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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. Yeah - but it's not only a display thing. Changes (tags and content) are not reflected on the next search very often: If I change anything, I require "updated:day-1" to find the changed note - but have to wait some seconds-minutes. If I tag anything and search for that tag, delay to propper search results is even longer 😞
  2. OK, but it's your use. It will not go better for us if you're OK. A professor of mine told us that a developer has to stop optimizing at the point users gets OK - not be any measure else. And this point seems far away today - even after months of work...
  3. So why exporting Created and Changed dates if the Changed dates will got lost in any case?
  4. Feature Description As a user I want to backup complete note lists to my own place These places might be folders on local PC, Dropbox, Google drives, NAS, ... Executed on a daily, weekly, monthly base... with a dedicated start time Backup format should be ENEX or HTML (on users choice Expected behaviour Definable in account Settings Executing automatically if a PC is running Get an eMail or note of success to a definable notebook Service might be an extra paid service or included in Professional accounts Workaround External program(s) like Backupery Background information (See also...) Discussions: How to make proper and automated back-ups of Evernote v10 data [on Windows]? Evernote missing features, bugs and wishlist topic A.03 This note: 008 - Automatic backup to my own place
  5. As I understand, Experts should drive an own business around EN. BTW: Does anyone know (or have good estimations) about Teams installations at all? As long as I'm a Teams user I've not seen any special enhancements to support better Teamwork (i.e. Tag management in Teams is poor compared with personal accounts, Chats have been discontinued - but price increased a lot, ...)
  6. Problem Description Currently it's impossible to import HTML as note content ... like it was possible in Legacy by move HTML files to its import folder πŸ˜‰ V10 imports all files from import folder as attachments for new notes 😐 Import command itself offers only ENEX and TXT files to be read. The duplicates on the forum are repetitive and people have a hard time getting into Evernote if they have a lot of notes in Competing systems. Expected behaviour Be able to import "notes" coded in HTML, Markdown ( & CSV ?) by reading files from defined import folder(s) Offer a command/procedure to import other (competitor) formats (competitors might import EN notes) Often mentioned here: Apple Notes, OneNote, Obsidian, Notion, ... Workaround none so far... Background information (See also...) Discussions: Import Apple Notes into Evernote This note: 035 - Import notes from Competing systems (evernote.com)
  7. Bug/Feature Description If you click on a Favorite note, the list goes away (note occupies complete main window except left pane) It explicitly bothers users who have a specific note directly in Shortcuts. If they click on it, the Cards/Snippets/Side list is disappears. Because of this, they started using "Top list" exclusively But this list disappears If you navigate to a note from outside EN, the list goes away (...) Expected behaviour The note list (with no regard to its display format) should be visible all the time Background information (See also...) Evernote missing features, bugs and wishlist topic C.01 This note: 005 - Display Cards/Snippets/SideTop Note list all the time (evernote.com)
  8. Bug Description If you export notes und re-import them later, all notes get an Updated date "just now" Expected behaviour An import operation should retain the Update date of the note before export Background information (See also...) EN itself recommends ENEX saves in Saying goodbye to legacy versions of the Evernote app so many of current users try to export notes and will be disappointed on this later... Evernote missing features, bugs and wishlist - Top D.01 This note: 004 - Import from ENEX does not preserve note update date
  9. Bug Description If user A shares a notebook to user B (with write permissions of course), user B is able to change tags of notes in this notebook. He also can add tags as long as the tags have been used in other notes of this notebook This is OK up to here! Problem: If user A then moves a note with some other tags from a non-shared notebook to the share notebook, user B will only see tags, that have been already used by other notes within the shared notebook. B cannot add tags to this note. If user B tries to assign tags (F3), a message comes up: This message contradicts with the finding above Expected behaviour: User B should be able to assign every tag that has been used already in notebook (by other notes) to the note Workaround: User A (the owner of the notebook) might add a new note with all desired tags within that notebook (because preparing such a note and later on moving to the notebook does not enable tags be used. But: This is not a really good workaround because this note will come up (and disturb) with every search around these tags 😞 Background information (See also...) 001 - Cannot assign Tags to Notes in shared Notebooks
  10. Bug Description Normally EN comes up with its new colour scheme that shows only low contrasts (at least from version 10.77.3 on) Sometimes (often after changing the account if you use more than one), it comes up with an older scheme that uses a black left pane.. Expected behaviour App should come up the same (new) way in all cases Workaround Restart App or change account once more Background information (See also...) <tbd>
  11. I'm sure it exists also in Support - but our "problem" from user's POV is that all this is hidden. I'd love to see more about the things that are going on. It would help to shrink down ever and ever upcoming simple and more sophisticated answers in forum groups and other communities.
