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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. OK, currently I'm sitting on a 1 GBit symetrical iNet connection 😉 I'll check it again sometimes later when at home... ... and in offline mode. Working in offline mode should point out whether the server connection has some influence - or not...
  2. Just found: Removing a tag does NOT touch the Updated Date as it is done by adding a tag to note. ==> Functionality is buggy. They should repair it to never change the Updated Date whilst modifying tags of a note 😉
  3. Oups, are we sure that the problem is based only on client(s) 10.59.5? Just tried to reproduce the problem (with Windows client 10.59.5) - and it has gone away 🙂 Maybe it was caused by server-client(10.59) communication and has been fixed on server side?
  4. But why the hell it is impossible to EN to simply remove this damned version from their download servers? 🤔
  5. @jbenson2: It returns the entire database of 41,110 notes and No error message appears for the search involving tag: or intitle: or even just text. "Normally" the "permission lost" error message comes up just before every search finds all 🤔 [incomplete sync] might be a possibility - not showing the sync status is a frustrating situation Yep - just testing on an iPad. Here I see some sync info (progress bar around my account icon and rotating dotted rings on notebook that seem to be synced currently). But this info is misleading: progress bar disappeared - so I'm ready? No: There are some rotating rings and the app seems to be frozen ☹ ... simply unusable ... Even though I have the premium subscription status, I dread contacting support. They are the worst. Don't use "they" if you have made bad experiences with "one"... I'd give them a chance. I made good experiences during the last weeks. They're the only one that might help by going into your log files (if needed). Describe your findings and add a link to this discussion to avoid stupid questions fo the first line 😉 Going back to the Legacy version might be a possibility, but also frustrating. Why frustrating? If you really need access to all your notes and want to avoid further pain with current EN10, it's a good solution 👍
  6. That means? Does it return nothing, only a incomplete list of notes or too many notes? 10.59.5 often (not everytime) has problems when searching for words - maybe also when using tags because it seems to loose permissions to some notebooks 😞. In this case, an error message pops up - do you see any error message? If permission is lost, a search returns inadequate results (nothing or too many notes...). Unfortunatlely it takes a long time to sync all notes to your local computer (sometimes days...). And there is not indicator that informs you about the sync state (in %, # of notes or whatever). So maybe your maschine isn't synced so far... Normally this should not be a problem because the tag index is maintained also on server site and an EN client has to contact server data if local data is incomplete. My suggestion is: Wait some time get your data synced ->Restart your test. Describe effects more in detail -> Come back to here Contact support (with more details) -> Come back to here and tell us results Use an older version (10.58.x, Legacy) - the harder (but maybe most reliable) way 😉)
  7. ... oder auch "Gänsehaut [bekommen]". ... beschreibt schön das Gefühl, das einen ob des EN-Gebahrens beschleicht: Eigentlich bedeutet "Evernote" ja "Notizen auf ewig" - und das sind sie ja auch - egal mit welchem Client ich mich ihrer bediene. Der unterschwellige Druck, den EN ausübt lässt Zweifel daran aufkommen... Was, wenn EN dereinst beschließt, von der eigenen Aussage "auf ewig" abzugehen? Oups - sorry 😉 .. describes nicely the feeling that creeps over you: Actually "Evernote" means "notes forever" - and that's what they are - no matter which client I use to maintain them. The subliminal pressure that EN exerts makes me doubt that... What if EN decides one day to depart from its own statement "forever"?
  8. Oups, as long as Ian Small continues to be a "Member of the Board of Directors at Yinxiang Biji, Evernote's spinoff serving China and the Greater China markets" and Yinxiang itself uses "Evernote" as their product name using "Chinese EN" is neither malicious nor ignorant.
  9. ... we recognize that there are some scenarios where using an older version is necessary or desired. We are not removing the legacy version entirely, ... That's what we are fighting for 😉 I hope the support rep won't get a problem with this statement 🙏
  10. I open account settings by clicking on my icon of upper left corner of window. Here is what I see: But THX for your question: I recognized, that there are differences between personal and Teams accounts regarding WEB clients: v5.33.0 is the current WEB client version for Teams accounts I've to go to my personal settings to explicitely enable the V10+ WEB client From v5.33.0 it is possible to switch to a previous version of Evernote WEB client must be very old - but work fine 😉 If I enable V10+ WEB client the step-back to the very old version is not possible but I can reset the personal setting to use V10+ to re-use v5.33.0 Nice: EN itself suggests to use v5.33.0 in case of bad performance of V10+ 😉 Excerpt of https://help.evernote.com/hc/de/articles/1500006072561: in English (Translated with DeepL): What can I do if I experience performance issues? If you have more than 10,000 notes stored in your account or are using an Evernote Teams account, you may experience longer load times when you first access Evernote Web (V10+). If you continue to experience performance issues after the initial launch, you can disable the new Evernote Web and revert back to the old Evernote Web using the instructions above. After having learned this I re-executed my tests regarding search for specific word: V10+ (10.59.5?) shows "Permissions lost" after only a few trys v5.33.0 does not show the problem very old WEB client does not show the problem But: Where do we can see the WEB clients version ID? I can see it only in v5.33.0 (as shown above...)
  11. Done. They told me that "this is currently an expected behavior" for EN10 😞 But my request has been moved to their product team "including all our feedback towards the current behavior". Keep fingers crossed to get an option to configure the behavior 🙏 I'll come back to this later...
