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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. "So far" might be misleading, sorry. Up to now, I failed to find any statement from EN that this will be implemented (even in videos with Ian Small). It's only a feeling amoung many other trivial settings that are lost "so far" 😉 Up to now they try to avoid a global settings dialog or even to allow tooo much user specific settings to ease support's work.
  2. Impossible so far. Type Ctrl-+ to increase the display of everything.
  3. I'd like to vote for it - if it is configurable like in former times - the only way to fulfill all the wishes.
  4. It's simply the old version that you are used to use before EN-10 😉 https://help.evernote.com/hc/de/articles/360052560314-Alte-Version-von-Evernote-installieren Hope this links works for you as being outside Germany... If not, ask Mrs. Google "evernote download legacy"
  5. Oups, completely annoying. Here are results from Legacy and EN-10 (both on Windows). Note titles marked with "******" are not according to ASCII in Legacy (left screenshot) ... it makes some sense: "-" is very important, "~+<=>" might be used to weighten something But sort oder on EN-10 is neither ASCII nor Legacy-mode... (on the right) cannot find a reason for moving most characters to other positions only "_" might be by thought: it is the only special character that is NOT ignored while searching - it's a very special character for EN since ever 😉
  6. Strange. There was a already similar discussion around tags (before EN-10 😉) Because of this (and the fact that I cannot remember the sort of special characters at all), I decided to not rely on any order based on cryptic signs. I use a combination of a character to mark the type of anything (but not to sort) and a following number to sort within that type. Example (based on tags): ">" generally means "ToDo". So ">0-actual", ">1-next", ">2-anytime", ">9-wait" are the tags to specify when something is to do. "<" generally means "belongs to year". So "<2018", "<2019", ... are tags to define to which era a note belongs to Another possibility to get notes in list sorted by time is to use the creation and the reminder time carefully. Both can be set at any time and will not be changed automatically by EN with any operation. Doing so, the creation time is always the time, an activity has startet whereas reminder time points to either a specific deadline or the date of an event. See also: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/116502-sort-notes-using-and-so-on https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/114779-using-tags-to-implement-dynamic-todo-lists/
  7. Yes - someone saw a configuration property "multiSelectionLimit" of 50 anywhere. So I think it will be configurable in future.
  8. Zur Info: Habe eine Liste nicht funktionierender Kürzel und Funktionen zusammengestellt und werde sie weiter pflegen wenn mir etwas auffällt: EN-10 - was mir noch fehlt Ich gehe mal davon aus, das EN-Team, das für die Übersetzungen zuständig ist, kann auch damit umgehen 😉 Keine Angst: Ich habe sie mit Notion erstellt weil auch ich mich umgeschaut hatte - und von allen sich anbiedernden Alternativen lediglich einzelne Features toll fand. Sobald es auch in EN mal Toggled-Lists gibt, werde ich auch Notion wieder "den Hasen geben" 😜
  9. Rumor: They will re-enable Plus subscriptions (30 €/Year) 😉 (robust, really multi-device, pre OCRed PDFs searchable, upload "limit" 1GB/month, ...)
  10. @Brendan Murphy, THX, got that also for Windows users: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/132378-switching-between-accounts-is-no-more-possible-with-two-windows/?tab=comments#comment-597135
  11. 10.5.6 did NOT remove the possibility 😉 (sorry, forgot the must important word)
  12. ... and there is no possibility to switch (or re-appear) the views by simple Ctrl-F5..Ctrl-F9 😞 But I'm sure they simply forgot it because they are working on Macs...
  13. Multiple windows for notes works on Windows with EN-10.5 by Shift-Doubleklick on a note(link). Maybe this works on Mac - pls check yourself...
  14. "Check for updates" does not work. Simply download latest version from https://evernote.com/intl/de/download and install that. It will update your current installation.
