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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Give this a try: Scan the receipt using the build in scanner. It creates a note, for example one per trip. Apply tags to the notes, minimum Travel and Open. At the end of the month, use a saved search for the tags Travel and Open to find the notes. Select all, export to pdf. It will create a pdf from the selected notes, including the pictures. Check that it has worked. Remove the Open tag from the selection, add if you want a tag like Done. Downside: Pictures may be truncated on export. Check first on a sample. Usually the company wants the stuff only for audits - then it doesn’t play a role if it looks „nice“.
  2. Simple answer: Wrong app. The concept of EN is based on HTML - each note is a small website. HTML is character oriented and does not support free floating pictures. Thus the containers, like a Sketch drawing. You can ask for everything, but don’t wait for an implementation …
  3. Just checked on my last audit: I hat 1 note that had somehow caught a top level tag. I don‘t apply the first level tags. So I opened the note, it had no other tag applied - a clear mistyping when tagging. So I added what should be there, and removed the top level tag. All done by checking into the tagging section in the left panel, not even with a search or a filter. It surely depends on the tagging strategy. I don‘t see that EN needs to build a sorting index just to please the few users who followed us until here. Because a sorting index means system load, and any additional index means more load. It is clearly a conflict of interest - less performance for everybody vs. some users who may use the result. I would be surprised if this sorting option would be back any time soon.
  4. No idea how to solve the underlying issue. It happens on Android and iOS. On iOS it is at least possible to copy the content of the note (select all), and paste it somewhere else (I use Apple Notes for parking content). Then quit the app, reopen. The note will show an older state. Now go to your „parking“ app and copy what is missing. Go back to the note, paste the content. This is no solution, but at least it stops losing data over it.
  5. IOS is not using the web clipper. NOT USING THE WEB CLIPPER means it uses the sharing mechanism offered by iOS. It then needs to filter the relevant parts of the data provided by the WebKit browser engine. What the browser grabs (a paywall window or an article behind it) is outside of EN - it happens in Safari. If the behavior has changed, most likely the website was modified technically, or an iOS update forced a change. There must be an EN client installed to make use of the data, and it imports the clip right from a sort of Inbox provided by the app. Best practice is to open the app and let clips import - if one of the clips fails, all clips in the queue that have not yet been imported are lost. As a workaround you can set the page to reader mode (most support it), and then print the page into a pdf. Send the pdf into EN by sharing. The WebClipper on a desktop computer uses the API. It grabs content on a website, selects the relevant content (guessing what is relevant) and passes it through a direct interface to the server. And for all nostalgics: WebClipper has NOTHING to do with the legacy client. It clips, if legacy is open or not. It clips no matter if legacy is even installed. It is a browser extension, fully independent from any installed client.
  6. Use the mobile client, app settings, support, issue ticket … Or go to your account page, your name top right, drop down menu, link to support …. Usually the link should open the ticket page right away. If it doesn‘t, search for anything. Pick any of the articles, go to the bottom of the page:
  7. Weird - asking. For a login without a need to do so. Possibly the best next step is to ask support. If you want a DIY-tip: Use Revo uninstaller to remove the whole app install on the Mac, restart, reinstall the app. Get the direct install from the website, not the AppStore version.
  8. Yeah, the Linux client is beta. But as I understand the post we are here talking about the web client running inside of a Firefox browser. Nothing beta about it.
  9. You come here and post a complain - fully understandable. Then you come here and tell „it works very well and integrates with EN“. You mean … You don’t need to defend what you are doing. The result looks crooked, the reason is the way how graphics are embedded. Just take it as it is (pretty obvious), the alternatives has been layed out already. Your described use case is NOT supported by the current EN version. There is no need to talk around the facts. It does not make your documents look better !
  10. Nobody here but other users. Contact EN support. P.S. Happy it did never happen to me when I use the Web Client on my Raspberry Pi. Sound if it would go and use 13 of my 4 tiny punny ARM cores …
  11. There is one of the largest, oldest threads about this in the feature requests section. Not solved, no signal of a movement. Currently the best ways around it are this: Place a unique word / character combination in the document - search for this word. Keep the single notes rather short, link them together by a TOC Table of Content note. Both are workarounds, not really a solution.
