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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. Not only unit tests are the solution for such a mass of failures when using clients. I know it's a hard job to drive tests in client-server applications. But there are some solutions available that allow to automate user actions in clients, record and check system answers as textual responses or even screen image effects. With the execption of the last, these systems allow to develop test suits that can be executed in many OS environments... It's a big advantage of EN10 to be based on a single source on all systems. This makes it possible to implement test suites that cover all systems. @Federico Simionato: Do we can rely on the fact that EN uses such system(s) to assure your quality? Are you allowed to tell us, which system you use? (i.e. Test Automation for GUI Testing - to mention only one of such systems πŸ˜‰)
  2. No. I checked it once more: EN10 creates UIDs completely on Client site. It's not rocket science: If You take unique information from your local computer hardware (network card id and clock), every client on this world can create unique UIDs. In EN10, you can go offline (remove LAN cable and disable WLAN), create a note, get it's internal link address and insert it to an other note. In Legacy, you cannot create internal links when beeing offline 😞
  3. and I also spent some time to check this out as a plan B: If syncing is not my first priority (because I backup my complete EN infrastructure locally), it might be possible to use EN standalone forever even with no fee cost. But there is at least one feature missing in Legacy that I would need to do so: If you try to link notes by internal links, Legacy needs to sync first - it's not possible to create an internal link when offline 😞 - nobody knows why. EN10 allows to do so - why? (in parallel to so many other base features like RTE that really need online connections) ==> If EN stops Legacy from syncing (by disallowing it on server site), it's a hard stop for me to use legacy as my daily information management tool. 😑
  4. ... or take all Legacy stuff and offer customers to either continue with that or start over with EN10. OK, this possibility is dead since EN layed off people. It would have been a nice idea before BS took over all.
  5. It's read but seldomly commented by new owners. And I hope that keeping discussions around such annoying behaviour alive will help to get it fixed anytime in future. At least changes on Tags should not change note's update date. Tagging is often used temporarily to shrink down search result.
  6. Sorry, but I have to elevate this topic to be recognized as "important" by EN staff (who is reading here for sure πŸ˜‰) It's really hard to me to explain EN commands in English because I'm working on a German Windows. Is it really that hard to either implement a setting (as in Legacy) or at least give us a hint to add a line in %Appdata%\Evernote\config.json to set the user UI language? Or is such a configuration line already available and someone here knows about it?
  7. Sorry, have not real help so far. I checked it with my account - no limitation regarding creation date. But i found that there is a difference in the list of found notes between EN10 and Legacy: Legacy showed me 365 notes - EN10 only 342 😞 I'check this out later - but if anyone sees similar effects, please note it here...
  8. My current EN setup: For my private account: Legacy because of ... (see below πŸ˜‰) Web interface to rework (enhance, simplify) note coming from WebClipper For my business account: EN10 (so I can check it out in parallel without having to switch accounts) Even if this seems like I'm fine with the workaround(s) - I'm not! But I'm still an EN guy...
  9. Nobody wants that. But it's interesting to see what might come up in future. Not sure. "EN willl never go to Italy" might be a similar phrase, everyone would have signed in the past πŸ˜‰.
  10. Hmm, I took an old maschine, installed last Windows client Evernote_7.0.109.7595, found an "English [en-US]" UI that looks like a EN10(*) (including Calendar and Tasks (they call it "Todo"s) with integrated AI for "Smart Tags" and a "Knowledge Atlas" to visualize note grouping (as far as I see for the moment). (*) but oups: It a Legacy-client: I see a Sync button, can define Reminder time colums and sort by Reminder, ... - all that stuff that is not available in EN10 so far πŸ˜‰ This all cannot be implemented completely without deeper co-work with EN. The only thing I "missed" in Yinxang is the Electron framework and RTE. Maybe they work together and check out new features in different markets?
  11. It was founded by Evernote and I'm sure they share resources up to now. Maybe they're good or better as EN development - but they offer new (Home screen, ...) and more (Mindmap, Markup) features in a way that looks precisely like Evernote. I would not wonder to see such features sometimes within Italian versions of EN - developed by chinese stuff?
  12. Before some months (during the first discussions around Ian Small's exit from EN), I recognized that there is an Evernote spinoff serving China and the Greater China markets: yinxiang.com - a joint venture between Evernote and Sequoia... Ian Small kept being a member of the Board of Directors there. Yinxiang offers an Evernote version 7.x with nice Mindmap and Markup features - and the possibility to import ENEX files πŸ˜‰ Having in mind that it might be dangerous to use chinese software, I didn't try it by myself so far - but is here anyone who has made any experiences with the company Yinxiang or the software Evernote_7.0.109.7595?
