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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. Don't know any reason for a new sync. 🤔
  2. You are using different types of checkmarks as EN10 uses two different modes for these: ✅ (Checklist) in front of lines default, inserted by CTRL-SHIFT-C anywhere in text or by typing "[]" or "[x]" (without surrounding quotes) at the beginning of a line ❎ (Checkbox) anywhere within text inserted by round icon with "+" -> "Checkbox" or by typing "[]" or "[x]" (without surrounding quotes) ... not at the beginning of a line Maybe different position and color of the (unchecked) checkmarks is by intent. If you check the boxes, you can see the difference more obvious (see above 😉)
  3. This is a solution for AHK v1 (because it does not support #Hotif) ::####:: { WinGet, active, ProcessName, A if( active = "Evernote.exe" ) { SetKeyDelay 30 SendEvent +{End}^c{Home}+{End}{Del}^+v } else { Send, {#}{#}{#}{#} } Return }
  4. Just thinking deeper (regarding "base is built"): To implement in-note TOC, every line in TOC needs an anchor within the note as a destination when clicking on the line. Simply having headings is not enough 😞 Note content is coded in HTML (at the end). So I will explain my thoughts by some HTML fragments... Headings are defined by H-Elements like <H1>text</H1> Anchors and hotlinks are defined by A-Elements Anchor: <A name="anchor-1">text</A> hotlink: <A href="#anchor-1">Jump to...</A> A complete destination headings might be <H1><A name="chp-1">Chapter 1 (in text)</A><H1> Within a TOC you have to code <A href="#cpt-1">Chapter 1</A> to see a hotlink (normally in blue) like Chapter 1 If you click on "Chapter 1" your cursor will move to the heading "Chapter 1 (in text)". As long as you do not change the href-name of an anchor, a hyperlink text and|or the viewable text of the target anchor can be changed to any value - without disturbing the functionality of your TOC construct... For EN developers this means that they have to implement... ... an internal href-name management names have to be unique within a note names should be retained as long as possible because they might be used in other situations also (not discussed here: maybe used to create backlinks to TOCs within a note or as anchors for hyperlinks from outside the note...) ... a suitable UI to manage hrefs by the user. href-names should be changed at all occurences (even outside the current note?) but href-names should be changable in single occurences also (to redirect single links) All in all it should be very easy to use (because normal EN-users do not want to know about this stuff - they simple want to see TOCs 😉) This is only a very small excerpt of needs to implement in-note TOCs. I'm sure, EN-developers are working hard on this. The've many examples in other apps - but it's not easy to get it really "easy to use" 😞
  5. But the base is built - I think (hope, expect, ...) we'll get in-note TOCs (in not soooo long time 🙏) (BTW: auto-generated in-note TOCs are not the end of all wishes: I'd like to get anchors in notes to create hyperlinks to jump to anchored phrases in notes 😉) True with at least one exception: If you plan to share an important note with others, creating related notes is a bad solution. My document of missing (Legacy-)Features is an example that would benefit a lot of a local TOC...
