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  1. Not to veer from the subject of this post, but I run Legacy and V10 on the same (Windows) computer at the same time. It can be a lifesaver.
  2. Thanks for this, Boot17. I do like the idea of it being optional, especially after so many years of no date change being the normal function. Not having it as an optional setting will be more problematic once the Legacy version dies...
  3. I just added a tag to bunch of notes made over the past couple of years that I found by searching for a common word. Unfortunately, I did this in the latest update of V10 rather than Legacy, and all the notes now have today's date in the Updated field. (This is such a non-standard implementation that it didn't even occur to me that this might happen.) Any chance that we can return to the Legacy policy of NOT changing the Updated date when adding or deleting tags from notes? Fortunately, Legacy still works and I can correct the Updated dates for all of them there, but what a hassle!
  4. It's not the same thing. If you always sort all your notes by Updated date, you have your most recent and most frequently used notes at hand. And if you modify an old note and don't want it to show up at the top, you can (or could, rather, in Legacy) edit the Updated date to whatever date you wanted, but most logically it's original date. (It's a lot like a real-world pile of papers with your most recent notes on top. And if you pull an old page out and scribble a note on it, you can either place it on the top of the pile—the default action—or stuff it back where it was when you found it. It's a very natural way to work with information...for me.) If you only have the option of sorting by Created date, then your most frequently used notes (of any age) do not stay near the top, and it's a serious hassle to keep updating the Created date for those notes over and over again. So it's not really a solution for those of us who have been sorting by Updated date for all these years.
  5. I was already using the "Resume where I left off" option, but this is very helpful to know. Thanks! Still, it would be nice to have the Notes view as a Home widget option to avoid having to know and remember this shortcut. Seems like a simple thing to provide long-time, loyal users who were happy with the pre-Home screen legacy layout. That's the kind of user-friendly thing that widgets are for! 🙂
  6. I'd love to be able to land here (see image) when I open Evernote or when I click the Home button in the left column...without having to scroll down to the Notes button in the left column or to click the Notes button in the default widget. It's a small thing, but it's basically the default view I saw for 11 years as an Evernote legacy user, and it's much more productivity oriented for me than any of the current Home widgets. Is there a way to accomplish this with EN10?
  7. Six...no, make that seven...years on, with lots of revs and a hyoooge upgrade, we still have no way to merge notes in Evernote Web (nor in Android or iOS). This means that one has to have one of the desktop versions to do something as basic and useful as merging two or more notes. From Evernote's Help & Learning pages (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004857): "If you have individual notes that you would like to combine into a single note, you can merge them using Evernote for Mac or Windows. Note merging is not available on Evernote for iOS, Evernote for Android, or Evernote Web."
  8. Thanks, Dave. A tooltip appears, but it doesn't include the shortcut reminder (Ctrl+M). I find the reminders immensely useful and use them all the time because I have to work between different text editors, all with different shortcuts, and I sometimes have to refresh my memory for the current editor. Hovering for the reminder in v6 was quick and user-friendly, as opposed to the v10 alternative: Help > Keyboard shortcuts > scroll down...down...down to Text Formatting > Read shortcut for Indent.
  9. It would be helpful to have a tooltip appear with the shortcut for a particular Format Bar button like Evernote Legacy has.
  10. On my Windows machine the Emoji shortcut is Windows Key + . (period), as stated in this Windows support article.
  11. Evernote Windows 10.49.4 is not following my system Date/Time settings (even though the Evernote Legacy installed on the same computer DOES follow my system settings), so I had to resort to spending an hour to install AutoHotkey, learn how to use it well enough to apply Carl-L-ND's script, and troubleshoot it. Now that it works, I'm happy because I can use it in other places, too, like Gmail. So it makes me feel less pissy about Evernote not properly implementing a feature that worked fine in the Legacy version. 🙂 In the interest of making Carl's suggestion a little clearer and easier for other non-coders, here are the steps I recommend to create your own date/time hotkey. (Black text is straight from the AutoHotkey help file. Blue is Carl-L-ND's script. Green text is mine.) Once you have AutoHotkey installed... Right-Click on your desktop. Find "New" in the menu. Click "AutoHotkey Script" inside the "New" menu. Give the script a new name. It must end with a .ahk extension. For example: MyScript.ahk (If you don't immediately see the .ahk file icon when you click New > AutoHotkey Script, then it's probably hidden behind another window on your screen.) Find the newly created file on your desktop and right-click it. Click "Edit Script". A window should have popped up, probably Notepad. If so, SUCCESS! Copy/paste the following into the .ahk file, either above or below the existing text: !d:: FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss SendInput, %CurrentDateTime% return Save your work. (Ctrl-S) Double-click the icon or right-click > Run script Open Evernote and click in a note and select Alt-D. Your new date/time stamp should be inserted.
  12. It is/was available as a personalized toolbar button in the Legacy version. I've used it for many years because it definitely speeds the sync process—not by clicking it when sync is already in-progress, of course, but rather when you don't want to wait for Evernote to get around to doing its automatic sync.
  13. Unchecking the Show descriptive links option resolved the problem for me in Windows Legacy.
  14. boneycur

    Date format

    @sfviking did your support ticket get a response?
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