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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. I've not really noticed it. If I create a new note the first thing I do is write the title then add the content. If it's a scan or auto added note then it goes into my !Inbox folder and I rename whatever EN has given it. For me there's no change.
  2. Use what you're comfortable with. I only have 3 tags and I hardly use them. All folders. I also make sure my notes have very descriptive titles so they are very easy to search in the future. Eg. Car Insurance docs 2022 and 2021 etc.
  3. https://evernote.com - Log in at the top right hand corner and you'll be in the web version.
  4. Number of shared notebooks shared with you is 100 on the free plan. Number of people you can share a notebook with is 500 on the free plan. Both are 500 on the paid plans. I can't find any limits on individual notes though.
  5. Not sure. Check the download page to see your version is different: Install an older version of Evernote – Evernote Help & Learning
  6. Check the promotions folders as well in Gmail... might me there.
  7. Save the search(s) to get to it a little quicker. Should also be able to setup a shortcut as well for easy access.
  8. What the URL source of the cookie message that gets clipped? Is it Evernote or Instagram? You'll usually find tis above the title on the desktop versions. Go to this URL and allow cookies for it. Make sure https://www.evernote.com is set to allow cookies and check cookie blockers/trackers in general. I've found some Facebook/Instagram stuff doesn't work unless tracking/cookies is allowed.
  9. You need a paid plan to contact support. Port 443 and 80 are usually just for web traffic. Loading web pages & getting info from a server. Never used 53 before so no idea. They may be checking location or something... I presume everything works OK with your Evernote?
  10. Grey on Black is not the best. Lack of contrast. Dark mode is not good for your eyes though if used all the time. Lots of biological/medical reasons. I've found switching back to light mode in well lit environments has saved my eye ache... a lot!
  11. Does switching the clipper to light mode in the settings help at all?
  12. Honestly, I don't think CPU speed and RAM will make any difference. From what I can tell the clipper will need to contact ENs server to check you're logged in and also retrieve a list of all your notebooks to populate the drop down box and a list of your tags. It then needs to scan the page and figure out what's going on so you can clip the page the way you want to. I don't think 2 - 3 seconds is bad. I would image at least half of that time is spent getting info from the servers. Right now the goal of the clipper is to clip and if it clips then the goal is met. Maybe one day they'll support different chipsets but right now these M1 and M2 things are a very niche market.
  13. It takes about three Mississippi's to open on my beaten up Windows laptop with 8GB RAM so I think this is just how it works. I doubt M1s or 2s would make any difference.
  14. Not in the month since you last posted. I can't imagine this happening for a while as they'd have to manage two different browser extensions. Could mean confusion when folks install the wrong one and more support costs. To be fair the clipper doesn't have to do much, so performance isn't really an issue.
  15. Same here. I have a Work note and a Personal note and then fill it with tasks. None of these tasks need actionable notes. Things like run a report or invoice someone or update something. Other projects may have their own notes and I add tasks to these if needed. I can then view all tasks in one place on Home or in the sidebar thingy. I quite like EN implementation of this. Works well for me but I don't do any GTD stuff as I'm a big believer of creating individual workflows.
  16. Log into the web version of EN and see if the images are there. If they are its a local issue with the app on your computer. Reinstall and install to see if it fixes it. If not and you pay for EN check the version history of the note.
  17. Not really that hard though. I do it all the time and it takes less than a second which is amount of time I don't need to save. They might do one day. Send a support ticket and let them know what you want. If others want the same maybe they'll implement it.
  18. Macs don't have a backspace button? Never used one myself but surprised. I use backspace when typing. If I type the wrong character I hit backspace to delete that one character. Macs must have a key to do that? The way it works with EN is if I type - and space I get a bullet. I then hit backspace and the bullet changes to a dash. I'm sure the editor works the same in Win and Macs.
  19. You can hit backspace quickly to remove the formatting. I personally find it useful.
  20. It's just drag & drop isn't it 😂 Putting my sensible head on I would imagine the new sync tech will come first then API sometime later to take advantage of any new functionality.
  21. My own 2p on this... notes are indeed actionable with a task(s) added but tasks are also standalone without any note needed. I like this. I have a lot of business automations setup as It saves me so much time and being able to create tasks via the API or email would be a huge plus. Pretty sure the email option is coming from what folks have said. I have a number of use cases: My invoice software creates over 200 recurring invoices every year and it would be nice to connect my Invoice software with EN so a task is created for me to check and send an invoice. My CRM could create lead follow ups for 7/14 & 21 days after a lead is generated. When I receive a payment via Stripe a task could be created 3 days later to check the bank to see if money has arrived. Right now I have a DIY thing going on. Instead of creating a task these systems create a note via email that's tagged #Flow (I use Zoho Flow for automations). I then need to check Evernote Home a few times a day to see if a new Flow Note has been created. I then manually create the task. Would be great to have it all automated. Much more business process is becoming automated and with connectors like Zoho Flow and Zapier becoming more popular I think it's a 'must' at some point for Evernote to update the API.
  22. Nothing gets deleted or removed. You have access to everything you stuck on there... just less features & functionality.
  23. Mine doesn't. You got anything blocking cookies and trackers? Adblocker or something? If yes try to whilst the EN website & see what happens.
  24. Log onto the web version and see if they have been created and sync'd. If yes then they're being created and it's an issue locally. Maybe close the app/reboot/reopen to see if they're there.
  25. Hardly any apps have a sync button anymore. They just sync which is what happens for me on all the Evernote apps I use. Down the bottom right in the desktop apps it pretty much saves every keypress. They've said they're working on new sync tech so any issues you have may get resolved. Have you spoken to support about it?
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