  12. Great! May I invite you to discussion EN-Teams account to collect/view/comment issues (bugs and wishes)? And: You're free to catch up things from EN10 - missing features (from beloved Legacy) πŸ˜‰
  13. Hmm, if EN is able to count our doings even in finer measures (L usage, Tag usage, ...), it shouldn't be a problem to give us stats... OK, after some thoughts about, what's about some changes in my suggestion? Who will get Writer? In a first step all Level 3..5 and Expert forum users ... if they are willing to help because it will take some time to collect already known issues πŸ˜‰ Anyone who want's to be part of the Writer team sends a "Give me access" message that has to be granted by Admins. I propose that Level 3..5 and Experts have proven enouph not to abuse goals of such a indicent tracker. I think it will be no more than one or two dozens of us who would help. Who will get Reader? Forum users with at least Level 2 All other newbees can be handled like ever by forum users Readers cannot abuse anything. But it was a bad idea, to enable Readers by a similar process. It might be much easier to offer one free account. So the Admins have to handle only n(Writers)+1 accounts. To close the door of changing anything on the Reader account I've to add a topic to Prerequisites EN has to disable access to the Account page for the Reader account to disable changes (i.e. of the password πŸ˜‰) AFAIK the Forums are driven by an external service. Is it even impossible for you (as a moderator) to move threads around the forum groups? To be used as an issue tracker, this forum has at least one problem: It shows no thread-ID (maybe in front of the thread subject). It would be much easier to navigate through and maintain overview over a forum group if users can see this ID and us it to reference threads. Example: This thread here should be named "Β§150537 EN-Teams account to collect/view/comment issues (bugs and wishes)?" "Β§150537" should be inserted automatically before the title in every display If a user types "Β§" during inserting text anywhere, the editor should work like currently if you type "@": with every following character, possible continuations are displayed and to ease the input of the complete ID. If an ID is input, the complete ID and titel should be displayed as a link to the thread like Β§150537 EN-Teams account to collect/view/comment issues (bugs and wishes)? This is exactly my problem with the forum to be used as an issue tracker: There are too many users who do not care for overview. If a Teams account based issue tracker is maintained by people like your and some others who know what's to do, this cannot go out of control (Remember: only some Writers and many consumers) Great - I think many of us have (for several needs) such standard answers. But it's your personal work and your personal list. Wouldn't be fine to have this list available for and maintained also by others? Such a list might be available as a notebook "FAQ" in our issue tracker containing i.e. notes like "Β§17 Open note in new window" Hey - Tags are already invented πŸ˜‰ Yep - would do it the same way. But would honor any idea to help me. So I keep hoping for an answer sooner or later... OK, the idea of a user-driven issue tracker might be born because of the non-existing official Support this time. If the newly formed Support team will offer a similar system there is really no need for a user-driven support.
  14. Sorry - that's a vague generalisation. I for example would like to live with grand-parents and children. Am I No-one? πŸ˜‰ EOT @all-here?