  15. On German keyboards (and maybe some other not-US or not-EN), the Slash character is placed above key "7". You have to press Shift-7 to type a "/". So it is impossible to reach Strg-/. Strg-Shift-7 doesn't help. Workaround: You have to click Hilfe -> Tastenkombinationen to display the list of keyboard shortcut list window (which is an important window this time 😉) But: this window hides the right side of the Top List View and the Note window - which makes it impossible to use commands just under the window 😞. Good practice would be to either place this window floating outside EN's main window or foldable at the right side (like the left Side bar is already).
  16. If you configure to use the Top List View, all is OK as long as you click on a notebook or search that finds a list of notes. If you click on a specific note in left side bar (either from Favorites or from "Last Notes" (new feature? 🙂), Top List View disappears 😞 - this is annoying because the note header (including editor toolbar) jumps to the top of the window. Legacy does it correct;: DO NOT CLOSE Top List View in any case!
  17. Legacy allows to switch user (accounts). By switching to an other account, a second EN window opens without closing the initial one. EN-10 allows to switch user - but closes the initial one before opening the other (and this takes tooo long...) Problem: I'm used to have two accounts open (private and business) and move them to different desktops (Win-Tab...). This is not possible so far with EN-10 and is one of my basic needs to move to EN-10.
  18. Hi EN (or at least the guy who placed the upcoming Start Page by accident to some users), the start page looks really nice, I was able to add a short note and to rearrange the widgets. 🙂 Unfortunately I clicked on a note and the wonder disappeared 😞. But I've saved a screenshot (in Evernote) as a long-living document of my luck 😜. Exciting days..., Albert
  19. Seems you already had a look at Notion 😉 But save your time: After some days of playing around most of the people who are looking for a reliable data management tool came or will come back to here... Stay with Legacy and enjoy every new EN-10x version that comes up in short cycles.
  20. Don't insist on dates. They should prepare for quality and stability (of Legacy 😉) Competitors might fight for EN leavers - but there is really no alternative to Legacy. All they build on Electron with nearly the same look as EN-10. But no one will have the wide coverage of EN features (note pickup, tags, platforms, search, offline usage, language support, API, ...). - Hast du bei einem anderen schon eine deutsche Version gesehen?
  21. Regarding "allow time for download and indexing": OK, but not days! And I want to get an information like "sync done". A professor on mine told me before a long time "Never tune a program that meets user expectations", - so EN must not stop tuning effort 😉
  22. My opinion: As long as we do without new features on note formatting (like checklists), Legacy will remain usable. EN has no need to replace it with hard power. Calling it "Legacy" means that they will not do anything with it. I never have seen another example of replacing older by newer software by following such a detailed plan (calling it "Legacy", removing older versions even from foreign download sites, removing older version while installing EN-10 but not removing Legacy, ...). So "use Legacy" is and will be the support answer for a long time to all customers who cannot life with EN-10. As time goes by, I really appreciate (not love 😉) this way of moving to newer software. I'm sure there is no other way to address such a huge beta tester community in parallel to keep "normal" work running.
  23. Page appeared by accident 😉. It was a nice preview of what is coming up next month (as EN stated in an FB group)
  24. @DTLow OK, just checked it once more on Windows: It is possible to (re)start EN without iNet. But the offline database is NOT complete - if I search for anything, results are incomplete (much less hits than in Legacy when offline). Immediately after reconnecting to iNet, EN-10 shows nearly the same search results as Legacy. "Nearly" means: Legacy shows 511 hits whereas EN-10 shows only 507 -> there must be a difference in search algorithms between local and remote. But which is the true answer? Could you please try it on your Mac with EN-10? (search anything that should result in many hits, go offline, search once more, go online, search once more...). THX Moreover: Maybe sync will result in a complete mirror of cloud and local data after some time. But "some time" is around 30 minutes after installing Legacy on a new Windows maschine with my ~7k notes. EN-10 is running since many days here and shows incomplete search results when offline. There is no reliable "synced" indicator available 😞
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