  12. I'm sorry - cannot reproduce it on WEB client(s)... Windows client 10.59.5 shows at least "Permissions lost" and too many results after start application search for word "diary" in all notes (should return 8 notes) click on some notebooks to display their contents search for word "diary" in all notes shows error message returns masses of notes WEB client (v5.33.0): Search returns 8 notes. even after app. 10 minutes of hard testing 😉 old WEB client: Search returns 8 notes. Legacy: returns 8 notes.
  13. Me too - but not only these days. My task list is based on tags and reminder dates. And here I'm in my circle: I cannot sort search results by tags and reminder dates, so I'm <see below>... 😉
  14. That's the point: Even some seconds attracts you to think about other things to do. You will pop up other windows and forget what you have been waiting for. Later on you feel bad because it takes too much time to switch back to where you have been. At the end EN does not help to stay focused (even more: it disturbs your concentration 😞)
  15. A professor or mine had a simple definition for that along a discussion around tuning: Users are satisfied with answer speed if they can feel the depth of their question and|or they cannot measure the time. So it makes no sense to spent time to find the really fastest algorithm if your user accepts the current. If I have all data around (on Mac/Windows) I expect immediate answers to display requests. If I have indexed data around, I expect nearly immediate answers to search requests. If I have questions to an AI, I allow seconds of thinking about my question before getting intelligent results. Many concerns about slowness of systems that need syncing in some cases might be mitigated by some progress bars (that come up after expected answer time is over), explanation messages and other tricks that makes a user believe that the system is really working hard to fulfill the request. A simple green bullet anywhere around notebooks or the title bar would help to indicate "sync is complete" 😉
  16. Not sure about this: Event after 3 days of re-installing EN10 it does not succeed to sync some notes. They're simply empty - only the headline is available in note list [*]. But my laptop fan comes up in unforeseen situations - together with EN10 occupying the CPU by 12-25% - without any reasonable LAN activity. Maybe EN10 tries to establish a local index to speed up future searches? [*] this is true for only a few notes and I saw it by accident. So around 99.9% of the notes a OK 😉
  17. Not for the moment - If they would have such a setting, they would enable it by default 😉 I've tried many updates of EN10 and recognized that they've done a lot to tune it. If you have thousands of notes and spent some hours (days) to allow a complete sync to your local disc, EN10 is OK for me as long as I'm reading notes. But my normal workflow (searching, tagging, reformatting, having multiple notes open in parallel, switching accounts, ...) is hindered by EN10. I'm sure my concerns will be solved in future - but nobody knows when "future" takes place 🤔
  18. Not sure of your meaning there I like (1 - forum discussions) and take [... it] to point out the weight of incidents when using (4.2 - support channels with URLs to typical forum discussions). Last time I used this technique was really helpful: Support really looked into some discussion threads (and my list of missing functionality of EN10 vs. Legacy) and answered in depth 👍. I'm sure this took effort that's not possible to offer in all cases.
  19. Hmm, @Federico Simionato itself (as an EN rep) opened this thread that leads to a (new) discussion forum... Now we have (beside Reddit, FB and others really outside EN's view) normal EN-driven forums to small-talk amoung users EN-driven forums with voting possibilities (holding masses sometime old ideas) EN-suggested forum(s) with voting possibilities (nice - but really necessary?) EN support channels with direct chatting possibility (that is disabled most of the time because of "heavily loaded") with ticket numbers and eMail answers I've made very good and some bad experiences with the direct support channel. But I'm not sure whether this is really EN's most liked technique to interact with thousands of users... As long as there a enough L4, L5, Experts and Staff users available, I like (1) und take the discussions to point out the weight of incidents when using (4.2)
  20. Not only unit tests are the solution for such a mass of failures when using clients. I know it's a hard job to drive tests in client-server applications. But there are some solutions available that allow to automate user actions in clients, record and check system answers as textual responses or even screen image effects. With the execption of the last, these systems allow to develop test suits that can be executed in many OS environments... It's a big advantage of EN10 to be based on a single source on all systems. This makes it possible to implement test suites that cover all systems. @Federico Simionato: Do we can rely on the fact that EN uses such system(s) to assure your quality? Are you allowed to tell us, which system you use? (i.e. Test Automation for GUI Testing - to mention only one of such systems 😉)
  21. No. I checked it once more: EN10 creates UIDs completely on Client site. It's not rocket science: If You take unique information from your local computer hardware (network card id and clock), every client on this world can create unique UIDs. In EN10, you can go offline (remove LAN cable and disable WLAN), create a note, get it's internal link address and insert it to an other note. In Legacy, you cannot create internal links when beeing offline 😞
  22. and I also spent some time to check this out as a plan B: If syncing is not my first priority (because I backup my complete EN infrastructure locally), it might be possible to use EN standalone forever even with no fee cost. But there is at least one feature missing in Legacy that I would need to do so: If you try to link notes by internal links, Legacy needs to sync first - it's not possible to create an internal link when offline 😞 - nobody knows why. EN10 allows to do so - why? (in parallel to so many other base features like RTE that really need online connections) ==> If EN stops Legacy from syncing (by disallowing it on server site), it's a hard stop for me to use legacy as my daily information management tool. 😡
  23. ... or take all Legacy stuff and offer customers to either continue with that or start over with EN10. OK, this possibility is dead since EN layed off people. It would have been a nice idea before BS took over all.
  24. It's read but seldomly commented by new owners. And I hope that keeping discussions around such annoying behaviour alive will help to get it fixed anytime in future. At least changes on Tags should not change note's update date. Tagging is often used temporarily to shrink down search result.
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