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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. If you want to quit evernote then flie--> Quit Evernote and do a reboot. Try the web in a private window or guest profile... its working just fine.
  2. Just checked and not settings like this in Text Expander. Might have a look at PhraseExpress or Keyboard Maestro
  3. I use textexpander and this used to be possible. Just tried it a few different ways placing tabs and spaces after the ## and nothing. I'll mention it and see what others say. I also tried copy pasting an Evernote heading and as formatted text and it kind of works but doesn't make it a proper header.
  4. No outage here. Web works as expected on a couple of browsers.
  5. In the first box there should be an option for technical issues.
  6. This should get you to support https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  7. Yes, it is a bug and its being looked into. I would hope the next release would have a fix but not sure when that is. Keep checking the release notes page: https://evernote.com/release-notes
  8. A reboot should fix the bullet icons. Worked for me. Shortcut issues are being investigated so hopefully a quick fix.
  9. I've spotted this as well and left a message. Could be related but could do with them being fixed pretty quickly. Will eventually drive me mad 😂
  10. The hamburger came as a surprise to me.. thought I was stuck in a full screen type mode. Headers should have an arrow to the left of them when you hover over or have text under the header. Try a switch off and on if not there.. I had to close and reopen.
  11. Oh wow... very jealous! Report back on what the gig was like.
  12. You get used to it after a while. I've had the feature for a couple of weeks now and I don't see it all now. Kind of works the same as other apps with / commands.
  13. The result is too much Bob Dylan 😂 So much to collect! Like a new album every 5 minutes.
  14. As an aside you can also use quotes in Ai search so its possile to do something like: Show me all the notes with "Bob Dylan" in the title in my Music Collection notebook
  15. I think exact match needs quotes so intitle:"something"
  16. Syntax highlighting is apparently on its way. Not sure when but I'm waiting for it.
  17. Not sure if its been mentioned in this thread, not read all of it, but Notion can get expensive! £7 mth for 30 days of version history... Evernote does better than this plus £7 mth for the Ai stuff. You can get Evernote Professional for £8.75 a month. Plus they only charge in USD so for some countires that's gonna be a lot!
  18. I'd love this as well. Multiple pinned notes, not just one!
  19. From what I can tell the sync comes with 10GB of data. Can you buy more or do you need another $8 a month for another 10GB. I'm well over 10GB storage with Evernote and I think it could end up getting expensive.
  20. I'd love this. It used to be possible but I think the feature was taken away around 2012/13ish. Can't remember why.
  21. I think there's a quite a few mock ups of the home screen going around. I've seen some different to this. Personally I'm not a fan of the home screen widget stuff on mobile, huge fan of it on desktop. What I'd like to see is a fast and easy way to create something and find something and have a scratchpad lurking around plus some indicators about whats happening "today". I don't envy the task of making something both fast in performance and functional but spoons have made some seriously good phone apps so happy to trust them.
  22. A nice evening glass of something like I'm having and tomorrow you'll be able to /
  23. Logging out and in again has been working for a few. Could be a slight delay in everyone being switched on. Are you Mac as everyone I've spoken to who's needed a log out/in has been.
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