  6. One thought around database size: EN-Legacy offers a command CTRL-Help -> Optimize Database. Maybe it became huge over the time and can be optimized by using this command. If this does not shrink your database (or if your EN-Legacy database is built up from scratch and covers 50 GB), your notes really occupy 50 GB and EN10 should need similar space. Regarding URLs of type "evernote:///view/...": Both versions accept this as (internal) links to theirself in my case. This means: If I try to follow such a link, the destination note is opened in the currently active version. <Please note: I'm working on Windows, and the following might not be true on a MAC> If you try to follow these links from outside any EN-version (double-click on it with Word or so), this programs asks Windows how to open the URL. Here you can find a difference between the versions: EN-Legacy sets registry key HKCR\evernote\shell\open\command to open EN-Legacy (normally installed as "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote Legacy\Evernote.exe"). This definition is done at installation time. EN10 sets this key to point to EN10 at every program startup. Effect: Everytime after you have started EN10, URLs of form evernote:///view will lead to EN10! This is a nice trick of EN10 to conquer Legacy installations 😉 To overcome this behavior (or to enable EN-Legacy to do the same), you may use a simple VBScript to start EN-Legacy. It resets this key to EN-Legacy's path and executes it: '.. Register EN as handler for evernote:-URLs - then start EN-Legacy itself     Dim image: image   = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote Legacy\Evernote.exe"     Dim key:   key     = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\evernote\shell\open\command\"     Dim value: value   = """" & image & """ ""%1"""     Dim sh:        Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")          sh.RegWrite key, value, "REG_SZ"     sh.Exec image          Set sh = Nothing
  7. You are right, it's my list of missing features. But I'm not alone and will give some background to these subjects: Explicit synchronisation with server not possible... Especially in Teams environments it may happen that notes are changed nearly in parallel from different clients. It's a hard job to sync this (I know) but it might help to not let the system decide when to sync (immediately after every keystroke?, after an sentence has been ended? after focus is left? after <anything else>). Maybe I should change my headline to "Syncing is annoying in some cases" because I/we meet situations in which the current syncing algorithm is giving up, duplicates news and/or placing copies in a special folder. Creating date not visible and hard to change... As long as EN is used simply as a note taking app, this is indeed not important. But if you use it as a note managing app, the creating date is really needed to get events, articles, meetings a.s.o. into a meaningfull order (as long as we do not have further possibilities to assing properties to notes like described in Evernote - Research tags - General Feature Requests ). Here are some examples: Normally it is not of interrest to know, when I've got the information (added the note). The most important information (after the headline) is the date, an event or meeting will take place or when an article has been released. If you scan a couple (or masses) of older documents, nobody will know when you have scanned it. Every afterwork of scanning sessions start with defining propper headlines, event dates (my "creation date"s). Having done this, I move the notes to their destination notebooks (which are for me somewhat like a master-tag) and tag them according to my tagging rules. If logged F2 to change any note property inside a note list - General Feature Requests in hope to get note list functionality enhanced before a long time. But currently V10 is a real back-step in this area 😞
  8. Yep. If I manage a list of missing feature (for me), it would be fine to simply read about changes and not to search and find it by myself (what might be time-consuming as long as my list is not trivial). 😉
  9. and (after app. two weeks later...) Unfortunately, this is also my experience. 😞 OK, there maybe some questions that cannot be answered by you Experts here - but Support often seems to have no experts at all available. If you ask patiently and persistently, you will get to the next level of technical staff - who will not answer directly (this is OK - we do it the same way in our company). But they tend to re-ask supporters about facts that have been discussed already. Supporter comes back to you and so forth. At the (open) end simply no further feedback... (I've a ticket open in this manner since 18.02.23, last sign of life is from 15.03.23 with "There is not update at this time. Our development team is still investigating ...")
  10. Yep - but why not offering both? The nice version with the product and the in-depth version with an announcement here in the forums?
  11. OK, my fail - to be honest, I didn't see it (or saw it before some time and dismissed it's usage because it does not offer any real advantage 😉) You cannot add a "reminder done time" column 😞 If you remove the "reminder time" column in either tab, it will be removed in both (both tabs share the same configuration) 😞 Both tabs are tabs that cannot be snapped off from the main EN windows (which would be nice to) 🙏 OK, You can can sort by "reminder time" in the reminder tab - but why not in the normal note list? I think it's a 3-lines-of-code change to enable it... To show up "reminder done time" in both tabs might need some more effort to implement - but it is not a very big task. To store independant configuration settings for the tabs is task of similar effort (my estimation). To snap-off and -in tabs from the main window needs further investigation (I'm not an Electron developer 😉) All-in-all these things might help to get me an EN10 fan, and I'm sure they'll come anytime in future (hopefully).
  12. Yes (at least to me). Overall speed of EN10 itself (startup, display and sync) to better by the time - but fluent work is not as easy as in Legacy. V10's UI is nice - but needs much more space on the screen and has some idiotic disadvantages (placement of tags, impossibility to sort note lists by reminder times, absence of a reminder done time column in note lists, ...)
