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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. Would be nice - but not in this case ;-). AFAIK thumbnail images are part of note metadata (once processed, reused ever for speed). So they're retained on environment changes. A new command to define a specific image to be used as a preview thumbnail has been a big with forever and will continue to be...
  2. Ah - OK - sorry. But why do they offer a command that does nothing (without a message)?
  3. Just checked within a Free account with 10.76.2: "Export as PDF" command is available on Right-Click-on-a-note. But it does simply nothing...
  4. Yep - search excludes the URL behind the links. But if you've transferred your notes to Notion, I'd try to search in Notion for strings like "evernote:///view/710611". Maybe it searches URL text and adresses?
  5. Moreover, release notes tell us the following: Improvements: The breadcrumbs now also include the title of a note Added alignment options for images within a note Fixes: Resolved a problem where stacks were not displayed in the Notebook list during searches Addressed a conflict issue in Scratchpad Fixed Tags sorting issues in the new UI But: My first tests figured out that note list cannot be sorted by tags (normal) note list cannot be sorted by Reminder Time (normal) note list seems to be sortable by title - but does not sort in all cases (haven't found a surely reproducable case or reason) (reminder) note list is sortable by Reminder times - but cannot show Reminder Done times if you are on the reminder not list tab and run a Favorite search, EN10-App hangs and has to be restartet... All these problems have been mentioned either here in forums or in support ticktes. It's a pity that they're not solved. But I'll wait for them patiently because I see that they are working not only on pricing and nice UI outfit gimmicks ๐Ÿ™.
  6. This is exactly what many of us let come to "that's easy - why don't they do it?": Internal links are made of <a name=...> and <a href=...> Collapsable sections are made by <details> <summary>...</summary>...</details> Probably they overestimate consequences? ๐Ÿค”
  7. All systems that manage masses of data should use UUIDs to identify data fragments. Some dumb systems (like Notion ๐Ÿ˜‰) have their own system that isn't really unique across accounts. Some better system (like EN I guess) use 128 bit UUIDs like AE338CCF-BCF6-462A-A3B5-DCA5FB8A03FD. If EN would add note UUIDs to their ENEX files at least EN itself would benefit from it: During import it has to check whether a note with a given UUID is already present. If so (only possible after re-importing same notes often), the importer has to create a new one (like it does currently all the time). If the UUID is not present, it should be re-used. This makes it possible to re-use all internal note URLs because it is based on the UUIDs. If other systems do not use 128Bit UUIDs, they cannot import such enhanced ENEX files - not an EN problem ๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. Sometime a "RATE_LIMIT_REACHED" message comes along with "Attempt updateNote where RTE room has already been open for note: <UID>" Maybe your note is open for edit in your EN client. This blocks other API changes in the background ๐Ÿ˜ž. Close the note, navigate to an other note and wait some time (minutes) before retrying to execute your Zapier commands. Background: EN introduced a new sync algorithm ("RTE" - Real Time Editing of note parts...) that often blocks API access. There is no clear workaround available. Maybe Zapier finds a solution together with Evernote (i.e. so hold back changes until the RTE room re-opens). But for the moment Envernote offers no API calls for that ๐Ÿ˜ค
  9. Do you get an error message (with text?). I'm using Make (formerly "Integromat"). Sometimes an error message "RATE_LIMIT_REACHED" is returned - but only if there are really tooo much requests per time slice. But nobody can tell exactly how many operations in which time is allowed ๐Ÿ˜ž. For me it depends on the amount of return (and processed) notes after searches that are executed every 3-5 minutes. Du you use any such periodical triggered tasks?
  10. Yep, I know. "Forgetting" notebook names and note GUIDs in ENEX format has been an design fail even in Legacy times ๐Ÿ˜‰. Missing notebook names might be worked around by assigning tags with notebook names - but as long as GUIDs are dropped completely all internal note links will go away with export/import operations. I think this "forgotten" feature was forced to disable easy and complete transfer of data to foreign systems. But dumping all notes to ENEX file(s) is a workaround to force EN10 to load all notes to the local disk (to be able to export them). That huge ENEX itself is useless.
  11. True if local data is available. But its very first goal is to simulate immediate access to all data from it's first start on. So it loads some metadata (notebook, tags) first, then notes that are requested to display. Before every note download it checks whether it's available locally. But it does not try to load all notes immediately if it is not really necessary (see above...).