  13. Sorry, that's not true in all cases. If EN10 decides to reformat things, this is synced back to server if the note has been viewed in EN10 and got the focus (i.e. to scroll within the note). Because I've invested time in nice formats of my notes (see my example above), every try to use EN10 damages notes that are part of my test πŸ˜‰
  14. Hmmm, but as being member of the Expert Community you are somewhere between in- and outsider. We appreciate your comments on upcoming releases - and hope that EN10.60 (planned on 03.08.23 ) will solve some of our problems. Obviously not my two-account need... πŸ˜‰
  15. Oups - this might be reason of your finding: If you don't give EN10 time to load all things, something has to be missed πŸ˜‰ I've tried to move from Legacy to EN10 for at least 5 times (always going the way @gazumped explained) and there where NO losses of data. The only "ugly" thing is that EN10 does not show attachments and graphic in one line: will become If you've attached files to notes, the attachments might be loaded later than the notes because they're stored not inside the note body. If you've attached identical files to more than one note, only one physical copy the the attachment is stored within EN's local database. This is a clear symptom of independant storage of notes and attachments - and may result in displaced availabilty during downloads.
  16. OK, ok - I am guilty πŸ™ But if you think about re-occuring time lags on opening notes even a user uses only EN10: Are the caused by backward compatibility to Legacy? Or space needs on our screens? Or inability to use two accounts in parallel? Or, or, or... These are caused be the new UI framework. This has come first with EN10. And noone forced EN to fire new additional features before getting this run to our satisfaction. Why not solving problems step by step? And increase the price at last πŸ˜‰
  17. and OK, I'm not as deep inside EN's architecture to destinguish between the documented (and open to all) API, an (internal?) API of Legacy to talk with the server and a (new?) API that EN10 uses. If WebClipper and EN10 communicate by using the (only, documented, old) API, this cannot be the reason for EN10 trouble. But Tasks and RTE need either a new or at least enhanced API. If I would have been part of a EN10 development team, my suggestion would have gone to a new API to avoid conflicts with older stuff.
  18. Sorry for cite shortings... ... I do not insist on a promise that all this will come immediately. ... I want Federico to help us Legacy users to get our functionality back in V10... How practical is this? [... followed by many good arguments for a unique code base] ... but as a long-term Windows user who never met any feature drops in Legacy always fought for EN amoung collegues, friends and other users I see that nearly all EN-reps, EN-Experts and -L5s here try to explain workarounds for functionality lacks. There is no EN-rep who acts like a product owner for Legacy stakeholders. I miss an offical list of not-so-far-implemented old features ranked by customer value. I know this is a dream - but I have it πŸ˜‰
  19. I'll use Legacy as long as V10 fails to replace Legacy's functionality πŸ˜‰ To be honest: I do not insist on a promise that all this will come immediately. I want Federico to help us Legacy users to get our functionality back in V10 - and not only fancy features for new users (if Legacy will be really hard-dropped to save developer power).
  20. OK, so if you promise to lead V10 to make it as handy as Legacy, I'll work with it. This includes ... speed of any UI/display action shrink down display space needs allow sorting by reminder (done) time and tags in (any) note lists work with two accounts in parallel allow images and attachments on one line
  21. To use the APIs you connect to the server. Who uses APIs? Approximately 1% of forum attendees and 0.001% of average EN users. From my point of view all the pain with V10 comes from its UI on client side which is designed to be the same on all platforms. That's a good goal for EN developers - but a very hard decision for us users with beloved fluidy workflows 😞 OK, there are some new features that affect clients and server functionailty (RTE/new sync, tasks) but as long as we do not use them, EN10 should be enhanced to reflect Legacy's UI advantages (speed, display size, possibility to show images and embedded documents in one line, ...). The last mentioned UI advantages are my 3 should-haves. But I've to add an other one that seems more complicated to be implemented: Handle two EN account in parallel in one Windows session πŸ˜‰
  22. I cannot reproduce it in my environment (Win10 with EN10.58.8). But I've seen a similar effect with the WhatsApp-App on Windows: It does not show the button because they're colored in the windows frame color 😞. If you hover the mouse over the upper right part of the title line, they appear. Fancy but stupid. I don't know how to change this setting.
  23. May be... You're right in nearly all cases - but I hope that EN will stay with Legacy's operability as long as my OS allows Legacy to run. EN should not decline syncs on their site πŸ™. The more people ask about it, the better it will be perceived by EN-Mgmt.
  24. Yep - my "Plan B" is to use EN10. I've tried to use EN10 for more than 2 weeks in my productive (Windows-) environment. And yes, it's usable as a "Plan B" - but not more. It's uncomfortable, slow and annoying in so many situations that I stepped back to Legacy. My believe in EN should not be disappointed nearly every day...
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