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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. My experience on the Windows desktop version is that you can just click the ticked box again and the tick disappears. I don't use V10 on IOS so I can't comment directly.
  2. On the desktop clients at least you need to have added something to the search box in order for it to be defined as a "search" and hence able to be saved as a "saved search". You can then filter the search results if you need to. If you start from all notes and simply filter using the filter menu you do not get the option to save the filter. To give an example with tags, if I search for the RKanalysis tag using the search syntax I can save the search. If I simply filter by clicking the tag in the sidebar or by using the filter menu I get the same results but do not have the option of saving the search because EN does not think it is a search. The workaround is to search for * before filtering. No option to save as I've just filtered all notes: Search for * and then filter and I have the option to save: I totally agree that we need search syntax for tasks!
  3. Not quite as simple as it sounds as you cannot save filters. You do need to search first and then filter. If you want to filter all notes the best option is to search for * and then filter.
  4. Well spotted! This used to be the case with the edit tags menu - you could search and move through the tags with the keyboard but not select. It is ironic that they have fixed this in 10.15 and then broken the same funtionaility in the move menu.
  5. I don't believe so. The work around is to create a note as you want it and then either set it up as a template or use it as your own informal template and just copy or duplicate it to create a new note.
  6. You can still use the filter menu but as you can't save filters you would need to do it each time which is a pain. On the other hand single tags can be easily found or added to the shortcuts menu.
  7. Searching and filtering are now very different. If your search is at all complex you are stuck with the unacceptable delay of search. If it's a simple search for one tag you can filter on that tag either by clicking the tag in the sidebar or using the filter menu. For me this is updated instantaneously.
  8. It was raised in the beta so I hope it is on the list of things to do.
  9. I suppose you could argue that a code block is plain text! If you attach a plain text file you get an inline view rather than it being copied into the note as in previous versions. You can not edit it in EN and EN can not change it's formatting. Double clicking the file takes you to whatever app is associated with that file type, just like any other attachment. You can then edit it and it automatically saves back into EN. I guess the nice thing is that you can see and search it in EN but create and edit it in your preferred editor.
  10. If you have a new note containing no tags you can add tags to it by either clicking at the bottom of the note and adding tags in the tag area or bring up the edit tags menu As I said before "edit tags" is not a good name as it implies you must already have tags in the note that need editing. I have thousands of tags but they are in a complex hierarchy which means I can easily browse or search for them. I would certainly not have "recipes old" and "old recipes" because they would sit next to each other in the hierarchy and I would have spotted my error. I also have groups of tags starting with the same special character to quickly bring them up ($current, $critical etc). To reiterate, I have no argument with there being an option to search for characters within the tag from the tag area but please make it an option because it would make life more difficult for some of us.
  11. Personally I'm more disciplined in my tag naming but I do see your point. "Edit tag" is not a good name for this menu. You can add tags when there are no tags as well as iedit existing tags. Simply create the note and then bring up the menu.
  12. I personally don't want my list of tags cluttered up with tags that don't start with what I typed. If I type "age" I'm not interested in "sausage".No objection to it being an option of course. In the mean time the edit tags menu does give you a "true" search: It's not my favourite menu and definitely needs work: Option of a simple list rather than showing the tags in the hierarchy Ability to select a tag with the keyboard (you can move through them with the arrow keys) Cancelling the search string once a tag has been selected.
  13. I'm surprised that you feel you can't look at the search criteria. The search criteria seems perfectly clear to me. The only slightly strange thing is that some search syntax is converted to blue lozenges. As you can see from the screenshot below, if there is no conversion possible the search syntax is retained in the search field.
  14. It wasn't perfect for me. For a simple web page with no complications I agree that the old system worked well. However as web pages become more and more complex I find that the conversion from html to EN format caused lots of problems. I do hope that in the future they come come up with a way to at least be able to highlight the content or even add annotations as pop up boxes.
  15. Given that justified text is not an option in the edit menu drop down but only as a keyboard shortcut I wouldn't be that surprised if the option to justify text is not just quietly dropped.
  16. Where I am searching for stuff I've just added it is normally some "meta" tag like "action" and the filter works well in this situation
  17. If you paste them into a numbered list you get numbers as well. You can then drag the items around to whatever order you like and it will automatically renumber.
  18. It's worth noting that there is now an unhelpful difference between "filtering" and "searching". I don't know whether you are using the term "search" generically or specifically because you added information to the search box or used a saved search. As an example I just added a tag to a note. Filtering by clicking on the tag in the sidebar or using the filter menu immediately brought up the newly tagged note. Searching (using tag:tag_name) has still not found the note a few minutes after adding the tag. I assume this is because "searching" is done on the server and requires the note to be indexed while filtering is done in a different way, possibly even locally. Filtering: vs searching:
  19. Interesting. On windows it tells me that the search name already exists and won't let me overwrite it. Although I've recommended this workaround in the past it doesn't always work for me especially if adding an additional filter from the filter menu.
  20. You don't say what syatem you are using. If you are using one of the desktop versions can you confirm that the back button (left arrow at the top of the sidebar) or equivalent keyboard shortcut (alt + left-arrow on windows) are not workibng for you. I've always found the go back behaviour of EN im both the legacy and V10 a bit unrelaiable. For example it sometimes goes back to the previous view but to the top note in that view rather than the one you were on.
  21. If you look in the keyboard shortcuts (ctrl + / (on Windows)) or help -> keyboard shortcuts you should find the shortcut for insert code block (ctrl + shift + L on Windows). If you highlight the text and then press the shortcut it formats the text as code. Should be the same for Mac but I obviously can't guarantee that.
  22. If I select two notes, one containing tags and the other with no tags selected. I can then bring up the edit tags menu using the keyboard shortcut, the right click menu or the blue multislect menu. .TestTag is in the first note but not in the second note so it appears as a dash Clicking on the dash changes it to a tick, the tag appears above the search bar and it is assigned to both notes: Clicking it again removes it from both notes
  23. OK I understand now. The basic functionaility is still there but you cannot hide unassigned tags as you say and selected tags are hidden within the hierarchy. I agree that it is not as easy as it should be. I like the cycle between a dash and a tick when the tag goes from being assigned to one note to all the selected notes.
  24. I understand now what you meant by dragging a new note or document. I can repeat the behaviour you described.
  25. There isn't a way. How did you copy tags from one note to another in the legacy version using this method? I don't seem to be able to figure it out.
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