  12. In fact the templates are the same as before - I have not noticed any degradation of the preinstalled templates. Before you could only go to the gallery - that they now allow to define some templates to show for a quick action is rather a benefit that a burden. For me the most important missing feature is the inability to pick from my own templates, and add them to the quick launcher. But this has not changed compared to the old apps.
  13. Whatever suits you best. I just wanted to point out that it is pointless to ask EN for an action when the provider of a service does not support the platform. It is up to Grammrly to build support for Electron based apps, or tell their users that no, they are not going down that rabbit hole. Since the number of apps that are based on a framework is growing, EN is in good company with building their app on Electron.
  14. I have asked support about it, and it was answered very quickly: No, there is no such function, at least not in the release 10.38. But I think we will see it surfacing in one of the next releases …
  15. From the main EN website, just at the bottom. One click / tap on the Forum takes you to the forum start page.
  16. You cross the drawbridge, and the ironclad gate. Now you are in the outer encirclement, under the watchful eyes of the longbow archers. You reach the inner gate, from massive oak bars. You walk through and turn left. Now climb up to the hill, up the steep staircase, through the small, massive door of the main tower into the round entrance room. A hidden door in the floor leads to a flight of ladders, you climb down, passing the storage rooms and the prison cells. There, on the lowest level of the dungeon a 3 headed enormous dog is guarding a massive safe. In it the scripture named „THE roadmap“is hidden. And then you realize you have forgotten the sausage to calm the beast …. and wake up … No, EN does not comment nor publish their plans for future development. There are 2 features that will come, because they slipped into the last updates, but were not official/working : On mobile (and maybe desktop) expect that 2 brackets () followed by some text will create a new task in that note. And on Windows (and maybe on desktop in general) there will be an option in settings to make the EN client start at logging into the Windows user. But these were accidents, not announcements. The one big thing announced for this year is an overhaul of the whole syncing logic. From what we hear they are working on it, but it proves itself to be quite a challenge. I am not sure we will see a rollout still in this year. And when they are on such a core project, probably everything else will be delayed.
  17. Instead of filling paragraphs with general observations: Could you post some examples ? Personally I disagree with your opinion - but since use cases are different, so may be the personal perception.
  18. OK, so now we know it all. To inform EN about it, issue a support ticket.
  19. No, webp is not supported. The issue pops up from time to time. Personally I don‘t see why a format Google tries to push on the rest of the world should be supported. But OK, it would be convenient. You can request it to be supported via support ticket or feedback.
  20. Free user - no support on tech issues. But even this user group can open tickets, on Account and Payment issues. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new There are 3 more options to open a ticket …
  21. You can do two things with the same result: Add a saved search, with your top level tags (use the „any“ parameter to make a logical OR search). Don’t include child tags. If you don‘t apply your top level tags, the search should come out empty. Go to the Tags section, look up which notes have the top level tag. Switch on notes count makes this easy. Your top tags need to have „0“ notes associated, then you have none applied.
  22. You read the thread ? Grammarly (GRAMMARLY for those with weak eyesight) does not support electron apps. EN is build on ELECTRON. It is like trying to mix oil and water.
  23. EN is a general note taking app, and it does not support markdown (there is a thread about it where you can add your vote, as I did). Your use case is specific, and it relies on features not supported by EN. Harsh as it may sound, I see 2 options: Insert a file from you preferred editor, use EN only to store the files. To edit you need the app used to create the files. Switch to another app A third option is to promote your case with EN (feedback or support ticket) - but I would not bet on a positive outcome.
  24. Are TSW followers able to adopt a simple concept called „filters“ to their use of EN ? I think yes. Else the forum would resonate differently. Sort by tags is gone since 2 years now. If it is a mainstream application to „pervert“ the tagging system with special characters just to enforce sortability can anybody decide for himselve. TSW is a very specific flavor of GTD - it is not the GTD promoted by the David Allen organization. The problem remains that sort (opposite to filters) only works on the alphanumerically first tag. This makes it a pretty useless feature for the vast majority of users. You can contact EN through feedback or a support ticket. Meanwhile there is the legacy client.
  25. EN iOS on iPad Air 5, iOS 15.6.1. You can select which templates show, from the reinstalled template gallery. Own templates can’t be selected, unfortunately.
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