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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Thanks for the update. Currently I have the brakes applied to my Catalina update, because there are several companies that still have not updated their 32bit-software. I have contacted them via support pages, or other means if I could find any. Some have not reacted, others have developed nothing, in one case I got a link to a not-official-pre-release (which I appreciate as a positive exception). With Web Clipper & Safari 13 we should not forget that we have a work around in place, and a continuous information about the main solution. None of the other companies I have an interest in updating is informing actively about progress, and take their customers serious. From my experience EN really stands out for doing this. @Ian SmallThanks for keeping us in the loop !
  2. About someone cleaning up: I don’t think so. At least as long as the account is regarded as active, it will be kept. Because everybody can downgrade to BASIC without any further payments, it is not easy to tell whether an account is just not visited, or really not used any more. So the notebook will probably be with you for quite a while. About how to remove it from view using a stack I have described above.
  3. Well, then we can exclude the updating as a reason. Maybe the best solution would be to issue a support ticket on this when it happens next, and send the activity log with it. Then the guys at EN support may have a chance to see why this error occurs - whether it has to do with the type of picture, or any combination with other apps.
  4. No problem, just tested it, both taking a photo directly from the EN app, and importing it from the camera roll. iOS 13.1.2, EN 8.24 - both are the last official releases. 8.23. is not ... Maybe update, and try again.
  5. From my experience it is better to get the client for the Mac through a direct download from the EN website. Even when it is the same code, the version from the AppStore will always run in a sandbox mode which inhibits interaction with other apps, and can cause problems. I am on Mojave (and looking to go to Catalina soon), but I have made a full uninstall (through AppCleaner) of my client when I ran into problems, and reinstalled from the EN website. No problems since.
  6. Yes - if you use a secure password on an insecure WiFi this may cause a problem. Anybody with a little knowhow and equipment can read the traffic through this network. He can even compromise connections with a SSL-key like https-secured web sites. It is not said that this was the case, but it is possible. VPN is a good idea for this situation. In any case use the web client to throw the unknown device out of your account.
  7. 1) People with bad intentions have ways to hide their real position. The easiest way is to connect to a VPN or proxy service that runs exit points all over the world. It looks the access comes from the place where the exit server is located. You can move in minutes from one place to the other, even half way around the globe. 2) If your password is not unique, used for other services as well or can easily be guessed, a third party can enter your account. This is not the fault of the service you use. Change your password to a completely new, completely random one. Best is to use a password manager, that generates unique, strong passwords for every account. 3) It is advisable to activate 2-factor-authentication. This will make it practically impossible for others to enter your account, even if the password was leaked. Since you are on BASIC, you have to use Google authenticator.
  8. On iOS I mostly use the „print to pdf“ option, preferably on the reader version of a web site. This will produce a pdf that then can be shared into EN. Simple, fast, reliable. The downside is that the clipped page is a pdf, so embedded links will not work any longer.
  9. My main issue is very basic: EN on the iPad completely relies on server data. It is working on one note at a time. This it is doing pretty fine. But there is no merging of notes, no simultaneous tagging or moving of several notes etc. I am using the iPad version appr. 80% of the time. But for heavy lifting like cleaning out my Inbox, rearranging of notes etc. I am using the Mac or Win10 client. These run EN on a local database, and support bulk editing. And yes, no presentation mode. I use Goodnotes 5 for that, that just got an amazing presentation mode a few weeks ago, and as well allows 2 windows of the app to be open in split view.
  10. Weird ... 1) No idea what would cause this, because normally iOS is heavily sandboxed. 2) Let us wait and see what DTLow can replicate. 3) If you need to get help on this, you could go for Premium for just one month, and issue a support ticket.
  11. Yes, let us wait and see. A lot of people burned a ton of money betting against Tesla already. Space X cut the cost of sending a ton of cargo into orbit by half. This is a lot and explains the curve of space shots. But it seems they balance on a narrow path between ambition and financing. Wish them luck. With EN the task is different. I think they currently rebuild a mayor part of their aged code base. This is a lot of work without visible results. I hope they take their time and release when ready. And I hope this will be sooner than later. However, dark mode is one thing that is not very high on my personal agenda. Got it with iOS 13 now and am thinking about turning it off !
  12. Yes, I agree about the importance of Webclipper. It really sets EN appart. There is another thread where this is discussed. But currently it is as it is, and that is it. Webclipper is available, it is just missing in combination with Safari 13. I have FF as an alternative, or I can print a website to a pdf and share this into EN. So instead of stomping my little feet I prefer to take action to get along with the problem. I am quite sure EN is working hard on this and will release when ready. But this is independent from EN 7.x, it depends on the MacOS / Safari Release which only allows for 64Bit extensions. I am waiting for Catalina and will upgrade shortly after availability. Too many good stuff in it to miss it.
