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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. ... is nearly my feeling (although I've some more GB). THX for the counts.
  2. Yep - but this has not been changed with the transfer to Bending Spoons. It has been subject of their rules all the time. Data is stored on Google servers that might follow any tax law decisions to save money ๐Ÿ˜‰. E2E encryption between clients and server(s) is implemented. Nobody can linger on your data during transfers. But data is NOT encrypted on server site inside EN-sphere. There was a discussion around this before some years (*) because users enquired EN to simply encrypt all note content by default so that only users can manage it. IIRC EN refused to do so because it would be impossible to search note content on server site - and EN support would not have a chance to help on questions around content problems ๐Ÿค” (*) see for example: Crypting notebooks on server or local EN servers possible? - Evernote Teams Requests from 2016 as a follow-up of Evernote notebook encryption alternative - Evernote for Android Issues (2014) and some others Remarkable statement of @jefito found in last mentioned thread: Evernote *could* do full notebook encryption. They chose not to, awhile back. Maybe they'll change their mind in the future, maybe not.
  3. The usecase "Working on different maschines" is perfectly covered by RTE. But I'm working mostly on one maschine and use tags to fire some automation tasks (like ">>n" to shift a reminder by n days, " 'Rename-PDF" adjust scanned PDF file names) and create|update TOCs periodically. Thereby I often change titles and created dates. Doing such metadata work in parallel to IDE access on server side often leads to problems with RTE where changes cannot be done in the background or will be un-done after some seconds or minutes. Hope these problems will go away with RENT ๐Ÿ™
  4. Sorry to hear that you didn't get real help from support till now. Please add a link to this thread to your tickets and beg (once more) to reset your account to just before Jan 22 from their backup. I can't believe that this will not be possible... And in case they made it possible, please give a short success message - would be great ๐Ÿ™ - THX
  5. Please check access history of your account (Extra -> Kontoinformationen... -> Zugriffsverlauf in German - don't know wording in other languages ๐Ÿค”). Because it's not only one change (done by accident by youself), someone else might have access to your account!
  6. That's exactly the problem: If I click on an input field, I do not expect to open a dialog box. It would be OK, to offer some other buttons or dialog elements around the field (see i.e. Outlook, MS-Teams and many other convinient apps). Searching is (beside note taking) the most important use case in EN. The search input field has to get available all the time (i.e. within the title bar). See MS-Teams to get an example (also implemented with Electron framework!). I do not want to search for the search field to open a search dialog...
  7. This might be caused by new fonts that are used in EN10. Unfortunately you cannot change this ๐Ÿ˜ž But you can try to "scaling" like described in Bug Discovered in Windows 11 Built-in DPI Scaling Levels โ€“ AskVG. Maybe it helps on your Win10 maschine also?
  8. Sorry - I think the most easiest way would be if EN would tell us the correct count ๐Ÿ˜‰ EN search is based on an pre-calculated index. It's not that hard to calculate the count without having to search all notes for the desired word...
  9. Tell us more about your so far used environment (Operation system, EN version). If you have lost content of local notebooks you may retrieve them only by (re-)installing the older (Legacy) version of EN, export notebook's content to ENEX files and import them into the actual version.
  10. They will change UI in one of the next updates. Thereby they'll introduce a new font that should allow to display notes on all different OS environments nearly identical. So: They care - but not as many of us hope ๐Ÿ˜. People (like me) who work 99% of their time in one environment (i.e. on Windows desktops with large screens), would like to choose own fonts and personal sizes. Reading notes on other devices (i.e. Android mobiles) might use EN selected fonts - don't care. I'm sure they'll offer more settings around this over the time - current and upcoming UI use configuration files. But for the moment they do not offer possibilities to change these files - even "insiders outside EN" did not succeed to locate such files in EN installations ๐Ÿค” I hope this will get better before they decide to shut down Legacy versions completely ๐Ÿ™
  11. It's not a direct move (i.e. by using Drag&Drop) because it's not possible to have two account windows open ๐Ÿ˜‰. The only way is to export note(s) to ENEX files and import them into a Teams account... I often have the problem that I get new notes (from scanner, import folder or forwarded eMails) imported to the wrong account ๐Ÿ˜ต (my fail...). During my work I move them to a folder "wrong account" and ex-/import them from time to time to the right one. Only probem with that: If you assign tags to notes before ex-/importing them, tags will transfered also. Tags from one account will come up in the other which might create different tags with the same name in Teams environments if these tags have been created and used by other team members. But this is another story...
  12. Sorry, you're right. Note data is all you see within the edtiing window of note. All other stuff that we see in note lists or note property dialogs (notebook, title, dates, tags, ...) are metadata. So a list of notes is simply a list of note-ids. If there is some other method to sync metadata, there is no need to open a RTE room for each selected note (because the select-state itself is metadata). If we're right, RTE should be a solution for the speed problem on operations of multiple selected notes. ๐Ÿ™ Exciting...