  15. Fine. It withdraws a statement in offical Blog that says "... will stop working" - which means (in my eyes) also "... stop searching local data" or simply "... stop starting" Yep - but simply exiting does not need a re-login later. Translation of username to numerical userID to locate local data is stored anywhere (in Registry?). If Evernote.exe has an internal time-bomb that fires on 23.03.24 - Puh - this date was a long term decision. Build (309348) has been built in December 2021 and signed on 14.12.21... Finally agree 😐
  16. No - in my case such thoughts are only to widen my knowledge. Maybe I can use is elsewhere... πŸ˜‰
  17. THX again - this is why I love these groups πŸ™‚
  18. Airplane mode is not a good solution. You take all your apps to the airplane. Can firewall rules encapsulate only specific apps to airplane mode? Yep - nothing of real benefit to work with... Best solution as a backup source for any reason might be to have a read-only sync. But I think EN will not do this πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  19. I think - no. We do not know any keys to change online settings (like server name or any other related switches). But it's a good idea πŸ˜‰ @all: Is any Windows/networking crack here who knows how to cut an application off from internet while Windows itself (and all other apps) keeps beeing online? I just made a quick test: I exited Legacy, went offline, started Legacy - No problem (as assumed πŸ˜‰). Exporting notebooks and any other operation are OK. I tried this with EN10: Start was OK - but exporting one or more notes that contain attachments is impossible. EN10 needs an internet connection - WHY? Data (note content and attachment) is available πŸ€”
  20. Along with working here in the groups, reading much Bla-Bla and struggling with links to already know issues (where and how can I find them?, ...), I suggest the following: EN itself should drive a Teams account to extend our forum groups We users and EN itself should collect issues that come up and|or are already listed in groups like Evernote for Windows Issues (Versions 10.0 and above) and others This might have many advantages: EN-Teams members (users) can use all features of EN to find, comment and manage issues This will easy (and later replace?) work with many forum groups EN is able to comment ... to annouce things like "in work", "fixed in", "on hold because...", "never", ... EN itself proves that its own product is capable of being used in this way ... and how easy this is... Prerequisites EN has to settle up a "paid" EN-Teams account should not be a problemπŸ˜‰ EN staff people will be Administrators of the account (more than on possible) How could daily work be set up? Administrators set up Spaces (collections of notebooks to be managed globally) Administrators create Notebooks within Spaces Administrators invite users to become team members Write-enabled users ("Writers") can add notes (issues), comments (note content) and tags They are content-creators Read-only users ("Readers") may do exactly this... They are content-consumers Who will get Writer? In a first step all Level 3..5 and Expert forum users ... if they are willing to help because it will take some time to collect already known issues πŸ˜‰ Who will get Reader? Forum users with at least Level 2 All other newbees can be handled like ever by forum users What should be written? Every small incident should become a new note with short but meaningful title If would be fine to assign a unique incident number (in front of the title) Problem/wish description Solution (if available later) Some (well defined) tags shall help to categorize the issues Do I see any difficuties? Yes - of course ... πŸ€” Tags cannot be ordered hierarchicalle in Teams accounts. This is not a big problem if tags are well defined and will be used according to clear rules because you can limit your work to not-so-many tags... Might be one of the first Issues in such a system πŸ˜‰ It cannot be disallowed to add new tags In such a big Teams user community it would be helpful limit tag usage to avoid wild grouth. ... the next Issue in such a system Discussions are not easy to handle Whereas a forum adds every new post to the end of a thread, a note can be edited elsewhere... Can be an advantage if all Writes use the same rules to manage tag content (by using a Template?) Administration of users is not easy for huge groups You cannot give "all forum user" access to the account because every each user has to be added and invited. But this might be automated on server site (EN) ... something like the procedure to enter closed Facebook groups: forum user clicks a button to "Request access to issue tracker", Administrator gets involved an has to click "OK, Reader", "OK, Write" or ignore it. EN10 should be enabled to work with two account in parallel OK - it's wish of mine since months - but might be worked around if by using the WEB app only to access the issue tracker 😁 I'd like to get some comments on this idea - not only from users. It would a nice to get an offical statement from @Federico Simionato. THX
  21. Me too 😞 Even that I run (309348) Public (CE Build ce-62.6.10954) - the last Legacy client I've seen so far on Windows. It shows "0% HTTP request failed, code: 403, error: Forbidden" in activity log since yesterday. And not only while trying to sync. If I try to simply connect to an other account the login box tells me "Connection impossible - try again later" (my words - I'm on a German system πŸ˜‰) Interesting: This is true only on my (important) working PC. An other one works well so far... @EN-Admins: Is it a temporary problem and will be fixed or did you really cut down these clients immediately after announcing 4 weeks to die?
  22. Again this is BS. ... Yep - was a reply to PEs last sentence and should emphasize exactly that πŸ˜‰ - sorry.
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