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Evernote Expert
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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. Yeah. When used to visit different businesses (pre-covid) I'd regularly see Inboxes with thousands of unread messages. Saw one with 43K unread!! That would keep me up at night if it was my inbox 🤣 I organise but have learnt over the years to do this in a very minimal and simplistic way. Micromanaging my notes took me too long and I ended up being bolted into certain software and systems.
  2. Do most people just dump everything and use search? Would be interesting to see what the break up was. Maybe a lot of folk don't organise at all.
  3. If only 2% of folks use tags then aren't notebooks Evernotes primary organisation tool? I totally understand that for the 2% they are but if EN see 98% not using them then they may not be a priority. That said they've spent time and money building tags into the new clients so they are obviously not going anywhere and maybe there are plans to add more power to them in the future with the whole accomplish anything strapline. I don't use any tags 🤣 Wrong... just checked and Inoreader tags stuff as From Inoreader when you send articles over so I have one tag !
  4. What device are you using... I see links to the source OK on the Windows app. I just clipped this page and can see the link in the web clip box and also when the formatting is simplified.
  5. Check to see if these missing notes were in local notebooks... the new app doesn't do local notebooks so they need to be brought online. Somewhere in the menu options there was a function to check for local notebooks... I can't see it in mine anymore so maybe it goes away once it finds them. Edit: Just found it in the tools menu.
  6. That's a shame... still waiting for the Android app to go live but would be nice to see some of the markdown shortcuts included. So much easier to do this for headings # heading ## heading 2 ### heading 3 and use + or - for a bullet list. Hopefully it will come.
  7. Not sure if you've found out yet but there's very basic markdown support. ``` gives you a code block - very nice shortcut. So is --- for a line
  8. From the other side of the coin....I left EN 4 years ago and one of the reasons was that my notes were very inconsistent between devices. I don't have time to micromanage my notes so when they launched the new app and standardised fonts, I thought great! Love the new fonts and so far all looking good for me. Just the other point of view...
  9. I've spoken to a few people who said they lost data but they had this data in local only notebooks on the old app. The new app only supports offline data so all notebooks need to be in the cloud as well. Your lost data maybe in a local notebook so hopefully not lost.
  10. Absolutely. I've worked with a small number of companies who have implemented Electron apps and there's nothing wrong with the framework at all. It gives you the ability to use the same code over different operating systems and devices. You can also deliver much quicker as you're designing and building once. They are absolutely not just websites, they use web technologies but are not just websites. On my PC my email app (Zoho Mail) is Electron, so is Skype, Pocket Casts, Todoist, WhatsApp, iAWriter, Evernote and a few more. You can write good apps and bad apps in Electron, same as any other platform.
  11. I can do another positive post... The new app is great! I used EN from 2008ish until around 4 years ago when I moved to OneNote. Reasons for moving were different editor in different apps, notes looked different on different devices, the editor was from the olden days on Win 95, no paragraph headers for a note taking app!! lol... other note takers were becoming much more functional as the world moved on... you could do more with the notes. Sure, if you wanted to store plain text files with attachments or micromanage everything with 5000 tags then everything was fine but note taking was better & faster using other apps. The new app looks the part, the editor is great with real functionality. I'd still like to see free drawing with a pen like with OneNote, this was very handy. I'd like to see real time collaboration and not just for the business plan. Would love to see the ability to publicly share a notebook via a URL, with an access password. Easier and more integrations with other apps. Not just waiting for others to integrate with EN but EN go out and integrate with big apps. On click backup off all notes. Overall, I am more than happy with the new app and I'm a new paying subscriber since the new app came out. I wonder how many of those there are 😘
  12. A lot of software companies I've spoken to over the last few years (consult work) are going for 30 day free trials instead of offering never ending free plans. It costs too much money. It used to be a cheap marketing tool but not really anymore.
  13. You'll love the 2 in 1.... I didn't think I would and thought of the pen as a gimmick but I've found it really useful. Works as a powerpoint clicker as well Pen support is way better but it's not OneNote where you can free draw and annotate over anything in a note... I hope with the new codebase they'll be able to build this in the future.
  14. Ah... yes, got that as well on Windows... the side panel is limited but I seem to be able to make the note list HUGE!
  15. I'm using the Windows app but their meant to be the same! If I hover my mouse on the very edge of the sidebar it turns blue and I can drag it wider if needed.... same with the note panel.
  16. I think it's a privacy thing... If it's ticked and you log out your data is still stored locally on the computer for offline use when you log back in again. If it's unticked then it clears all the data and logs you out.... when you log back in it has to download it all again. That's my understand but I may be wrong.
  17. Another agree. Pen support is much better. I've not had any issues with the new app and re-signed up to premium last weekend and moved everything from OneNote as the new app answers a lot of questions as to why I left Evernote 4 years ago. There's a few little things I'd like to see added but the usability of the new app is MUCH improved for me. Nice job by the development team.
  18. I would very much like EN to reintroduce public notebooks again with a public URL. They used to offer the feature many, many moons ago and it was useful to create training documentation that I could offer to clients. Maybe even a public URL with password access a bit like you can do with some file sharing services. Right now I have documentation as a word doc that gets converted to a PDF that gets sent to file storage that gets shared with trainees. Workflow I would like is build the documentation in a notebook and share the password protected URL with trainees. Maybe an "accomplish everything" feature
  19. Oh my days.... the free crowd on Reddit are going to pop a vein!! I say good move. I'd rather my notes are kept by a company that has income and makes a profit!! Nothing wrong with paying for what you use👍
  20. I found it a bit restricted when I first saw it. They've implemented a better time picker in the note info window for editing creation date so maybe they could use this code for reminders as well.
  21. I get that when I open EN for the first time but only on my laptop. PC on my desk seems to default to a note in trash... I think there's a bug floating around.
  22. Understand. I would assume expected behaviour would be to see searches instantly within the client be it offline or online. I've just gone offline to test without any syncing and it adds the tag OK offline, search for the tag doesn't work but clicking the tag does show the note. Not consistent enough, hopefully they'll work on that.
  23. I'm seeing the sync happen instantly when I've tested it but to be honest the quickest I would ever need a sync between devices is a minute or two when I switch desks and PCs. Can confirm the tag search. Didn't appear in a search for a few minutes. Maybe it needs to be indexed or something happen somewhere for it to be seen.
  24. I just did what you said and it worked fine.... I'm using the windows client. I typed test and waiting for all changed saved to appear then shut down the client instantly. I loaded the web and it had synced fine. If offline the 'all changes saved' says 'Offline' and then I presume it saves to the cache. Just tried it a few times and works OK so not sure. I can't imagine that a company of Evernotes stature would fake the fact its syncing and simply say its saved when it's not!! That's Reddit talk 🤣
  25. Of course not. Most people are very helpful and genuine. I agree. But I have seen phrases like "Cowardly developers", "Idiot CEO", "2nd grade developers" and quite a few starred out words plus other insults. Nothing wrong about talking about leaving... nothing wrong with being disappointed about a feature missing but some of the rhetoric I've seen should really be left on Reddit 😉
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