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Evernote Expert
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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. Reviews = nonsense. 1 star after 321 reviews. Here's a 4 star with 1.82 million reviews.
  2. I had this last week. A reboot fixed it. Also make sure you're on the latest version of the app.
  3. It's evolved into AI Edit with a bit more functionality.
  4. Log out reboot and log in and see if anything changes.
  5. I do a combination of what @Dave Green and @VincentC does. If a note ends up in the default folder I use the keyboard shortcut to open the move menu. You can remap it as well which I've done to ALT+M.
  6. Try in a guest profile to see if it works and if it does it maybe an extension messing with it... ad blocker/tacker? Also try clearing your browser cache and logging back in.
  7. You should be able to select the header and all the content contained within it and drag that up and down but I agree it would be nice to close a header, drag and the content move with it.
  8. It was a bug. Shold be fixed in the latest version. 10.81.4 is on the download page.
  9. Your chart says no for complex search in V10. Just tried: todo:false AND tag:"Waiting to Record" and got the exprected results. You can also ask this is the Ai search in natural language.
  10. "The angel number 7777 is a combination of the energies of the number 7, which appears four times in this sequence. The number 7 is known to be the number of understanding, spiritual awakening, and growth. It is also associated with divine guidance, inner-wisdom, and psychic abilities. The appearance of 7777 is a powerful message from the universe that you are on the right path and it’s time to trust your intuition and inner voice." https://www.astrology.com/numerology/angel-numbers/7777-meaning 🤷
  11. It was a bug. Update to at least 10.80.3 from the download page and it will be fixed.
  12. I only tend to clean my trash once a year so I don't want to replicae it... try logging out having a reboot and logging in again or go to the web version of Evernote and try from there.
  13. I'm on 10.80.3 and have just copied an image from one note to a new note and it works fine. Tried right click copy/paste and CTRL+C then CTRL+V. Try updating to the latest version, log out, reboot and log back in again.
  14. In Chrome you can create a guest browser profile which is separate from your main browsing profile. They can become corrupt, cache items can become corrupt and sometimes not be deleted when clearing the cache so for debugging a guest browser profile will ignore all of this and will be like using a new install. This will let you know if your main browser profile is at fault. https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6130773?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop Chunk errors are usually caused when cache items are corrupted and usually clearing the cache will work.
  15. Have you tried runing it in a guest profile as it could be an extensiono or corrupt profile messing with it.
  16. 10.80.3 should fix this. Looking good here. Check the Evernote download page for a new version a little quicker than the in-app update.
  17. If you want to quit evernote then flie--> Quit Evernote and do a reboot. Try the web in a private window or guest profile... its working just fine.
  18. Just checked and not settings like this in Text Expander. Might have a look at PhraseExpress or Keyboard Maestro
  19. I use textexpander and this used to be possible. Just tried it a few different ways placing tabs and spaces after the ## and nothing. I'll mention it and see what others say. I also tried copy pasting an Evernote heading and as formatted text and it kind of works but doesn't make it a proper header.
  20. No outage here. Web works as expected on a couple of browsers.
  21. In the first box there should be an option for technical issues.
  22. This should get you to support https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
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