  13. Don't held back your great insight knowledge. IIRC you're member of an inner circle of users/experts who have been informed about some BS activities just before they took place. EN product management would correct you if you are wrong. ๐Ÿ˜‰ This is exactly my understanding of note vs. metadata content. (see my comment in topic/149468-will-rent-solve-rte-problems). But hey.. ... I'm sure you have this in mind ๐Ÿ‘ Yep - but I'm not sure whether this will be a real advantage. The WEB version does not store all note and metadata content locally. The speed increase was measured as a ratio of before/after of the WEB version. Client versions are faster than the WEB version (even now) ๐Ÿค” But maybe Conduit has to be replaced because there is an internal problem to sync note and metadata content - who knows... ๐Ÿ˜ต
  14. Whow - one of the very few statements of V10 fans regarding problems with RTE. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Will RENT be a solution for that? I think no - multiple notes are not metadata... Opening and closing (RTE) rooms very often and fast is a problem in all cases of mass movements...
  15. Did you check the logging window? Maybe it's only one note change that causes a sync to fail because you have it open in a EN10 client... I'm running (309348) Public (CE Build ce-62.6.10954) on several WinPCs - no problem so far...
  16. Nope - exactly this is the problem (that might explain the last seen effect with tag syncing...) BECAUSE sync happens in small pieces changes to tags and content (parts) are "synced" in pieces (between client and server) and apps using the API try to work in parallel on these notes (on other maschines) ... changes mix up and will be synced back to clients. Thereby older data might come back to clients and will be seen as an automatic "UNDO" operation This and (the formerly described problems with the "RTE room" blocks) were never seen before RTE came up. If EN would sync explicitely only complete notes - maybe optional - we wouldn't have the problems ๐Ÿ˜‰ On the other hand RENT might solve these conflicts - will it for sure? I know from other projects that syncing even single data packages (notes) together with metadata that covers many packages (tags) without conflicts is a fairly unsolvable problem ๐Ÿค”.
  17. FYI: another effect of possible fails of metatdata syncs is described in comment ...-sync-issues-...-tag-changes-not-saving-some-tags-simply-not-syncing-at-all
  18. I meet this effect from time to time - but not reproducable to describe it for support ๐Ÿ˜ž Maybe this is a sync issue and might be fixed (hopefully) in an upcoming version with RENT (a new metadata sync process). You may look into thread "Will RENT solve RTE problems?" for some mor information.
  19. Sure? Other solution might be to remove trashed notes from the search index (and maybe hold a second index for the Trash). This would keep the normal ("in-use") cache as small and fast as possible and there is no need to skip found notes from normal result lists...
  20. OK, but if this is the reason, it should be known on EN site. I'm sure they have (internal?) tools check a database for any such problem. If so, they should execute repair procedures either in the background or explicitely by informing the user what's going on... It's not a good idea to let users make bad experiences, cry for help and see that there are no official answers. Suggestions from other users are not useful to strengthen the believe in vendor skills.
  21. Nope. Trash seems to be a notebook but is not searched with normal search operations. You have to navigate to the Trash to search within. I think it's not really ballast... ... but avoids to loose content and history. If a note is deleted from Trash, its history is deleted permanently. Moreover, notes in Trash are write-protected - it's impossible to change things by accident ๐Ÿ˜‰
  22. Note linking itself works if EN is already running. If you click on an internal note URL and EN10 is not running, it starts but comes up without the requested note displayed. Around displaying a target note, there is a second problem wie the note list and the navigation panel. See Note navigation in the Note List and Note Panel
  23. ... it works sometimes (for me [*]) ๐Ÿ˜ž - but it is poor design in the new UI for two reasons: Legacy simply focused automatically when clicking on internal links it's super-easy to see the where the destination note is located because its notebook is highlighted in the left navigation panel and it is highlighted in the note list (where @Tim Hudson hopes to find it) ๐Ÿ˜‰ Assigned keystroke for "Focus on note list" is Alt-Ctrl-\ which is a 4-click-sequence on German keyboards because "\" is reachable only with AltGr: So you have to click Alt-Ctrl-AltGr-\ to execute the function (that nobody wants to be forced to...) [*] my feeling is that Alt-Ctrl-AltGr-\ needs some time to run. Sometimes it seems to do nothing. In all other cases it works - and if it does its job, it seems that re-executing the same test, the target is displayed immediately as requested - until you do another test with other notes... All-in-all the new UI is by far not fluidy and reliable enough for daily work...
  24. OK, I'll have a deeper look into this. You may be right because my changes normally touch the begin of note's text (newest changes are always on the top of a note to see the current state of the topic ๐Ÿ˜‰) This would be great if "to avoid blocking other clients" covers API changes, too. My experience is that API changes (from Make (formerly called "Integromat"), Filterize (now suspended - as a result of increasing problems with EN changes) or IFTTT (that I use rarely)) are rejected with error messages like EDAMSystemException: RATE_LIMIT_REACHED: {"errorCode":19,"message":"Attempt updateNote where RTE room has already been open for note: 5c3a5028-3664-4302-b644-783f73eb0a9d","rateLimitDuration":60}
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