  13. In general a Setup with one Premium account as a hub and several Basic ones as Clients can work pretty well. You will just run into problems when you try to create a real complete data base for all of the company. Here the approach to set up a real Business account where every user has access to all data made available for him is much more solid. Yes, it costs money, but on the other hand it creates a manageable, solid data solution to set up real workflows. In my opinion the benefit is far greater than the money to keep it running.
  14. (1) does mean the tags have to get published, sort of. Some places have near empty notes just used to add new tags to the basket. Who needs a new tag will type it into the shared note, and the owner will review it and create new tags assigned note shared to all.
  15. Where do you get this ? Which client, typing the initial text „Note“ where ?
  16. „Unbelievable“ is maybe the right word. I have read some articles about this current (ad)venture. In one of them was mentioned that SpaceX has to move that fast because they are running out of money. Only tests and expenses, not enough revenue. Crossfinancing from the Musk-Empire does not work any more, Tesla is plagued from short sellers waiting for the business model to collapse. They were alone for a long time, but now other companies are ramping up production of a new generation of E-cars with good performance/ range combinations. I do not wish them to fail, they made fantastic progress in innovation and cost busting for orbital transport. But you never know how much is solid engineering, and what is financial engineering above sound R&D- practices.
  17. I never was on a 6.-release because I switched from Win10 to a Mac just this spring. MacBook Pro, Mojave: I am quite happy with what I have. At the Moment Webclipper is missing, but that will change soon, I hope. Important is to make a complete uninstall using AppCleaner, and really check all items in the list. Make a full backup of your EN data before, especially if you have local notebooks. When you install, get the program from the EN. Website, NOT from the Macs AppStore. Although it is the same program, the AppStore install will run in a sandbox. This causes all sorts of problems.
  18. From memory, because I am traveling iPhone only: You need to go to the view of your notebooks. There you can move a notebook into a stack. Not very intuitive... If you use iOS as well: Go to the notebook view, pick your notebook, click the 3 dots, go to notebook settings and choose the stack (last option on the page).
  19. Probably some background processes like indexing do probably interfere, which causes the issue. I did have the problem only once, followed the advise above and did not have it happen since. I surely hope it stays that way.
  20. What do you mean by „stack“ ? Inside of EN each note belongs to one (and only one) notebook. Notebooks can be grouped together in stacks. Individual notes can not be part of a EN stack. Outside if EN a note is not an independent object. So even when you can make a new window with a note inside, this is not independent from the EN app.
  21. Maybe it is like with the year-2000-crisis: The problem was not to program new Software that would use a 4-digit code for the year. The problem was to find the guys who had coded the original software way back, and understand what the damn programs were doing they had written. WebClipper is 32bit, but still a very fine piece of software that is able to make a decent copy even of the newest and weirdest web-code envisioned by mankind. I hope the new clipper will be released soon, and I hope it will be a working piece of software tested and released only when ready.
  22. If my assumption is correct that the internal timeline was set to match the release of Catalina, and if the team is on time, it should release any time soon. Please note that we have an assumption here, plus 2 times the word "if". Anyhow I have trust in the EN team, and think we will be back in business soon, clipping away like crazy all we have missed. ✂️✂️🔪✂️😆
  23. Most likely it looks like a new account because it is a new account. It is (too) easy to create a new account when logging in. One mistake, and instead of logging in it will create a new account. To be sure you can go to the web client through a browser and open your account. You can check your devices there. I think your new phone will not show. To correct it simply check out and check in again using your correct credentials.
  24. I agree to your evaluation that this is probably not the top priority. Regarding support: I think there is a field of customer requests that can be viewed as a bug complaint, or as a feature request. Way back in my career I hat the opportunity to run a customer service, not in IT but in some smokestack industry. But the issues were not that different, if you put the technical issues aside. My goal as the manager of this entity was always to get input from the customers not only about what is working / or not, but as well about what could / should be improved. So why not make a little virtual flash mob, and get something to the attention of the Helpdesk guys ?
  25. Most people posting here are on a paying a count. So who is hindering you to go ahead and swamp support with this feature request ? Here somebody from EN Amy listen in - at Support they get paid to do so. P.S. Just to get this right: I think this is a good request, and have added my vote to the basket quite a while ago.
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