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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. I've had it around a week and have got used to it and to be honest don't really see it. I would like the text to be a bit lighter though. I also have to take care with TextExpander as that also uses / !
  2. Maybe they've blocked you from new stuff 'cos of your table😂... joke by the way lol. Have you tried logging out and in again.
  3. If you put your cursor right at the beginning of the text and hit backspace it should turn into text. Win 11 here.
  4. Try in a private window or guest profile in Chrome. Could be an extension messing with it. Also clean your cache and all settings for evernote.
  5. You can make the tag widget bigger or you can not use the home screen if you want.
  6. I've mentioned it as a bug and from what I understand of the Ai search, searching for notes that contain tables would just peform a contains:table search so same result.
  7. I've not tried removing monitors and whatnot but I have found that EN sometimes forgets which monitor its on when minimised, goes back to th eprimary monitor so maybe this is part of the same issue. I left a bug report about it.
  8. I think there's an issue with normal searches finding notes with tables as well so this could be the reason. They do know about this so hopefully a fix coming.
  9. I've kind of got used to it. More apps I use are using their own strange and wonderful shortcuts and UX styles. As long as they don't change it too often! Maybe the new fangled styles of applications we use are moving away from the traditional ways of doing things and creating their own ways. My email software has about 8000 keyboard shortcuts and none use CTRL!!
  10. I hear you but I don't think the top bit is going to change as the breadcrumbs were developed to solve other complaints of not know where you are. There's some debate around clicking the note title to move, some folks noticed the little book icon with an arrow has gone but not sure if this will change. The joys of Electron/web-style apps is that you can define your own design process I've kind of got used to it and having the name of the note visible all the time is a huge thing for me as I use the name of someone as the note title... the amount of times I've fogotten who I'm talking to 'cos I'm at the bottom of the note!
  11. The breadcrumbs should stay put at the top, this was the solution for keeping the note title visible when scrolling as the note title is quite big. Are you in responsive mode as I can se the whole title? CTRL+HOME should get you to the top under the title. Page Up will also stop just below the title. Up Arrow takes you right to the top. I'e kind of got all these burnt into my muscle memory.
  12. If anyone who hasn't got access wants to see it working I recorded a pretty in-depth video the other day for my newsletter. https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/p/first-look-at-evernotes-new-ai-edit
  13. I think there's a number of reasons... I'm only reading bewteen the lines here so don't quote me! One would be support only have to worry about a small number of versions out there. I remember hearing a very scary number of around 100 legacy app versions in the wild including OEM versions! Terrifying lol. I think right now support is offered to 10.6x and above or something like that and the main reason for this is that the clients and backend are changing quickly. Most of Evernote was run via a giant Java monoitlithic programme and this is what's being rewritten and switched off, I would imagine the end of legacy is a big part of this. The change is to microservices and more modern ways of doing things so only recent clients can be supported. The RENT & Conduit projects they are working on will need parts of the client rewriting so really old stuff can be switched off. This will need everyone on the new version. It also tends to be a more modern approach to development for non-enterprise software so devs and support only have to worry about a few versions. Evernote is not really enterprise software, business yes but Enterprise need the versions to be just perfect. There's also lot going on lol.
  14. You can use "in notebook <whatever>" or "tagged <whatever>". May help filterthe noise out.
  15. Try a log out and back in again and if that doesn't work try a uninstall/reinstall. What file are the attachments? Should obviously work. I've been doing my expenses all morning and attaching all sorts.
  16. Yeah, there's a trade off on quicker development with more bugs in the wild and I don't think there's a perfect solution unless you're like Microsoft or Google and even they push bugs. I think(?) old Evernote had a decent sized QA team in Chile and they did more old school QA which is why development was very slow and updates were just a few a year. Its also one reason Evernote got left behind by the competition. Legacy app wasn't much different than what they pushed back in 2013! In the meantime the competition were advancing. Spoons have a QA process but Its not as robust as the old team, to be fair a new update would be ready now before the old QA team had finished! The trade off is faster development but more bugs in the wild and staying ahead or up with the competition or going old school QA and releasing every quarter or something. That said with faster development and quicker releases bugs do tend to get fixed quicker but again there is a priority. The bugs that effect the most users will get fixed first. I don't think there's a perfect solution unless we go back to Word 97, 2003, 2007, 2010 etc lol.
  17. I think there's a couple of reasons. One is EN has millions of users and having them all start a download within a few hours of each other would need to be managed. Some of the updates arrive European time so when USA wakes up there's a huge influx. The other is if there's a big bug they can pull the update and the bug would effect a smaller percentage of users. I think this has hapened a couple of times, once when RTE was being rolled out. If there are big bugs then a slower rollout would also stop support being inundated within hours.
  18. In-app and store updates can take a week to filter through to everyone and in the meantime another release may come out. The website download page always has the latest version so if you want it quicker grab it from there.
  19. Latest version is 10.78.2 so it looks like something is stuck updating. Go to the evernote download page to install the latest version.
  20. Don't think you can. You won't be able to login after the date so the only option will be web and Version 10. Some folks talk about isolating legacy from the web to stop the kill-switch coming in but I'm not so sure about this myself. There's a chanve legacy will try and phone home and if it can't reach home X amount of times it will log out. Do something before the date whatever it is especially if you have local-only notebooks.
  21. Same here. I thought this was fixed a few versions ago. Just found it: 10.72.2 Fixes a problem where some notes would incorrectly show as recently updated even after being viewed. https://evernote.com/release-notes/10.72.2 Is it fixed? What versions are folks on?
  22. Three dots at the top right of the note and there's an option under note width.
  23. Its slightly different in version 10. The breadcrumbs at the top have the notebook and note title and these stay put when you scroll so you can always see them. Check you're on the latest version.
  24. Not sure if I totally understand but I have a grid/chart PDF in my backpacking notebook and just searched for the number 24 which appears in the grid. Its a walking distane calculator. It found all instances OK. Is this a similar situation?
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