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  1. For reference, I am using Windows 10 on an Nvidia RTX 3070 with the latest drivers at 2560x1440 resolution at 125% windows scaling.
  2. I had previously been using and loving Evernote Legacy, but have been forced to update to continue using the software and now have to struggle to try and read any of my notes as the text is blurry and suffer from rendering errors. Doing a search for "blurry" on this forum brings up many other users with the same problem, but zero fixes for the problem. The disable hardware acceleration option that fixed the issue previously has been removed from the application, and the "isHardwareAccelerationDisabled": true" config.json no longer seems to work either. Has anyone been able to find a fix for this, or will I be forced to find a new note taking app?
  3. I finally updated from Evernote Legacy, and am having instant regrets for doing so. The fonts in the program are very blurred, and there are a number of rendering artifacts and glitches in the text. If you scroll back and forth, eventually these graphical glitches resolve themselves and things render out OK, but this does not seem like an acceptable fix when text rendered out perfectly fine on the legacy app. I am running the latest version of Windows 10 at 2560x1440 at 125 font scaling DPI. I have tried using the compatibility properties tab on the app to try disable high dpi font scaling, and this didn't seem to help things at all. Is anyone else having this issue? And if so, were you able to find a fix? Thanks in advance for any help!
  4. Has anyone found a fix for this? I am running 1440p at 125% font scaling and Evernote V10 has the text rendering errors as shown above. I tried the compatibility setting fix mentioned above and it didn't help. Is the developer team aware of this bug?
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