  12. @Raphael Tsavkko Don't know how many notebooks you have - but one possibility to force a sync is to exports notebooks to ENEX files. Doing so, all notes have to be loaded from server before they can be written to disk. Because this operation is only possible notebook by notebook, this can be a time consuming test. But EN product managment decided to disable Export of all notes in one step in EN10 for any reason ๐Ÿ™„
  13. Even intergalactic cloud services like OneNote, OneDrive and others know and show whether they're ready with the sync. It's only EN10 (OK - in my limited view) that hides this information (I presume: by intend - but why?)
  14. So EN10 is far away from having all notes synced to your local disk. Do you have checked this setting?
  15. Can't believe EN10 works this way. I've tried it with my first tests and got the impression that EN10 starts to sync - but only what it assumes to be necessary the next time. After the system calms down it immediately resumes with network traffic along with some some clicks in EN windows. And: If EN10 really tries to sync completely it should take all available network/cpu/disk resources to with low priority. So if the rest of the system does nothing, EN10 should be ready after some hours - not days and not weeks.
  16. Not a problem on my systems. Sad - but true. I've both version running in parallel since weeks. Legacy covers app. 20 GB in D:\Evernote\Databases wheras EN10 takes 20 GB in C:\Users\Albert\Appdata\Roaming\Evernote. I assume EN10 has completed the full sync (cannot be sure so far ๐Ÿ˜ž) . So this might be reason for not having that performance probs like Raphael.
  17. OK, really boring. Did you try to work in List mode (Ctrl-F7) and|or to remove HTML-formating of clipped notes? Are some Virus scanner running that try to verify every file open operation or HTML display? Is your CPU occupied by Evernote.exe process(es)? Is your SSD disk loaded by more than 1%? What's about your Memory usage - mine is 12 GB of 36, EN10 needs the most - but it's not a problem:
  18. I'm not an EN10 fan ๐Ÿ˜‰. But this is really not the normal case. I'm using EN10 in parallell to Legacy just to switch over if it's OK for me (currently it is not...). Speed got better - nearly acceptable - it gives you time the think over what you are doing. ๐Ÿค” Functionality lacks (date handling at all (format - sorting - editing), working with two account only possible with one in the App and the other in Web, RTE hinders some automation tasks, ...). But I think it's worth to fight for fixes than to move to other tools (esp. Notion...) Support is anaesthetised this moment. Hope they will get it back to live soon...
  19. OK, one last try to explain my sight: I'm responsible for one Professional and five Teams Accounts - paying > 1.000 โ‚ฌ/year. I think that's enough to insist on a reliable service within the app and around it (support). Service within the app decreased a lot (counted in speed and functionality). Support is no more available - and if I get an answer, it consists of useless statements like "please wait" or "supply more information" - even if former answers told me that (other collegues) were able to reproduce the erroneous effect(s). I'm willing to find workarounds or adopted workflows because I'm aware of their need to renew software components. I'm in this business as well. But playing games with the customers or relying on user forums to offer support instead of company-trained and -paid support staff is bad behaviour. But now let's go for a sunny Sunday afternoon ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  20. It's not because I don't like it. I cannot work with it as long as it is impossible to have a normal search result list sorted by Reminder Dates and Reminder Done Times. I've describes this many times... For me and my(our) workflow a note is a container of data and actions to be done. Data and actions life along with creation-, changed-, reminder- and reminder done-dates. EN10 wastes my time to manage the dates and impossibility to show these dates in note lists. And if you forget to switch back from the Reminder tab before executing a Favorite search, EN10 blocks and needs a restart ๐Ÿ˜ž But they are not so far away from getting this fixed. Every average UI developer should be able to do so. It's only stubborn product management that forces them to play around with new UI "features" instead. I use my productive time to work with Legacy to save some time to check for EN10 news.
  21. Am I the only one who still believes in a (even paid) solution to continue Legacy using? EN10 is by far not working reliably fast, stable and productive enough to replace it...
  22. To be honest: It's a bad idea to select beta-testers by chance. There are tooo many users relying on the service. We pay for that - not for gaming. Why not simply have a setting "(_) Try beta features"...
  23. Ah - THX a lot! Article answers all my questions...
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