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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. What I'd do is select the text from the table and CTL+C to copy it. Then CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste as plain text. Select this text and use the list buttons in the editor to create the list I want. Once its created you can drag the order around which is useful.
  2. What you trying to do? There's a few shortcuts available for tables and lists. EG... [][]x2 will give you a 2x2 table - and enter gives you a bullet list also CTRL+SHIFT+B 1. or 1) gives you a numbered list or CTRL+SHIFT+O
  3. Yeah. I keep all my own documentation in EN. All my workflows. Client notes. Notes and structures for the training session I run. My online training manuals are with Zoho Learn which is proper Wiki software where I can share with a password and use a custom domain name. EN can't do this level of sharing at all. I also run a marketing podcast so there's a note for every episode where I store guest bio's, questions, scripts, head shots, artwork etc.
  4. I think EN would be OK as a document management system but I wouldn't use it for invoices and expenses. I'd invest in some proper invoicing software that would prepare everything or your accountant which would save some money in the long run. The one I use lets me run reports on income and expenses so the accountant doesn't have to do much work.... saves £s. Sharing is awkward with EN. I don't use it to share files or docs with clients as there's better software to do this like DropBox, OneDrive etc.
  5. If you use a Chrome based web browser you should be able to click the padlock next to the web address then go to Site Settings and near the top should be Clear Data. You'll need to log back in.
  6. True... I think one of the reasons they moved to Google Cloud was so that eventually they could take advantage of the Google machine learning and Ai API's but all this would really need to be done server side. Will be interesting to see what they're cooking up... I like the move to an all in one productivity hub but folks have been trying to combine notes and tasks for 20+ years now and no one has really done it well!
  7. Yeah.... E2E also stops any of the fancy machine learning, so called Ai search stuff going on as the software can't read what's in the note. All advanced searchy things and predicting stuff would have to be done at the client level which wouldn't be possible.
  8. @Jack Lynch This feature would be great to see. Couple of use cases to make sense of the feature... I currently use Todoist for tasks and my CRM, Invoice software, booking calendar all send emails to Todoist that create tasks. Invoice software automatically creates recurring invoices & I get a task assigned to check and send the invoice. CRM stores details of customer plans and it sends an email to Todoist to create a task 30/7 days before a plan expires so I can check and re-bill. Booking calendar sends an email to Todoist and creates a task for the date and time of the meeting. Just small automations that save me having to do the same thing over and over again. Look forward to this.
  9. Excellent bit of spam there... shame it will do absolutely no good. Google will ignore it cos of rel="external nofollow noopener" & the chances of getting a direct sale from the EN forums is slim to none. Concentrate efforts and £s on better marketing strategies lol. On the EN side of things stuff changes. I love the changes and would hate to be using the same app as a decade ago. If the tool doesn't do the job anymore change the tool.
  10. From the other side of the coin I started using EN again once the new V10 came out. The legacy version to me is old fashioned, knackered and my notes looked different on different devices. The new version for me is fast, reliable and works a treat. So much drama and hyperbole ... it's a computer programme.... use another one if you don't like it 😂
  11. Are you paying in $ or € ? If you're in Germany paying in $ it would probably get converted by your bank at whatever the exchange rate is. I pay for a few things in $ each month and the price is always slightly different on my statement when converted to £s.
  12. In case it helps.... I can get the web working fine on FF, Chrome/Edge/Vivaldi which are all based on Chrome. Try logging in via a private window with no extensions or create a guest browser profile and try that, again without any extensions. Also try disabling any browser ad/tracker blockers as I've found these interfere with some websites.
  13. I doubt if EN will become a Markdown editor with side by side views but it does use some Markdown for quickly formatting text. Others have mentioned getting a proper MD editor... I use Zettlr and sync files to OneDrive or Zoho Workdrive. Writing a book in it!
  14. Pretty sure you can't. I find them useful myself but others may not.
  15. Try in a private browsing window or a fresh browser profile with no extensions and ad/tracking blocking removed. It could be an extension messing with things. I've found a umber of websites not work properly if ad/tracker blocking is activated. Might be worth trying...
  16. Something seems up. I've got a battered old Win 10 i5 laptop with 8GB RAM and I never close EN... been open for weeks and its consuming around 400 - 500 MB in the task manager. Maybe have a quick reinstall and see if it still happens.
  17. Yes, yes.... wrote a post about this the other day and no one replied to it so I'm replying to yours Using check boxes at the moment but tasks would be really useful.
  18. Try logging into the web version and seeing if its in the trash there. May just be a local issue.
  19. Nor me... not used it on my phone since yesterday so just did a cold start and it was 3 Mississippi's to the home screen. Works fine. Could be other apps chewing up resources, folks tinkering with their phones etc...
  20. Trying to save a template with a bunch of tasks in it, mainly so I can visually see the task counter. Been using check boxes which works fine but would be nice to use the fancy tasks. Anyone managed it? (web/win v10)
  21. That's exactly how I read the email as well. I've reread it a couple of times to make sure as all the fuss here got me 2nd guessing myself. Maybe its more about not reading all of the email and comprehension.
  22. From a fresh boot mine takes 15 Mississippi's to open which I'm quite happy about... don't need to save 15 secs. I'm using a beaten up old Windows i3 laptop. Not sure why some systems take longer, maybe many variables. On the other point I don't really notice updates, maybe one every 2 - 3 wks. Usually only takes 2/3 mins to update.
  23. I think this may be a Windows problem rather than EN. I have the issue sometimes when copying text from anywhere to a WordPress edit box. I get duplicated pastes. There's a few Microsoft support threads about this happening on Skype as well. WIN + V will open up the clipboard explorer where you can see exactly what's been copied. There's a also some suggestions that if you paste from the right click menu it doesn't happen.
  24. That's an odd one. I've upgraded and all the PDFs in notes are still as attachments. Its not touched them. Try shutting down, rebooting and seeing what happens...
  25. WIN + SHIFT + S brings up Windows own screen shot maker which is pretty good. I use it all the time for quick screen grabs and then drag them into Evernote... works a treat. Also take a look at your keyboard. I think there may be an issue with the caps lock button... either needs cleaning or a new one 👍 Oh... and calm the language as its not very classy 👍👍
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