  13. @Mike DM I'm a Legacy user as You and understand all Your concerns or at least questions... I'm not as far as @gazumped with my transition - but I run two accounts (private and business) so I decided to make experiences with both versions in productive environments. My recommendations are: Do NOT run V10 and Legacy in parallel on one computer. (even if it technically possible - local databases are completely seperated) V10 tries to catch some system definitions that are important to Legacy users (i.e. externally used evernote:-URLs will always be redirected to EN10 after every EN10 startup whereas Legacy does not turn this behavior back. If you what to enable Legacy as the evernote:-URL-destiination, you have to modify a registry key...) Everytime V10 is updated, Legacy processes are stopped also. You will be confused with may UI differences if you try to switch between the versions during normal work. Syncing in such situations will lead to duplicate notes because syncing methodology has changed. Working with Legacy and V10 in one account but on different computers is OK (@gazumped's use case) The only problem might be that Legacy does not understand some newly implemented note content like tasks, calender and formatting options like checklists and headlines Working in different accounts on different machines in different environments is completely OK ... to learn and enjoy new functions 😉 In my case I moved the smaller account to V10 ...
  14. It's not only a feeling - it's true 😞 Moreover: EN10 does not allow to sort by reminder time and reminder done time! This last one cannot be displayed in list view. All these are real show stoppers for me (to use EN10 as a successor of Legacy)
  15. Funny - I just saw the discussion and asked GPT itself if it created the initial post. Here's the answer: It's possible that a similar text was generated by me, as a language model, as I have been trained on a vast amount of text data and can generate a wide range of outputs. A politically correct answer that tells us nothing - but also shows what GPT just can not. To get a more precise answer, GPT told me to give some more background information... OK, it got all (that I know) and answered: I can generate text that appears to be written by a human, but I cannot confirm the authorship of a specific text without additional information. The text you provided could have been written by a human expressing their opinion or generated by a language model like me to spark a discussion or attract attention to the topic. From my point of view, AI might be used only to enhance search functionality in EN. For example to find notes by a naturally worded question (not only giving wildcarded phrases) like "Where do I have been on holidays in 2009?". It would be nice if EN-AI would understand my question, figures out what might be relevant in this context and lists these notes... But: To be able to answer such questions, EN-AI has to know all of my notes, has to recognize how I describe my travel habits (maybe in comparison to other user habits to learn?). For sure nothing that can be done by a EN-specific algorithm. So EN has to ask a really big machine (like GPT). This machine is based on masses of data that has to be supplied long time before such a question might be asked. Where do this data come from? From us - the users. Do we like that all of our note will be know by GPT? I think - no. Conclusion: I do not see a propper use case of (foreign) AI in EN without opening user data to its knowledge base. So please do not start any immature attempts to implement "any" AI in EN. Just keep on track with slightly improving well known features like reliability, speed and availibility for ever!
  16. Seldom for normal users - but maybe necessary if you try to seperate spaces of notebooks in Teams accounts to single account (BG: EN Teams accounts are somewhat expensive and nobody knows whether they will be supported in future...) And there is another use case: "family" accounts that have been managed by parents - sometime the children grow up and should take "their" notes out of the family account... We're NOT talking about moving to different platforms. As @eric99 explained, it's easy to extend exports by UIDs. It's not so easy to extend imports to retain these UIDs (*) - OK. But it is possible - we've done similar within own software that handles (e)CAD data in a multi-user environments... I'm not sure whether the API is really complete since it hasn't been updated for years. But there is a limiting parameter that makes it very hard to use it for mass data tasks: If you reach a limit of operations/hour, all further activity is denied for some time... (Filterize users know it 😉). The API is server based - so there is no way to work around this. Full agree 👍 (with some hope): Notelinks are exported already (but do not work because UIDs are not retained. An improved import algorithm would make them living immediately. Notebooks might be added to ENEX easily (same way as Eric explained). An improved import algorithm should use it instead of placing all stuff in one "Imported" notebook. Tag hierarchies are harder to implement because there is no structure to describe it in ENEX format. Currently tags of a note are written and read - but only as a reference based on the tag name. A tag itself (including its style and hierarchy placement) is not written the ENEX because this has no meaning within a note. Tag hieraries are easy to maintain and re-create interactivly if necessary EN Teams users are familiar with using tags without hierarchy - it's not available there 😉. I've had some discussions around this and saw, that it is hard to maintain global hierarchies that allow local users to add own tags and want to organize own hierarchies. So they decided to simply decline hierarchies at all - until anyone comes up with a nice idea to handle it anytime in future 🤔 (*) Some word around importing UIDs: An import process should re-use a UID if it is not used already. If it is used, a new UID is to be initialized. Because UIDs are stored in maps, this is easy to implement so far. During an import operation a second map should be used to destinuish between re-used and new UIDs. Also not very difficult... After all notes are imported, they have to be reworked regarding notelinks therein. The temp. map gives information regarding "re-used"/"new". In case of "new", the link has to be changed to the new destination UID. Remove temp. map Ready ✔
  17. Seems to be a so far unsolved but not new problem: I'd contact support - they should have some possible reasons and can go to development to get it solved in future. At least to give some better hints about "something"...
