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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Personally I use CamCard, in the Free version. It has its own card holder, but will sync as well with iOS contacts if authorized in settings. But this is only one among many apps available with similar properties. Just make a search in the web (I propose to avoid Google and use DuckDuckGo), you will find plenty of articles about this subject.
  2. Nothing new that the Mac is doing it that little bit more clever …. 🤣
  3. Since the sync button seems to be THE most important missing feature, I have designed one to make it easier for the EN devs. Properties: Easy to find, not to be missed, even when in anger about something not syncing, prominently displayed. I think I have covered it all. It slightly reduces the available screen real estate for displaying information, but you can’t have it all, can you ?
  4. Sorry, just tested it again on my Mac to be sure: Exported a notebook to an ENEX file. It showed on my desktop. I named it "mynewnotebook" When I double clicked it, it started to import. A new notebook was automatically created, named "(Imported) mynewnotebook" In one aspect I have to correct myself: It showed the original created date, and a last updated that corresponds to the original note. But note history is gone.
  5. If you are on a subscription, you can contact support about technical issues. If you have a problem then, come back here for advise. If you are on Free, no technical support (only on Account and Payment issues). Then you are left with us folks here, all other users.
  6. There is a general limit of 100.000 notes for an account. Personally I am around 10k, and experience not problems. I don't think that the number of notes really plays a role in the speed on actual devices. That it gets slower on older / less powerful devices is probably a result from the computing needs of the app vs. the restricted power of the devices CPU. Offline download is an additional process, it will run in the background while the app is in use. If the device is running slow anyhow, it puts an additional stress on the apps performance. Once everything is downloaded I would not expect an impact any more. Just my user experience on several iOS devices (age from 2015 - 2022, all on the latest iOS and app release), to be sure ask support.
  7. 1995 there was no EN service at all, so the creation date is not plausible. Probably these documents have in reality no creation date at all - they only display a date from 1995 as a default setting. Possible solutions: Duplicate these notes, delete the originals. The new duplicates should have a new, valid creation date. Try to edit the creation date in note information. Contact support
  8. No idea, since I don't know the offer. Existing subscribers only get offers when they upgrade their subscriptions. Usually it contain a link that you can use to get at the offer.
  9. Maybe ask support why they don't recommend this option to users ... Personally I found the Troubleshooting menu more or less by accident. I like the developer tools, sometimes it is interesting to take a look behind the scenes.
  10. Works for me: Mac 10.43 and iOS 10.38. By advancing the number more and more days get included into the search result. The parameter "day-0" shows only notes created today.
  11. ... or when using the web clipper, use the "Plain text" option instead of the standard or the full page options..
  12. Still can't reproduce what you describe and show in the video. When I use the crosshair tool to clip, it will still clip what I selected. I leave this with you and support - maybe this obviously pretty individual problem will be solved, eventually.
  13. When you clip, do you see a green frame around the part of the page that is selected for clipping ? If not, please describe your clipping process in some more details. Maybe post a Screenshot from clipping.
  14. Thanks for posting your experience. Since many EN users apply GTD (or a flavor of the method), it is probably worth to take the 30 days trial. Just to mention it: The pricing of FacileThings is on the level of a Personal EN subscription. Both together will be in the range of 120€/$ per year. The integration of FacileThings into EN is presumably running through the EN API. I am not aware of an official integration, which means in case of problems one needs to contact the FacileThings support. Nothing wrong with both aspects, this applies to a number of other useful apps.
  15. It is not wrong in a technical meaning. But the forum mainly works user2user, so your post will likely not even reach the attention of EN staff. And If I want to move something, I rather tell why a feature has a negative effect on my productivity or similar. Ranting away does not make an impact.
  16. Personally I doubt that Reload will cause a corruption. I had corrupted local data as well, not often, but it happened. Rebuilding it always worked, and Reload had nothing to do with it. In fact I hardly use it, no need. To see what is going on just open Desktop client and web client side by side. It is amazing how fast changes sync to the server (just remember you need to refresh the browser as well to see them). Actually the hyped legacy client has its depths as well. When v10 started, I had different note counts on practically all devices. I extensively use the database tools of the legacy clients - most of the differences were rooted in mistakes in the local legacy database. You usually just don’t see them because we trust the local database more than the server copy. But in fact it is just the other way.
  17. Mac settings, users and groups, startup objects. Remove the EN entry from the list. Save by clicking on the lock. Done. This has nothing to do with EN in specific, you can start most apps with the computer.
  18. We can all agree that basic functions would move tables in EN to another level. Currently a table is more or less a HTML formatting construction, creating a series of „cells“ in which to store content. To make it perform actions the tables feature probably needs a complete recoding. Which means I wouldn’t wait for it to show up any time soon. To show interest in it, you can send feedback to EN, or issue a support ticket.
  19. No „you“ here, just other users. Send feedback if you want to reach EN staff. Or skip it … Given the attitude of your post, I would probably move it to the round folder anyhow, if I were „you“.
  20. If you are interested, it should be possible to grab the 50% offer still (which is for the first year only, as are the 25%). The 25% are no special offer, to me it seems they are generally offered to Free users when they decide to upgrade. But of course you can continue on Free as well, with the restrictions that come with that plan.
  21. From what I read I think the problem in your case is that you are the „last man standing“ as Teams Account Admin - and probably you have been on the Teams account alone as well. This contradicts the sense of a Teams account, but if they threw it on you as part of the consultant package, who would object ? From looking things up on the help pages, accounts created before a certain date in 2015 are again more special, and if the Teams account is still running under the old model („not updated“), there are again different rules to follow. Personally I am not sure if it would have been possible to create a new „dummy“ account, first make it user of the Teams account and then pass the admin role to him. Because from what I read now, the admin as last man standing is treated differently from the other users. Probably the issues on the Macs are not related to the deactivation of the Teams account - I suppose it is related to run it under beta status. Is the iOS client under beta as well, or is it on a regular release cycle ? From how I understand the export facility, the number of documents is not relevant. What is relevant is the number of notebooks, since the export should be done by notebook. If you mainly organize by tags, even moving several thousands of notes should not be a big issue.
  22. When importing from an ENEX file, EN will always create a new notebook, and load all notes from the ENEX into it. This is how the import function works. Since the notes are created newly, they run under the current date, and have no note history attached.
  23. Tagging the note is what is currently possible. It is of limited usability when there are several tasks in a note, and some of them are open in parallel. You can reach out to support to explain your use case.
  24. Usually sync from the device to the server is so fast that it will be difficult to test on a desktop client. Reload describes it pretty good. Just my experience …
  25. It seems the „day“ argument needs a number going with it: Try „day-0“ .
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