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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. Or London, Wales, Madrid, Berlin or Lisbon! The fact they offer Milan based jobs says to me they are not going for the cheapest labour they can find. Milan is nice! Me, I'd be fully remote next to an Italian vineyard!
  2. I'm quite interested in using it for daily blocking. I have a booking calendar plugged into Google calendar so can't do away with that and it looks for spare time tlso clients can book meetings. I'm interested in using this to block time each day for specific jobs in between the Google calendar stuff. Maybe help me focus time a little more.
  3. New shiny things! I hope I have it. Try in the morning.
  4. Same. It's like tomorrows roast dinner and a couple of pints!
  5. I think it's just to save confusion. The fonts are fixed on all devices so notes display in the same way so knowing the name wouldn't really matter that much. Having this consistency solved the big problem with legacy Evernote where notes would look different on different devices because it used the system fonts.
  6. Just tested and not having this happen. I thought the note updating thing was fixed a few updates ago. Latest version is 10.82.2.
  7. Not, it doesn't work like this. This would most likely break a whole bunch of European privacy laws and Evernote is European now so this wouldn't happen. Read the link @gazumped posted and I wrote this which explains it a bit more: https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/i/138128044/how-does-evernote-ai-powered-search-work
  8. Nothing wrong with Electron. Its how you code it. I personally find V10 nice and snappy.
  9. Nothing gets deleted and you can edit and export. You can't add anything unless you bring things down within the limits.
  10. There's a three dot menu in the notification bubble that Win 11 generates... you can turn them off from there. Its part of the operating system so click the alarm icon at the bottom right of the task bar.
  11. Not seen the round one in the menu bar before. I've got a round floating button thing at the bottom right. I think they're testing a few different types of button to see what gets used the most of what folk like/don't like. Would imagine they'll settle on something soon.
  12. You don't have to login to the web to download the latest version. Just click the download button on evernote.com/download The login screen is built into the app.
  13. I've not had this happen myself and not heard of anyone else mentioning it. When you did a reinstall did you do a complete uninstall using something like Revo uninstaller first? Sometimes config files can get left behind.
  14. I'll mention this. Was about to report another thing I spotted where if you delete the linked note the title stays there in the original note and there's no indication its been removed.
  15. The new font is lovely and called Inter. It apparently uses more of the space to create letter so it appears more readable. Nasa apparently use it on some of their consoles!! I wrote a bit about the new font a couple of paragraphs down on this page. https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/p/a-new-look-evernote-launches
  16. Yeah. I don't think the plan was to do "markdown" but to just offer some shortcuts to make creating notes a little quicker. I find the table shortcut very useful.
  17. Some, not all official markdown... try... #, ##, ###, ---, [], [x], (), (x), [][][]x4, 1., *, -, ```, ` Code ` Add a space or enter after the markdown type code. V10 is the closest app to legacy... Joplin & Obsidian and others will need a lot of fussing depending on needs.
  18. You can also use Ai Search for some of these advanced searches. Something like "All notes created between 1st March 2024 and 27th March 2024". You can also add "in notebook called XXX" or "tagged XXX".
  19. Not had this issue myself and many times a day I open word docs, excels, PDFs, edit them and just save. They get saved right back to EN fine. Not noticed anything not working. May very well be an issue with having both apps running.... thankfully and finally they put the knackered old software to sleep 😁
  20. That's not normal at all. Even on my old battered Win 10 laptop it works as expected. As @gazumped said do a full reinstall as something is not right somewhere.
  21. Yeah, you don't need it. Sync is in real time, pretty much character by character. You can see it working by opening the same note on different devices and then editing one of them. it'll show up on the other almost instantly.
  22. I've used the summarise feature quite a lot since it came out. Very useful for creating a few bullets for when I email reports to clients. Enjoyed that post.
  23. Proper syntax highlighting in code blocks is also coming at some point so I would imagine that would solve this issue.
  24. This screen shot was posted on Twitter last week with a request for feedback... I think there's work being done. I'd love to see tasks evolve.
  25. Here's a 4.4 with 2000+ reviews. Its based on which review sites you pick.
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