  18. Maybe - it depends on when you did this. Legacy has an option whether to sync favourites or not. If you changed this setting sometimes since you moved to EN10, the synching process between Legacy-Server and/or EN10-Server got in trouble.
  19. Maybe - but it's bad UI design. To explain this, I'll cite some text from a "normal" (not feature-request) discussion: Tags (together with the reminder and created information) are important attributes of the note. All these attributes should be found in a smaller area to make it easier to find it. Even the note title should be there everytime... Example: Most of our time we are digging through masses of notes (within the note list). Very often we have to click on specific notes to more information. Now our eyes switch to the nearby note text and have to jump to bottom to see the reminder and the text. Notebook name and note title are shown above (where our eyes land at first...) ... Saving our eyes from stupid jumping to search relevant information keeps us focussed and awake 😉
  20. Save-As dialog (it's not EN itself!) stores its last save-in folder as a symbolic link in %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\. Maybe there is a problem wie this last save-in folder (deleted or moved?) or with any other content in ...\Recent folder (too many entries?, ...). I've heared about similar problems within other programs. Deleting the content of this folder (it contains only links) did help. Next time in EN (or any other progam) you should see C:\Users\<your-windows-login-name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Evernote as a the initial folder of the Save-As dialog.
  21. ... was exactly my thought with "... (means: from any other than note text) ..." 😉 ... but is scrolled away if you page down. In Legacy (and this is my EN version - I do not come from JetBrains) the note title keeps being visible (Outlook and many other apps that handle "notes" work the same way - title is visible during editing text. Moreover: If you move up the cursor during note editing, you will end up in the title line 😤. This is dangerous: If you do not recognize this behavior, you will change the title by accident wenn you start type anything.... Normal cursor movements inside the note text area should not leave this are. You should use ESC to do this by intend...
  22. Yep - ESC inside note text should focus the note text area (already implemented) to allow to switch to other areas (tag reminder and line and so forth) with TAB. (*) But if you ESC from there (means: from any other than note text), focus should to set back to the last editing position within the current note (our suggenstion - if I understand you correct?). F2 is not the solution because it focuses on note title (not last edition position). (*) Sidekick around position of the tag line: I would prefere to place the whole line above the note text (like in Legacy) because tags (together with the reminder and created information) are important attributes of the note. All these attributes should be found in a smaller area to make it easier to find it. Even the note title should be there everytime... Example: Most of our time we are digging through masses of notes (within the note list). Very often we have to click on specific notes to more information. Now our eyes switch to the nearby note text and have to jump to bottom to see the reminder and the text. Notebook name and note title are shown above (where our eyes land at first...) Using only the keyboard without a mouse will get us faster. Saving our eyes from stupid jumping to search relevant information keeps us focussed and awake 😉
  23. OK, I didn't see your real need 😉. And because I'm a keyboard liker as You, I'm highly interrested in a keyboard sequence to enter the tags area below the note without grabbing the mouse. Within this area, you can select desired (already set) tags with the arrow keys, simply delete with DEL, filter by or add it to favourites after typing a BLANK. So i think this is your suggestesd functionality of the tags line within the dialog also...
  24. Nope - behaviour of this dialog is completely compliant to common UI rules: If you selection covers multiple values of a checkbox or radio button values, these must not show a valid "Set" or "Unset" state. They have to show anything in between. EN decided to show either [x] for "Set" (in all selected notes) [--] for "Maybe" (multipe values in selected notes) [ ] for "UnSet" (in all selected notes) If only one note is selected, [x] or [ ] are used. Just to be honest: This dialog is really better than in Legacy (where ALT-CTR-T is available also 😉)
  25. It's not only a (my? only?) problem with the images. Over 10 years of use and 10,000 notes I like to format notes with attachments like the following Opening these notes in EN10 changes it to ugly because attachments and images occupy lines for itself.
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