotation the approach to simplify, then edit works fine. If you really want to redact the full, complex site, you practically need to redesign it. @Dave-in-Decatur EN has defined that web clips as clipped originally will display, but are read only. You can copy content from it, but you can’t edit them. If you want to edit, you first need to simplify. Simplifying means that most of the web design is thrown away, keeping the raw content. It is like clipping in reader mode. If one wants to keep the clip as it was, you can duplicate the note, simplify the duplicate and then merge the 2 resulting notes. You then have a note with the simplified content, ready to edit, and the original web clip, preserving the original page as good as possible, read only.
  13. From what I read I think there is a deep misunderstanding of spell checking in EN. It usually reads „add the ability to check more than one language ….“. The misunderstanding is that this implies that EN does check on one language already. This is WRONG. EN is currently not checking on ANY language at all. Zero. Nada. Because there is NO spell checker build into EN at all. You only have a switch in the app settings (desktop) that allows to „enable spell check“ or to disable it. When you enable it, EN will in the background call the spell checker of the OS on which you are working, and will allow it to spell check. That is all. There can be no second language enabled, because there is no build in module for the checking or any app specific first language dictionary. Everything happens on the OS only. The likelihood of EN 1) adding it’s own (licensed from 3rd party) spell checker to the app and 2) enable this spell checker for a multi-language ability is from my experience close to zero. You can ask for anything, but I doubt it will be done.
  14. This is what I meant with „serial letter“: You define a Word document with the fields, and link it to an Excel table holding the data to fill the fields. There is the Mail Merge assistant to guide you through. You can choose a small „paper“ size, to end up with one pdf per entry in the size of a business card, not of a full page paper. From 650 sets of data it will create a document with 650 pages. You „print“ it to a pdf file - maybe it has an option to print each page into a new file, or you create one massive pdf, and break it down into single pages with another pdf editing app. Importing and creating the new notes (one for each pdf file) is then the final step. You get every contact inside of a new note, and can start to add information while you are running your leads on the customers.
  15. It is in general not a problem, unless you create one. When you Store a file inside of EN, it is not like storing that file on a regular file path. It is stored in an active, synchronizing app. When you leave it open over days without saving or refreshing the link, one of the sides will likely loose the connection. From then on changing the open document will not update the app and the file inside any longer. Conclusion: Don’t hold the app and files opened from it open for hours or days. Open a file, edit it, and then at least hit „close“ to save it back.
  16. The advertised price is for the first year, after that it goes to the regular subscription price. And there is no way back to one of the grandfathered plans, once you upgraded to an actual plan.
  17. Legacy IS end of life: No more changes, no bug fixes, no support, nothing, and if it stops working tomorrow, it is gone. Nobody should expect any help for then switching over. There are 3 szenarios when it will stop to work eventually: 1) A change in the OS makes it useless (like crashing it on startup) 2) Changes to the EN data structure makes it unable to contact the EN server 3) EN actively disables it I think (3) is the most unlikely, because based on its deprecated status, it is not consuming resources at EN. 1) and 2) may happen, with a similar likelihood. Personally I expect none of both for the next years. The other question for oneself is if it is a wise strategy to build your own data collection on an app that is only running on borrowed time.
  18. Everything you need to know is in this help document - including a link to support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313998
  19. You can edit every web clip: Click on the note, click „Edit“, tap into the header of the web clip, tap on the magic wand, it simplifies the clip, you edit it. This is how it is done, it works. If you want to edit raw, plain HTML code, you need to use a HTML editor. These are special programs, not made for note taking, but made for web editing. There are options for free, and there are apps that will cost several hundreds of $ £ € per year for the subscription fees, and everything in between. Do not expect the logic of simplifying before editing will change again, ever. And EN is from my observation doing fine this way, thank you for your concern. If you want another function, you have 2 options: Send feedback to EN and hope they will sink a lot of dev capacity into „your“ black hole, or use a different app. Only one of these 2 options have a good chance to work out.
  20. No problem, you now know for the next time, and we know not to continue here.
  21. You go to Evernote.com and log in with your account user & password. What you then get (after a short wait for the download) is what is stored on the EN server - the master copy from where all devices draw their information. Hint: Free users can’t do this easily, the web client counts as another device.
  22. I am not aware of a formal importer program. I think you want one note per contact ? What about creating one pdf from each row in Excel (serial letter function with Word) ? Then create an import folder to EN. When you drop the 650 pdf files into the import folder, it should create 650 notes, each with 1 contact. I would do it in Batches, not all at once.
  23. Encryption in v10 does not allow for formatting. Probably a table counts as such. To get an official answer, contact support.
  24. No, it is not changed - is is there, and it still works. Take that, nasty job on my list of frogs !
  25. This would no happen through the API. The API interacts with the server, not with the local client. This would require scripting with the local client as scrip target. This trick is still not on the list of features of v10. It could work (if and when enabled) on desktops via EnScript / Apple Script, or on iOS through the shortcuts app.
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