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Everything posted by WilliamL

  1. I have seen it be fine in background for a few hours. Not sure I’d give a confident number but overnight is not good, through day seems ok for me.
  2. Key thing folks - don’t leave the app running in the background for long periods. There seems to be an issue where if the app is in ram for a long while once in foreground it fails to sync. Solution until this bug is crushed is swipe up and close the app proper from the app switcher once used. Also pulling down on the notes list until the green spinning wheel appears gets the app to sync too.
  3. Hey, the spinning wheel is still there - if you pull down on the notes list on the left side when you are in a stack or in all notes (my usual space is working from all notes), if you pull down a fair bit the spinning wheel will appear and sync your changes. This has been working fairly stably for me, I have not lost any data (as long as I remember to do this). It doesnt always work the other way - ie changes on my windows computer that wont appear on my ios app - a force close of the ios app resolves that though.
  4. Only thing I have found that stops the sync issues is dont leave the app running in the background and pull down on notes list to force sync when finished editing a note. I also don't use Evernote in first instance if data is essential but apple notes and copy it over when I get the opportunity.
  5. I’m comparing app for app, being open source doesn’t have to mean tacky and inadequate, Ubuntu and numerous other apps show that. I have Joplin, it still has no wysiwyg editor, it’s iOS app is shocking in both capabilities and appearance. It’s not about the corp but the apps as they stand before the user and joplin needs to step up or step out in my view.
  6. I’ve glanced at the list but never paid much attention to it - didn’t realise Joplin was rated higher than OneNote! That’s utterly astonishing! I cant think of one thing Joplin actually does well, it’s a dated mess of an app in my view that’s going no where. How that ranks above OneNote, I don’t have the words for that.
  7. You might want to look around the forums here a bit. Their apps struggle with any volume and there have been a lot of question marks over their privacy policy.
  8. Completely agree and I would say Evernote is working to go from the not so good to the good. My issue is with folks who write off them possibility of good because they intrinsically don’t like Electron. Worse, when this is expressed as facts and doom to people who post here looking for advice and help and are hit with info which would have anyone heading to the door - info which is ultimately a view and not fact. Personally I think the moderators need to act on that because it is going to scare users away - it would me if I had not done some reading around and looked into Electron a bit. It is by no means a super program and does have its issues, but it isn’t the doom and end of the product some proclaiming it as.
  9. I second this! In a meeting last night I was adding a checklist and different items had different urgency, I found there was no way to deal with that in Evernote so was jumping between Evernote and reminders, not a massive thing but it did interfere with productivity as I missed or had to stop to note a few things.
  10. I would caution taking the electron stuff with too much concern, the reality is the platform Evernote is using is also used by most other notes platforms, it’s used by Microsoft for Teams and other apps too - JavaScript is a language not a website but some here have a hostility towards it. Numerous apps that use electron like Discord have no lag - there are issues but Evernote are working hard to fix them.
  11. I truly don’t get the hysteria around the legacy app which exists in these forums. What is this mysterious bug people speak of that means you need support and won’t get it? It’s stable. It’s getting exhausting now cause here’s the thing - if you want to leave, that is your choice, no judgement, we are customers and have the right to use what we feel suits us best.
  12. I have 3 notes in my nimbus app on my iPad - each takes at least 2 seconds to load - even if it’s just been opened, and they are a few texts notes for testing only. So hearing sped and loading issues is no surprise at all sadly.
  13. I would love keyboard shortcuts for this as well. It would be so helpful as I am often changing titles etc. Upvoted.
  14. I’ve just read this and went through the process of enabling 2FA, I had not done this as it can be an inconvenience but it’s on now. Scary that these kinda things can happen. @Dougg hoping you get to the bottom of this and it reveals that this was a scam and not a genuine hack.
  15. How do I use this? I looked around the app but couldn’t find the google drive integration anywhere.
  16. Great to have an update and see share by email is coming soon. I’ll be hoping this update resolves the persistent sync issues too.
  17. Do not force close the app, if this is what happened to me, you will lose this data. What I would suggest is copy the data into apple notes or a word doc, where ever, somewhere you know it is safe. Once you know this data is safe, force close the app, restart it, put the data back in, go to settings - sync and it should then sync this data. I am also having on going issues with sync on ios and find sometimes it wont sync at all - which you might be experencing just now, or other times I have to force sync it either in settings or pulling down on the notes list to generate the green spinning wheel which syncs. Hope that helps and you dont lose your data.
  18. Sounds fair, I think preferences are a priority for return and hopefully the techies are reading what we are saying and taking notes. I’ve always been more focused around mobile and windows, I don’t even know if the windows version ever had tabs, I am perhaps a bit basic in my use, as long as tabs work and I can write from custom templates I am more than ok. It’s worth noting that the same tech being used to write the new Evernote is the same platform that notion uses too, electron, so it seems more than powerful enough for our needs, we just need it to get there, quickly with minimal destruction.
  19. HI there, I have tried notion, my issue with it is it is so very clunky, it seems to do so much that to do the basics is more complicated. My biggest issues is notions, for me, unfathomable tagging system which isnt universal, i am yet to understand what it is or what its purpose is, which is part of my on going frustrations with it. Evernotes silence is frustrating but they are updating versions quickly and hopefully stablising things as they go. Can i ask what it is about the new version that is causing you frustrations?
  20. You are aware I’m not staff right? So please drop the attitude! I’m only trying to help folks, if you don’t want it that’s fine.
  21. Yeah, I have experienced my fair share of bugs and frustrations with E10, but, having tried out the alternatives there is still nothing that actually gets near even what 10 does - for me. So I’ll wait out the glitches and hope they get resolved (which they sure seem to be). Personally I think dealing with the inherent issues and creating a shared platform is absolutely sensible, though they may have been a bit too quick in releasing the new clients to the mass market.
  22. It is what it is - means exactly that. Frankly this is the situation, I’m gonna wait it out.
  23. I’m absolutely not cancelling my subscription! Cancel to use what? There’s none that come near Evernote in practice. I’ll wait things out, personally I think Ian Small and the team are on the right track, have mistakes been made - absolutely, but it is what it is.
  24. That was an issue on the old iOS app, the new one (10) most definitely remembers where it was when multitasking. I use this feature all the time and it is one that is stable. If yours isn’t doing that then I would try reinstalling it, this was a massive gripe on the old version so it’s surprising you didn’t feel that frustration then but it’s fixed in the new version.
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