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Austin G

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Everything posted by Austin G

  1. Hi @Bob Withers. Thanks for this report. Please allow me to provide some additional context. Evernote for Windows 6.8 release included several necessary updates to the app. These updates caused some the existing features in our client to no longer work, including some of the spell check features. Given the available workarounds, the decision was made to release 6.8 without all of the old spell check features. Please know we're still investigating ways to bring back all of the old spell check features in a future version. I will post an update here once I have more information on that. The existing .dic file in is no longer used. The new dictionary file is now stored in this filepath: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\CEF\User Data\Dictionaries. Because of this change, words that were added to the .dic file on earlier versions will be flagged as misspelled after updating to 6.8. Currently, the only workaround is to add them back to the new dictionary file from right-click menu. I recognize this isn't a great user experience, and I apologize for that. As @CalS mentioned, there is now a separate issue on 6.9.7 where words added to this new dictionary file are not retained. We're working on fixing that now, and I'll also post updates on the status of that issue here. Until new words can be added to the new dictionary file, I recommend reinstalling Evernote for Windows version 6.7.5. Version 6.7.5 will read the old user.dic file instead of the new one. You can reinstall 6.7.5 using these steps: If Evernote is running, select File > Exit from the menu bar to exit the Evernote app Click the 'Start' button to open your Start menu Go to **Control Panel > Uninstall a program** Select Evernote, then click **Uninstall** Restart your computer Exit Internet Explorer and Outlook (if installed & open) Download and install (as an administrator) Evernote for Windows from http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.7.5.5825.exe Open Evernote and log in to your Evernote account Thanks again for the post. I'll follow up with additional updates ASAP.
  2. Update: color emoji support within the note body is scheduled to be included in Evernote for Windows Desktop version 6.8. The rendering of these emojis may still be black and white, or boxes in the note title or left panel. I'll update here again once it's fully implemented.
  3. If you right-click the note, and select "Save attachments" does the image save to the PC? Can you export the note, and DM the .enex?
  4. To view the notebook count, place the cursor over the collapse/expand symbol to the left of the notebook section in the left panel. Same for tags.
  5. @jyodak Try these steps to get the chats to display on Evernote for Windows Desktop. Exit Evernote (File > Exit) Navigate to C:\Users\[your_username]\Evernote Delete the folder entitled "MessageView folder" within the folder "Evernote" Reopen Evernote
  6. @hcchen5600 Thanks for reporting this. Do you happen to recall when this issue started? On this same machine, are you able to access your account on Evernote Web: https://www.evernote.com/Home.action using your PC's Internet Explorer browser. Evernote uses Internet Explorer for background sync services even if you use a different browser Let me know if you see errors when trying to get to https://www.evernote.com/Home.action using IE.
  7. @alexltaylor11@bsu.edu Thanks for the report. Were these notes in a table? Please select File>Exit, and reopen Evernote. The content should return to the correct alignment until you mouse over it again. Until a fix is released, please try these steps as a work-around: Right-click the note from your note list select Copy to Notebook.., and open the new note copy Select Edit>Select All from the File Menu Select Edit>Simplify formatting This will retain the text and tables, but it will strip away other formatting. E.G. Table colors, font colors, etc. If the formatting that is lost is important to the table, use these steps to fix this: Select File>Exit and reopen Evernote Right-click the issue note from your note list Select Copy to Notebook.., and open the new note copy Select Edit>Select All from the File Menu Select Edit>Cut Select Edit>Paste Do you happen to recall how and when this content was created? I.E. Did you create the content within Evernote, or copy/paste it from another source? Which device/source? Thanks for reporting this issue. Let me know if the steps above do not fix it or if the notes were not inside a table.
  8. @gazumped I'm happy to help. The tags are preserved using the steps above. @MartianMambo Thanks for the confirmation!
  9. Hi @MartianMambo. You can export each notebook as a separate .enex from the old .exb using these steps: 1. Rename your old Database (.exb) file to "OLDDB.exb" (to differentiate it) 2. Sign out of Evernote: File > Sign out 3. Select: Evernote > Options> Open Database folder 4. Drag and drop the OLDDB.exb file into the database folder. 5. Close database folder window 6. Select: Ctrl+Shift+E while viewing the login screen. 7. Select "OLDDB" This will create a new folder on your Desktop that contains a separate .enex file for each notebook (that has notes) within the account. After you log in you have two import options: Double click the .enex. This will import the notes into your account's default notebook. Select: File > Import > Evernote Export Files, and select the .enex file. The notes will import into a new notebook.
  10. This sounds like an issue we had with a previous version. Can you select Help>Check for updates to update to our latest release (6.2). Let me know if you're already there. Thanks.
  11. @danhash I've created a follow-up ticket # 1737381 to review this further.
  12. To confirm, the best place to post feature requests is here. Most other issues are best submitted by ticket. Since the behavior you're experiencing is expected, a post here to request a change was ultimately correct. Thanks for your feedback and insight.
  13. @zergut This fix did not get implemented into the beta. It should be in the general release coming soon. Thanks for your patience.
  14. Good news. This is scheduled to be fixed with the final Evernote for Windows version 6.1. The update should be coming soon.
  15. This issue has been reported, and the Dev team is aware. I'm going to merge this with an existing thread posted in Windows Desktop Product Help.
  16. Thanks for reporting this. The Dev team has been notified. I do not currently have an ETA on a fix. I will update here when I have something to share.
  17. Thanks for the update. Try these steps to help fix this. 1. Open Evernote for Windows 2. Once open click on **Tools** in the menu bar of the application. 3. From there hold down the CTRL key and hover over to **Help** and you will see the Help menu has been expanded. 4. Choose **Fix All Notes** and then go back and choose **Optimize Database**. 5. Restart your computer and then go back into Evernote Let us know if that helps.
  18. Hi. If you haven't already please try reinstalling Evernote. If the issue continues after reinstalling, can you tell what action(s) trigger the freeze. E.G. search, new note, adding a tag etc.
  19. Hi. This does not sound like expected behavior. Can you select: Help>Check for Updates, and confirm if this issue occurs with version 6.0.6?
  20. @JMichaelTX I do not have the specific details on the change, but I believe it was to differentiate from the Edit>Delete option. It was also changed to Note>Expunge when viewed from the trash.
  21. When viewing a note in a separate window the Note>Move to Trash option is not currently listed with 5.9.9 or any of the V6 betas. As @michael.freidgeim mentioned, there have been recent changes with these options. I need to confirm if the removal of the Note>Move to Trash option was by design or not. @EFG, I have converted your post into a support ticket and will follow up with you via email. I will update here when I something to share.
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