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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. You can right click the trash can icon and 'Empty Trash' ... might help.
  2. You don't have to use them. I'm not until recuring tasks and ways to email in tasks arrives. I tend to split events and tasks. For me, a Drs appointment is an event, so it goes in the calendar. I look at my calendar multiple times a day and get a reminder 24 hours and 1 hour before an event starts. Tasks are for things I must do like write a report, invoice a client, create a presentation etc. You fit the tools into your workflow but it's fine if you don't use them.
  3. I remember using it back in the day when Internet Explorer 6 was a nightmare! I keep it installed but hardly use it. A number of websites don't work with it properly and I like the way Vivaldi and Brave are taming the Chromium project. Microsoft Edge just became the new number 2 browser with 10% of the market taking over from Safari. Happy birthday but I worry if it'll make another 100 releases!
  4. Totally agree. Having a sync button seems a little old skool nowadays. None of the software and apps I use have a sync button. Email turns up automatically, spreadsheet saves every character, so does word processor. My invoice software just syncs payments and things on the fly. I never have to press a button. Its great!
  5. Not perfect but a quick CTRL+SHIFT+I will bring up the note info and Esc closes it. Hands don't leave the keyboard so it's nice and quick. Macs use some weird key for CTRL I think...
  6. I use to Switch To function to search anywhere. Not exactly the same as getting a list of results but searches for things quickly so it may do the job. I think the shortcut is CTRL+ Q? I changed mine so may be wrong.
  7. In the EU/UK it will be covered by distance selling laws so you get 14 days to request a full refund. No idea about other countries.
  8. Are you using the web version? You need the installed apps to do the export thing.
  9. No. They won't delete anything. Check the trash can and also check you're logged in with the correct account. When you're logged into the web then check your name at the top left and see if the login is correct.
  10. Check you're logged in on the web with the correct account/email address.
  11. Could be a Mac thing... for me Windows, Linux and Web apps all show Monday as the first day of the week. I take it Google Calendar is set as Monday? Maybe an idea to send a quick support ticket.
  12. I think they've updated it. Forum admin should set an EN task with a flag & reminder for Thursday, 2 March 2023 at 23:59:59 when the new one expires 😂
  13. Do you pay for a plan? I think templates is a paid feature. All you need to do is create a note and then save as template from the three dots menu in the top right. Should work.
  14. Yeah. I'm pretty much using the Switch To shortcut in Version 10 to move around notes and notebooks. Really efficient and lets me keep the sidebar shut all the time.
  15. Would be nice to be able to create saved searches for tasks so we could create searches/views for Today, Tomorrow, Next 7 days etc.
  16. Check your PDFs to see if they are searchable ... here's what EN can search. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313388
  17. You can't lock a note but you can select some text, right click and encrypt it. Don't forget the password as you won't be able to get it!
  18. Are you in dark mode? If I print a note it comes out in light grey in dark mode and black in dark mode. Looks like it may be a bug so it could be an idea to submit a support ticket. If you want black text then switch to light mode for now.
  19. Update.... its on 5.1 now and really is quite excellent. A productivity powerhouse. @lesjjohnson it's working a treat here on Vivaldi 5.1 on Windows and Linux. Do a search in settings for Google and check all the G rubbish is switched on. You need most of it on to use the store. Check in a guest profile as it could be another extension messing around with things.
  20. I think the free accounts can only send a support ticket for account questions, not filing bugs. Try billing and payments from the drop down and see if the button appears.
  21. On windows CTRL+SHIFT+H adds and removes highlights. Just select the highlighted text and do the shortcut. Mac probably has something similar... you can search for highlight in the shortcuts list.
  22. @Mike P ALT+CTRL+4 on windows gives me € ... same as you. I'm using the attachments beta thingy. On the Linux app it works and opens the notebook view. Maybe a windows conflict... the folks in the US may not have the € .
  23. You on the latest version of the app? The latest lets me edit the CTRL+N shortcut. Keyboard icon bottom left then three dots left of the CTRL+N setting.
  24. Should be CTRL + Q for windows... you can remap the shortcuts to a more useful key if needed.
  25. If you're in Europe take a look at the Fairphone 4... e-waste neutral, built using recycled materials, 5 yr warranty and updates. Its on Android 11. You can even repair it yourself. Battery, screen, usb port, camera... the lot! Much more sustainable than iPhones or Samsungs and what not.
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